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主题 : 让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES'
wenwendywen 离线
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楼主  发表于: 2007-06-29   

让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES'

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Getting Your Child from 'No' to 'YES, without nagging, bribing, or threatening

Ierry Wyckoff, Ph.D. and Barbara C. Unell   Authors of Discipline without shouting or spanking
[ 此贴被wenwendywen在12-09-2009 14:45重新编辑 ]







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Troublemaker 威望 +5 2007-06-29 优秀文章
wenwendywen 离线
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沙发  发表于: 2007-06-29   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
很实用。具体要10大方面, 65个具体问题。大家感兴趣,我有时间就贴。
[ 此贴被wenwendywen在08-11-2007 17:48重新编辑 ]
wenwendywen 离线
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板凳  发表于: 2007-06-29   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
Section 1                 Going Places  (The way is long-let us go together. The way is difficult-let us help each other. The way is joyful-let us share it. The way is ours alone-let us go in love.) (Joyce Hunter)

Chapter One

"It's time to go now."  "No! I don't wanna go now!"

“现在我们要离开了”  “不,我现在不想走!’

1.  Giving direction, say, "It's going to be time to go in five minutes. let's start picking thing up now."         

Pleasantly reminding your child of the departure routine lets her finish her activites and prepare for the change that's about to take place.



2. use empathy, Say, "I understand that you don't want to leave now., but sometimes we have to do things we don't like."

Putting yourself in your child's shoes validates her feelings and helps elicit her cooperation. It also lets you keep your goals in mind: staying on schedule and teaching her to cope with disappointment.



3. Play a gmae, Say, " I'm going to count to ten. Let's see if you can get your jacket on before I get there. Ready? One, two...."

Defuse a potentially explosive situation by playing a fun-loving game. This will shift your child's focus from resistance to competition and get her moving in the direction you want. If your child doesn't finish by the count of then, say, "I'm sorry you didn't make it in time. I'll help you put your coat on now,. When we get home, we'll practice playing the game. Then you'll be able to do what I ask by the time I finish counting."

游戏法,可以说,“我要从一数到十了,看看你能不能在我数到十之前穿好外套。准备好了吗?开始,1, 2。。。”



4. Use a positive consequence. Say, "Getting ready to go when it's time means that we can come back soon."

This tells your child that her cooperations is the key to gtting to do what she wants in the future, an important first step in teaching her to delay gratification and tolerate temporary frustration.

憧憬美好未来发,可以说, “到时间了我们就要离开,这样,以后我们还可以再来(玩)。”

[ 此贴被wenwendywen在06-29-2007 02:43重新编辑 ]
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水做的鱼 威望 +3 2007-06-29 支持
wenwendywen 离线
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地板  发表于: 2007-06-29   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..


arthur 离线
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地下室  发表于: 2007-06-29   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
清心 离线
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5楼  发表于: 2007-06-29   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
太感兴趣了!俺家老大就是凡事都说NO 的主,软的,硬的,哄骗,吓唬,奖励,棒打。。。。。。啥招都用过,奏是不好使,正愁得头痛呢,及时雨啊      
Wen Wen 离线
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6楼  发表于: 2007-06-29   


Troublemaker 离线
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7楼  发表于: 2007-06-29   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
我以前的老板买断普渡大学儿童发展中心出版的《GROWING CHILD》的中文月刊发行的版权, 并把它翻译成了中文。现在在美国和台湾都有出售, 书名翻译成了《教子有方》。这套书的理念非常合理,非常人性化,也给家长提供了很多的REDIRECT和适时,适度,适宜地对孩子进行启发式教育的范本,我个人从中受益匪浅。

WENWENDYWEN介绍的文章也非常及时,上面这些都是千锤百炼,行之有效的一些办法和理念, 绝大多数情况下会有帮助, 但是,孩子是各个不同的, 有些小孩在一定的情形下,不管什么办法都是无效的。你们可能想不到,我会试着慢慢给大家介绍。
iceberg 离线
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8楼  发表于: 2007-06-29   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
wenwendywen 离线
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9楼  发表于: 2007-07-01   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
Chapter two

"Please get in the car."  "No! I don't wanna get in the car!"

