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主题 : 注意:号称纯天然的植物染发剂其实有毒!
lotus520 离线
级别: 团长
楼主  发表于: 2013-08-20   


        “号称可以吃的植物染发剂,其主要成分为海娜粉。海娜粉提取自植物海娜,毒理学研究表明,其提取物有致突变作用,有安全隐患。 z9AX8k(B6  
{|zQ .s A  
        专家提醒:海娜可能致孕妇流产。欧盟早已声明,海娜对骨髓有毒性,不宜作染发剂,也不适于其他任何化妆品http://t.itc.cn/mVuQW钱晚” aFrZ ;_  







goubuli88 离线
级别: 团长
沙发  发表于: 2013-08-21   
茶杯 离线
级别: 军区司令员
板凳  发表于: 2013-08-21   
对啊,刚才在微博上看到了,很困惑啊,原以为找到一个安全的,结果说很不安全,我在网上搜了一下,也没搜到欧盟的声明。 这里只说国内的专家,国内的专家我也还真信不着。 ]ao%9:P;  
茶杯 离线
级别: 军区司令员
地板  发表于: 2013-08-21   
查了一下美国的FDA 数据库,只发现对黑汉那,也就是说参了化学药品的汉娜的警告。据FDA说,汉娜是FDA批准的可以做染发用,没有批准做短期纹身用。 其次,PPD不可以用在身上。 下面是其中的一封信,警告一家公司在出售汉娜做纹身用,而且掺PPD。 z6Yx )qBE<  
Black Henna Ink, Inc. 14-Aug-06 #J c)v0_  
Department of Health and Human Services' logoDepartment of Health and Human Services 3)py|W%X $  
Public Health Service Ba|76OBRJ  
Food and Drug Administration N^tH&\G\m  
     2`/p V0  
555 Winderley Place, Ste. 200 nR$Q~`  
Maitland, FL 32751 L)Ru]X`  
Telephone: (407) 475-4700 =g^JJpS  
FAX: (407) 475-4769 lLeN`{?  
|S VL%agZ  
{{ 4S gb  
FLA-06-32 4ze4{a^  
August 14, 2006 Wp$'#HhB  
T .L>PL ?=  
Mr. Ronald I. Wells yB^_dE  
Black Henna Ink, Inc. )eSD5hOI)  
9861 West Sample Road #196 Z0%Qy+%  
Coral Springs, FL 33065 /3v`2=b  
m3K .\3  
Dear Mr. Wells: UzmD2A sO"  
y 4jelg  
This letter concerns your firm's sale and distribution of your product "Super Black Henna Powder" (also referred to on your Internet web site, www.blackhennausa.com, as "Black Henna Tattoo Powder"). According to statements on your website, your product is sold for use as a temporary tattoo; that is, it is intended to temporarily color the skin in a decorative fashion. This product meets the definition of a cosmetic in section 201(i) of the Act because it is intended to be applied to the human body for "cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance." This product is in serious violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act). You can find the Act and regulations on the FDA website at www.fda.gov. S A16Ng  
Your product is adulterated under section 601(e) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 361(e)], in that it is a cosmetic and it bears or contains a color additive that is unsafe within the meaning of section 721(a) of the Act [21 U.S.C. 379e]. Recently, FDA collected a sample of your product. FDA analysis found the product contains approximately 28% of the color additive p-phenylenediamine (PPD). A color additive is deemed to be unsafe within the meaning of section 721(a unless there is in effect, and the additive and its use are in conformity with, a regulation listing the color additive for such use. There is no regulation listing the color additive p-phenyenediamine as safe for use in coloring the skin. 7j  L.\O  
IOOAaa @(  
We request that you take prompt action to correct these violations. Failure to properly correct these violations may result in enforcement action without further notice. The Act provides far the seizure of illegal products and injunctions against the manufacturer and/or distributor of illegal products. W[tX%B  
Please notify this office in writing within fifteen (15) working days of the receipt of this letter as to the specific steps you have taken to correct the stated violations, including an explanation of each step being taken to identify violations and make corrections to ensure that similar violations will not recur. Include any documentation necessary to show that correction has been achieved. If the corrective action cannot be completed within 15 working days, state the reason for the delay and the time frame within which the corrections will be implemented. gkDlh {  
$5/lU }To  
Your reply should be sent to the attention of Shari H. Shambaugh, Compliance Officer, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 555 Winderley Place, Suite 200, Maitland, Florida 32751. G^Yg[*bJ^$  
Sincerely, )y}W=Q>T  
/s/ ];o[Yn'>o  
Emma R. Singleton h wfKgsm  
Director, Florida District |;_uN q9  
茶杯 离线