1. Giving choices, Say, " You can choose to get in the car and have fun, or you can get in the car and be miserable. You decide."

Helping him see the situation as his choice teachs him that he can decide how he wants to feel and helps him practice coping with things he doesn't like.

给出选择,可以说, “你可以选择开开心心地坐上车,也可以选择可怜的很不情愿地坐上车,你自己决定”。


2. Make a deal, Say, " When you're in your car seat and buckled up, then we can play your favorite songs and sing along. That's a hapy thing to do in the car."

Using Grandma's Rule teaches your child that he can have control and follow directions at the same time. When he cooperates, he gets to do enjoyable thing.

3. Ask Qestions, Say, "I understand that you don't want to get in the car, but i don't know why, can you tell me?"

Asking your child to tell you why he's refusing to cooperate gives hime a chance to describe a problem you may not be aware of, such as not being able to see out the window or having an upset tummy. It also tells him that you care about his opinions and that you''re glad he's willing to express them. When you discover the problem, you can address it instaead of fucusing on his diobedience.

4. Be positive, Say, "I know you don't want to get in the car, but i need to get to work and you need to go to daycare. When your;re in and buckled up, you can play with the special toys we keep in the car."

Help your child understand that some requesests are nonegotiable, but the tasks can still be fun. Special toys and gooks in the car provide positive incentives for him to cooperate.

Chapter Three

"Please sit in your car seat."  "NO! I don't wanna sit in my car seat!"

1. Aske questions, Say, "What don't you like about sitting in your car seat?"

Asking your child to tell you her reasons for refusing to sit in her car seat validates her feelings and teaches her to be empathetic. You may discover that she likes to see out the woindow but the car seat sits too low for her to do so, or that her car-seat buckle pinches her when you turn corners. You can correct these problems so she rides more comfortably.

2. Remind her about the rule. Say, "Sitting in your car seat is the rule. The car can move only when you follow the car-seat rule."

Putting the rule in charge places you and your child on the same team, thereby reducing the chance that your child will fight with you and reinforcing the important lesson that rules govern our lives.

3. Use praise, Say, "Thank you for getting in your car seat so nicely. I appreciate your cooperation."

Praising your child's behavior teaches her that cooperation results in positive attention, something that motivates us all.

4. Make a deal. Say, "When you sit in your car seat, we'll play the musice you like."\

The example of Grandma's Rule shows her that cooperation will generate cpositive consequences for everyone involved.

Chapter Four

"Please get out of the car now."  "NO! I don't wanna get out of the car!"

1. Giving choices, Say, "Do you want to get of the car by yourself or do you want me to help you out? you decide."

Giving your child choices lets him pratice making decisions and gives him a sense of power and control, two important motivators.

2. Make a deal, say, "When you ge out of the car, we can get our shopping done and get baack home so you can play."

Showing your child the long-term benefits of his decision can motivate him to endure the short-term frustration. In addition, this strtegy teaches your child to respect the win-win methodl of decision making.

3. Use incentive, Say. "you're such a good helper when we're in the store. Let's get out of the car so you can help me shop. "

Giving your child immediate incentives to do what you've asked can motivate him to cooperate. Telling him that your values his help increases his desire to follow your lead.

4. Invite feedback, SAy "Help me understand why you don't wan tto get out of the car. if htere's a problem, i'd like to help fix it.'

Asking your child for feedback tells him that the situation isn't a crisis and that you care about his feelings-two good reson for him to trust you. He may frea strangers or riding in the grocery cart. or he may owrry about walking on the prking lot's hot asphalt.

Chapter Five

"Let's get in the elevator (or on the escalator)."    "NO! I don't wann get in the elevator!"

1. Offer solutions, Say, "I understantd that you don't wan tto ride the elevator. We can take the stairs and maybe try the elevator next time."

Showing empathy for your child's feelings will help her feel safe in your presence, which will help bolster her confidence for future excursions, Suggestion possible solutions gives her proactive ways of handling the fear.

2. Be positive, Say, "I know the elevaor was scary before, but you're much braver and stronger now. I think you can handle it, if you want."

Validating your child's strength will help her feel your support and will encourage her to overcome her fears.

3. Make it fun, SAy, "I'll hold you in my arms while we're in the elevator, so you'll feel safe. I like the feeling in my tummy when the elevator goes up and down. It's kind of exacting."

Helping your child lable her fear as exactment lets her accept and even enjoy the feelings she feared before, as she reframes her experinence.

4. Show her othe roption, Say, "Using the staires will be good exercise for us until you feel okay about using the escalator. maybe next time we can try the escalator and see how fast we can get to the top."

Showing the child othe roptions prevents her from feeling trapped. Doing so also teacher her to weigh the costs and benefits of each option, which is good practice in decision making.
wenwendywen 离线
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10楼  发表于: 2007-07-01   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..

水做的鱼 离线
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11楼  发表于: 2007-07-01   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
水做的鱼 离线
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12楼  发表于: 2007-07-01   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
wenwendywen 离线
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13楼  发表于: 2007-07-05   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..

I 'll try my best when I get time....
wenwendywen 离线
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14楼  发表于: 2007-07-05   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
Helpful ways to motivate children

Children’s natural empathy needs a loving, nurturing environment in which to emerge and thrive. Therefore, parents need to become empathetic, teaching parents who work with their child to follow the rules they’ve established. Children learn to care for others by being cared for themselves, and they learn to respect others by being respected themselves. Parents can build their child’s trust by helping him learn to make decisions, follow the rules, and accept the consequences of his choices. The positive techniques described below will help parents model patience and self-control as they deal with the daily challenges of motivating their child from no to yes.

Empathize. Show your child that you empathize with his concerns. This validates him and tells him that you respect his opinions, which in turn motivates him to cooperate as part of your team. If you repeatedly scold, find fault, complain, blame, label, and guilt-trip your child, he’ll tune you out and learn to use these hurtful tactics to other people.


Make a deal using Grandma’s Rule. Grandma’s Rule says, “When you’ve done what I’ve asked you to do, then you’re free to do what you want to do.” This peaceful solution to parent-child conflicts teaches your child the value of meeting his responsibilities before doing what he wants. It gives him practice in delaying gratification and tolerating frustration. It helps him develop the internal motivation to get his work done before enjoying his fun. The ultimate benefit of Grandma’s Rule is teaching your child the win-win, team approach to meeting everyone’s agenda.

      Bribery, on the other hand, tells your child, “if you do what I ask, then I’ll give you a special prize.” It teaches him to hold out for a tangible payoff before cooperating. Once he learns that his cooperation can be bought and sold on the open market, his motivation remains external and totally dependent on the size of the payoff he can receive.


相反,贿赂是告诉你的孩子,“如果你照我要求的去做,我就会给你特别的奖励。” 这是教会他一个实在的奖品支撑他到合作。一旦他意识到他的合作是可以公然买卖,他的驱动力是外在的,而且是完全与他所要得到的奖励大小相关。

Teach by giving choices. When you give your child choices, he practices his decision-making skills. For example, you might say, “You can play nicely with your sister, or you can play by yourself. You choose.” This motivates him to play nicely with his sister in order to remain in her company (something he dearly wants to do).

          On the other hand, intimidating your child by threatening to punish him when he doesn’t listen tells him that he has no choice in the matter. Because he hasn’t been given any say in what happens, his anger, resentment, and reluctance to cooperate will increase—the opposite of what you want. Threats lead to fear, and fear motivated your child to escape or rebel rather than cooperate.

      Threats also put you in a difficult position. If your child doesn’t comply, you’re forced to follow through with a punishment that damages your child and your relationship with him; if you don’t follow through, your credibility is destroyed. When your child discovers that your threat was empty, he’ll no longer believe that you mean what you say. He’ll replace his fear of punishment with a fear that nothing is as it seems. It’s best to avoid these consequences by avoiding threats



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水做的鱼 威望 +3 2007-07-05 加油
水做的鱼 离线
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15楼  发表于: 2007-07-05   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
小妈咪 离线
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16楼  发表于: 2007-07-05   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
一手臭牌 离线
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17楼  发表于: 2007-07-05   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
wenwendywen 离线
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18楼  发表于: 2007-07-06   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
Cleanup Routines  日常的整洁清理

32. “Please clean up your toys.”                “No! I don’t wanna clean up!”