级别: 军区司令员
地下室  发表于: 2013-08-21   
FDA数据库里还有一个对汉娜过敏的报告。 这个报告里列举了几个因为用汉娜纹身产生比较严重后果的案例, 但是其中一句,考虑到汉娜在美容界的广泛应用,这种情况是非常少见的。其中最严重的一个,说是原因不明。这里没说用的汉娜是纯汉娜还是掺了PPD的。而且也不是用来染头发。 _*O^|QbM  
FDA Poisonous Plant Database fc #zhp5bX  
Print  Share  E-mail 80M"`6  
FDA HomeFDA Poisonous Plant Database eD4o8[s  
- 2Y@:Vgg  
AUTHOR(S): Nigam, P. K.; Saxena, A. K. >f$ >Odqe  
TITLE: Allergic contact dermatitis from henna. }Q L 2#R  
YEAR: 1988 CITATION: Contact Dermatitis, 18(4), 55-56 [English] ( o_lH2  
FDA #: F06878 uxd5XS  
ABSTRACT: Henna (Lawsonia inermis, family Lythraceae) is a shrub cultivated in North America, India and Sri Lanka. It is used not only as a hair colorant but also traditionally in marriages, for making beautiful floral designs on the hands and feet of the bridegroom and other major participants (1). The cosmetic industry uses henna leaves for the preparation of hair dyes and as a component of a variety of shampoos, conditioners, and other products that do not alter the color of the hair (1). Henna paint is used as a medicament for the treatment of some diseases of the hands and feet, especially mycoses. The active ingredient is lawsone, a naphthoquinone (2 hydroxy l,4 naphthoquinone). Henna may be used singly or in combination with other materials such as paraphenylenediamine, lemon juice or beet juice, which produce more intense coloration as well as reducing the time of fixation (1). Reactions to henna may occur within a few hours of topical application in the form of angioneurotic oedema of the face, lips, pharynx, larynx and bronchi, progressing to acute renal failure and ultimately death due to renal tubular necrosis. The cause of this toxicity is unknown. Systemic administration of the dye mix may cause similar effects (2). Cronin (3) reported immediate type hypersensitivity to henna. A patient with asthma following exposure to henna has been reported (4). Starr et al. (5) described a Type I asthmatic response to henna dust following occupational exposure in 2 beauticians. Abnormal pigmentation of the nails due to henna may also occur (6). Gupta et al. (7) reported a case of acute vesicular bullous eruption on the hands after application of henna. Case Report A 19 year old male developed acute swelling, oedema, itching and burning of his fourth toe within 2 h of application of a paste of fresh henna leaves ground in water, which was applied and tied with a cotton bandage for the relief of pain. He had sustained a blunt injury on the toe the previous day. There was no abrasion, erythema or oedema over the toe prior to the application of the henna paste. He was patch tested with the henna leaf paste as well as commercial henna, both of which showed a + + positive reaction. He was treated with antihistamines and a topical steroid. The symptoms subsided within 3 days. Although contact sensitivity to henna is well known, the incidence appears to be rare, considering its wide cosmetic usage. References 1. Natow A J. Henna. Cutis 1986: 37: 21. 2. Nater J P, De Groot A C, Liem D H. Unwanted effects of cosmetics and drugs used in dermatology, 2nd edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier science Publishers, 1985. 3. Cronin E. Immediate type hypersensitivity to henna. Contact Dermatitis 1979: 5. 198. 4. Pepys J, Hutchcroft B J, Breslin A B. Asthma due to inhaled chemical agents, persulphate salts and henna in hairdressers. Clin Allerg 1976: 6: 399. 5. Starr J C, Yunginger J, Brashser G W. Immediate type I asthmatic response to henna following occupational exposure in hairdressers. Ann Allergy 1982: 48: 98. 6. Daniel C R, Osment L S. Nail pigmentation abnormalities; their importance and proper examination. Cutis 1982: 2: 348. 7. Gupta B N, Mathur A K, Agarwal C, Singh A. Contact sensitivity to henna. Contact Dermatitis 1986: 15: 303. 75LIQ!G|=  
GRIN #: 21699 Exit Disclaimer O:Fnxp5@  
COMMON NAME: henna 1c} %_Z/  
FAMILY: Lythraceae  !Z'x h +  
LATIN NAME: Lawsonia intermis .*s1d)\:  
STANDARD PLANT NAME: Lawsonia inermis L.