请收拾好你的玩具。           不,我不想收拾!

Helpful Hints      * Encourage your child’s cleanup habit by establishing a simple rule: Before getting out another toy, you must put away the one you’re playing with.

× 有用的小策略:  *建立简单的规则来鼓励孩子的整洁清理习惯:在玩另外的玩具前,必须收拾好正在玩的玩具!

Make it easy for your child to pick up his things so he’ll be more inclined to follow the rule. Fox example, set up low-level shelves and bins for easy storage.


Include your child in family cleanup routines so he can learn by watching and doing.

Consider limiting the number of toys available to your child by dividing his toys into four groups and putting away all but one group. At the end of the week, put away that group and get another one out for the next week.

1)  Don’t nag. Don’t say, “How many times do I have to tell you to pick up your clothes?”

No one wants to be around a nag. Nagging only teaches your child to tune you out and to use nagging to motivate others. It doesn’t teach him to value neatness or show him how to accomplish it.



Instead, remind him about the rule. Say, “Remember, the rule says you can get out another toy when you’ve put away the one you’re finished with.”

取而代之的是提醒他规则, 说,“记住,我们的规则是,当你要玩新的玩具时,你必须收拾好正在玩的玩具。

Gently reminding your child of the rule teaches him much more than cooperation: It teaches him that organization and order are important. In addition, when you set rules to encourage your child to cooperate, you give him practice in how the world works. Following rules is common: obeying traffic lights, paying for what you buy, and so on. It’s never too early to begin practicing.


2)  Don’t threaten. Don’t say, “If you don’t put away your toys, I’ll just throw them in the trash.”

Telling your child that you’ll throw away his toys if he doesn’t comply means you’ll have to follow through if he calls your bluff-a costly consequence for both of you. Plus, it wont’ teach him how to pick up after himself.

不要威胁,不要说, ”如果你不收拾玩具。我就把它们丢进垃圾堆。“


Instead, make it a game. Say, “Let’s set the timer and see if we can finish cleaning up before it rings.”


Using a timer puts it—not you—in control. Working together reinforces the values of teamwork and gives you the opportunity to praise your child’s effort.


3) Don’t label. Don’t say, “No wonder you can’t pick up after yourself. You’re a slob just like your mother.”

Avoid hurtful words. They’re never worth the pain they cause, and they only serve to create more conflict. In addition, labeling your child a slob may become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

不要(给孩子)定性, 不要说,“难怪你玩完后不收拾,你就象你妈妈一样得懒散。” 避免使用伤害的言语。它们的效果远远弥补不了它所造成得伤害,它们只会制造更多的从突。而且,给孩子定性,孩子可能自己真的实现你的预言。

Instead, empathize. Say, “I know it’s hard to clean up when you want to keep playing. I understand how you feel.”

If you’re a little “cleaning challenged” yourself, admitting this flaw to  your child will show empathy for his situation and will help you work together to tackle the job.



4) Don’t bribe. Don’t say, “If you clean up, I’ll buy you some more toys.”

Bribing your child doesn’t teach him the skill you want him to learn, and it doesn’t help him develop a healthy attitude toward organization and tidiness. Instead, it teaches him that his cooperation is for sale, and he an hold out for the highest price.



Instead, make a deal. Say, “When we get all your toys picked up and put away, then we can play a game together.”

Use Grandma’s Rule to teach your child that meeting your agenda helps him meet his agenda.


[ 此贴被wenwendywen在07-06-2007 19:21重新编辑 ]
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水做的鱼 威望 +3 2007-07-06 优秀文章
wenwendywen 离线
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19楼  发表于: 2007-07-06   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..



我拼音差,常常找不到我想要敲打的字。。。 好慢。。。着急。

大家不要着急,我争取一周 1-2 个问题的上。。。

我先找些适合中国国情的先翻, 象前面的‘记安全带’什么的,以后在翻。。
[ 此贴被wenwendywen在08-11-2007 17:50重新编辑 ]

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