[ 此帖被茶杯在08-22-2013 07:47重新编辑 ]
茶杯 离线
级别: 军区司令员
5楼  发表于: 2013-08-21   
这里讲的是所谓的黑汉娜从来就不是汉娜,而且绝对不安全。黑汉娜通常掺了各种染色剂,容易导致过敏反应。 这里例举了几种常见的添加剂,纯正的汉娜只有橙色,红色,永远不会有黑色,绿色,兰色,加了靛兰才会变成棕色和黑色。 HG2i^y  
"Black henna" is NEVER 100% pure henna,   W_NQi  
and is often NOT SAFE! ef\Pu\'U  
NJG-~ w  
go here for full story ]wg+zOJu]+  
Do you want to use "Black Henna"? l  I&%^>  
Artists who use PPD based "Black Henna" put their health at risk. uFM]4v3  
w z-9+VN6  
Do you have a "Black Henna" tattoo that's starting to blister and itch? #:{Bd8PS  
You've been sensitized to PPD, para-phenylenediaime, and you MUST go to a doctor!   OTA@4~{C  
See: http://www.hennapage.com/henna/ppd/gotodoctor.html FnN@W^/z  
What is "Black Henna"? bJJB*$jW=  
 PK#; \Zw  
Henna is NOT black.  If someone offers you something called "Black Henna", it is NOT henna.   If someone has something that stains skin black, it is NOT henna.   The black dye is probably para-phenylenediamine, also known as PPD, and that can hurt you. fLj#+h-!  
PPD, or para-phenylenediamine is a snythetic coal tar dye, and causes severe reactions in some people. Want to see pictures of how miserable this is? `B+P$K<X  
See: http://www.hennapage.com/henna/ppd/ppdburngallery.html iV!o)WvG,F  
Sensitization to PPD is life-long and has ruined some people's health. See: http://www.hennapage.com/henna/ppd/wilson.html n&Q{ [E  
The International Chemical Safety Card for PPD gives a clear indication of how dangerous it can be and how utterly inappropriate it is for skin application. %t&n%dhJ  
If your "Black Henna" tattoo is starting to itch and blister GO TO A DOCTOR! NOW! 3;(6tWWLT  
See: http://www.hennapage.com/henna/ppd/gotodoctor.html +$KUy>  
How do you know if what you see is "PPD Black Henna"? 7q>WO  
PPD paste is jet black. };[~>Mzl  
Ask how long it takes to stain and how long it lasts. If the answers are "just an hour or two" and "a week or more", it's PPD. qEC -'sl<  
Ask what colour it will give. If the answer is "pure black", it's PPD. ^uzJu(  
Ask to see an ingredients list. If the artist can't supply one, or you don't like what you see, walk away. o +sb2:x  
PPD is not the only ingredient used to make black henna.  There are also other chemical dyes in use, but none of them stains as fast or as black, or lasts as long as PPD. Some of these dyes may be safe, some may not.  Ask to see an ingredient list.  If you're not comfortable with what you see, don't use it. !Pf_ he  
Don't do a skin test with PPD "black henna".  Your skin might not react to PPD the first time you use it. Since the reaction can take three weeks or more to show, or in some cases appears only after a second exposure, it is not safe to assume that a 24 hour skin test is going to tell you if you are sensitive.  It will only make you more likely to develop a sensitivity.  Just don't use it at all! <0OZ9?,dm  
58"Cn ||tF  
The International Chemical Safety Card recommends the wearing of protective gloves and protective clothing when handling PPD and warns "Exposure may result in death". Do you really want to put this stuff on your skin? Do so and you might find yourself in the same situation that Mandy or Thomas did. Or Brian, or Noelle, or Allan, or Michelle, or Sarah, or Alan, or Debra ...... I hate having to add names to this list. 5CZii=@  
sW[8f Z71  
However, I was very pleased to see one success story. If you follow this link, do read through all the follow-ups. It will give you some idea of the depth of feeling there is about this subject. `A8nAgbe  
More information about PPD is available. S}Wj+H;  
Pure Henna is SAFE.  Pure henna has been in use for thousands of years.  It's one of the safest things you can put on your skin, and reactions are very unusual. ;/$=!9^sZ  
Henna ONLY stains a color in the range of orange, red, brown, cinnamon, brick, chocolate or coffee. fcd\{1#u  
If you've never used henna before, you may want to do a skin test to be sure you're not allergic.  The allergy is called a "napthoquinone sensitivity".  If you put henna on your skin, and in 1 hour have itching, a tight chest, or wheezing, you have a napthoquinone sensitivity and you should not ever use henna. _&TA|Da  
]sBSLEie '  
"Colored Henna": v\>!J?  
Henna is NEVER blue, yellow, green, purple or black.  If a product stains skin those colors, it is NOT henna.  Those stains come from other dyes.  Ask what dyes those are.  If the supplier can't or won't tell you what dyes those are, and prove it, or you don't like the sound of what they tell you, don't put the stuff on your skin.  Smell the product.  If it smells scary, don't put it on your skin. /; ;_l2t  
Essential Oils: [A?Dx-R;(  
Artists often add essential oils such as Tea Tree, Eucalyptus,  Cajeput and others to henna paste to "terp" them, and make the stain quicker and darker. If these are from aromatherapy grade essential oils containing monoterpene alcohols, this is a safe and effective way to make henna very dark. Many of these give wonderful results, are fragrant and harmless.  Some may cause minor skin irritation.  See: http://www.hennapage.com/journal/issue_III/article_3/page1.html and http://www.mehandi.com/how/howmix/howmixi7.html  for complete details on safe and effective use of essential oils that have high levels of monoterpene alcohols. -lr)z= })  
Gasoline, Kerosene, Lighter Fluid: A;nrr1-0  
Some henna artists in India, Africa and Arabia use acetone, lighter fluid,  turpentine, gasoline and dry cleaning fluid in their henna mixes to get near black stains.  This is DANGEROUS!  If you smell these solvents in henna paste, do not put it on your skin.  If it's already on your skin, wash it off as quickly as you can. nUi 4!|r  
Camphor: l+BJh1^  
Some Indian henna artists use camphor, or white flower oil (which includes camphor) in their henna to make very dark stains.  Camphor may make both the artist and client nauseous, dizzy, intoxicated or very ill.  Do not put camphor or products that include camphor in henna paste. %xtTh]s  
Citrus Oils: 8RJXY:%  
Citrus oils can darken henna, but they can also leave itchy welts on the skin, or increase sun sensitivity. If henna paste smells like lemon peel or citronella, it may make you itchy. C~PrIM?  
Walnut powder:  -1Acprr  
Some people include walnut powder in their henna mix to help darken the stain. Earth Henna has walnut powder in their kit.  Many people are allergic to walnut and this may cause a rash on their skin.  If they are very sensitive, there is a risk of inducing anaphalactic shock!. Always ask clients if they have a nut allergy before applying walnut powder paste to their skin. Or play safe and leave it out of the mix. pi)7R:i  
ZUJ !  
Black Kattam: CV%AqJN  
This is not henna. However, it is dark brown dye which contains ingredients that may cause skin irritation. :<ye:P1s  
Black Rocks from the Nile and "Henna Stone": [5 Mt,skC:  
Someone, somewhere, in the supply chain in the Middle East is selling a solid form of industrial grade PPD and is lying about what it is.  There is no such thing as a black rock that will make henna black.  There is no such thing as a "henna stone".  These are lies told to gullible people by someone who wants to make a huge profit on PPD.  If it's black, stains quickly and stays black for more than 4-5 days, its PPD, and it can hurt you! HS3] 8nJW  
q:4 51C  
Can't find what you want here?  Try The Henna Page Main Index.
茶杯 离线
级别: 军区司令员
6楼  发表于: 2013-08-21   
在GOOGLE里搜 is henna safe, 出来的结果都是警告黑汉娜的,主要有两方面,黑汉娜用于纹身极度不安全, 另一方面黑汉娜染发容易导致过敏, 也不安全。 _=9o:F  
茶杯 离线
级别: 军区司令员
7楼  发表于: 2013-08-21   
用汉娜染发的姐妹们也帮我找找这方面的资讯吧,我这心里头不踏实啊--------尤其是欧洲的姐妹们,欧盟的声明通常发在哪里呀? 用啥语言啊?我只懂英文啊---------
maggie 离线
级别: 论坛版主
8楼  发表于: 2013-08-21   
谢谢楼主还有茶杯的分享。 tFLdBv!=:^  
Ei!5Q ya>  
我对国内的这个新闻,还是抱有怀疑态度的。 <Z%iP {  
如果天然海娜不适合作化妆品,那么印度人几千年都这么用,好像没有什么影响。 a nK7j2  
我在上海的发型师,倒是对这个持怀疑态度。他 说天然的东西染发几天就会洗掉退色,除非化学成分能打开毛鳞片,也就是它还是有化学成分的。??? \a]JH\T)Q  
找找感觉 离线
级别: 军长
9楼  发表于: 2013-08-21   
云久久 离线
级别: 营长
10楼  发表于: 2013-08-21   
水做的鱼 离线
级别: 论坛版主

11楼  发表于: 2013-08-21   
我搜了pubmed,国内是叫“生物医学”检索吧。快速浏览了一下。 JjarMJr| D  
具体文献不说了,我的结论跟大家分享如下:henna染发比较常见的不良反应是皮肤过敏,对于有先天性贫血的人来说最好不用,对地中海贫血的人来说是禁用。染发使用不添加改良的需要长时间才能着色的henna更安全。 k.nq,  
由于人的特异质差异,虽不敢说用henna染发绝对安全,但对于大多数已经使用过的人来说,如果没有过敏等不好的反应,应该是可以继续使用的。首次使用前,可以在小面积的皮肤上试一试有没有过敏反应。 +*"u(7AV  
水做的鱼 离线
级别: 论坛版主

12楼  发表于: 2013-08-21   
引用第8楼maggie于08-21-2013 08:44发表的  : * SH5p  
我在上海的发型师,倒是对这个持怀疑态度。他 说天然的东西染发几天就会洗掉退色,除非化学成分能打开毛鳞片,也就是它还是有化学成分的。??? WW33ZJ  
....... vR$[#`X  
L{H` t{ A  
茶杯 离线
级别: 军区司令员
13楼  发表于: 2013-08-22   
回 11楼(水做的鱼) 的帖子
谢谢鱼姐,你查出来的和我在美国FDA数据库里搜索出来的是一致的。 HENNA不建议用于五岁以下小孩儿,用HENNA最常见的不良反应就是过敏。 所以在FDA的过敏报告里说,因为这么大量的人用,只有不到十例报告过敏,可以说这种过敏的不良反应应该算是很罕见的。 ?wzE+ p-  
所有FDA警告和案例都是来自于用HENNA做非永久性纹身。 其中大部分是因为用的是掺加了PPD的HENNA. x6Q,$B  
+"1@ 6,M  
用掺了PPD的汉娜染发也非常容易导致过敏,是因为PPD是非常容易让人过敏也是对人体非常有害的一种化学物质。 *x[ZN\$`Y  
yhzC 9nTH  
MAGGIE,我们用汉娜染发的时候都是用柠檬汁或者白醋活的,这个酸的东西会让毛磷片打开的。 $#R@x.=  
我现在放心了。除非有人拿出欧盟的声明出来,并提供详细的论文来证实,我认为HENNA是非常安全的。 ?.1yNO* s  
感觉是有人在黑汉娜---嘿嘿, 驾不住国内有鱼姐,美国有GOOGLE, 一切的造谣污蔑都无法混淆视听! :) eXo 7_#  
Fc{M N"  
不过敏的同学放心用吧,没事儿! $yG>=G N  
maggie 离线
级别: 论坛版主
14楼  发表于: 2013-08-22   
伍胥之 离线
级别: 军区司令员

15楼  发表于: 2013-08-23   
你们说的海娜是这个小时候小姑娘们染指甲用的凤仙花吗?山东多数地方叫指甲桃子。 Ja4j7 d1:  

茶杯 离线
级别: 军区司令员
16楼  发表于: 2013-08-23   
回 15楼(伍胥之) 的帖子
有点象,但是应该不是吧? 我有一个贴子上贴了图片的。 汉娜是用叶子的,不是花。这个染指甲的用的是花吧。 h/s8".\  
你去我那个贴子看看,是同一种东西吗?我看了看,好象不是呀。 b)(si/]\  
http://bachinese.com/forum/read.php?tid=43345 <>shx;g^C  
小白兔 离线
级别: 论坛版主

17楼  发表于: 2013-08-23   
伍胥之 离线
级别: 军区司令员

18楼  发表于: 2013-08-24   
Re:回 15楼(伍胥之) 的帖子
引用第16楼茶杯于08-23-2013 09:30发表的 回 15楼(伍胥之) 的帖子 : ^!7|B3`  
有点象,但是应该不是吧? 我有一个贴子上贴了图片的。 汉娜是用叶子的,不是花。这个染指甲的用的是花吧。 uB;PaZ G?{  
lP A:ho/`:  
你去我那个贴子看看,是同一种东西吗?我看了看,好象不是呀。 '>Uip+'  
http://bachinese.com/forum/read.php?tid=43345 j&l2n2z  
....... )Im3';qt  
rd ]dD G  
原来这个才是真正的Henna: H=@S+4_bK  
散沫花(Lawsonia inermis) - (VX+XHW  
&`B Tw1u  
所属类群:千屈菜科(Lythraceae),散沫花属(Lawsonia)。 9xRor<  
所在位置:第52卷第2册,111页。 1#V&'A  
中文别名:干甲树、手甲木、指甲花、指甲木、指甲叶。 rodr@  
无毛大灌木,高可达6米;小枝略呈4棱形。叶交互对生,薄革质,椭圆形或椭圆状披针形,长1.5-5厘米,宽1-2厘米,顶端短尖,基部楔形或渐狭成叶柄,侧脉5对,纤细,在两面微凸起。花序长可达40厘米;花极香,白色或玫瑰红色至朱红色,直径约6毫米,盛开时达8-10毫米;花萼长2-5毫米,4深裂,裂片阔卵状三角形;花瓣4,略长于萼裂,边缘内卷,有齿;雄蕊通常8,花丝丝状,长为花萼裂片的2倍;子房近球形,花柱丝状,略长于雄蕊,柱头钻状。蒴果扁球形,直径6-7毫米,通常有4条凹痕;种子多数,肥厚,三角状尖塔形。花期6-10月,果期12月。 mNQ*YCq.  
广东、广西、云南、福建、江苏、浙江等省区有栽培。可能原产于东非和东南亚。 g E$@:j  
花极香,除栽于庭园供观赏外,其叶可作红色染料,花可提取香油和浸取香膏,用于化妆品,阿拉伯人有用其树皮治黄疽病及精神病。 AcIw; c:  
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