级别: 师长
UID: 9615
发帖: 1430
财富: 49461 湾区元
威望: 9735 点
支持度: 3 点
好评度: 6 点
在线时间: 384(时)
注册时间: 2008-02-07
最后登录: 2019-06-10
ZT: 父母给17岁孩子的十点建议
ZT: 父母给17岁孩子的十点建议http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/50355/201304/13523.html最近,家里家外都是多事,一打开新闻,满眼禽流感,原子弹,马拉松爆炸事件。。。
昨晚俺和老公陪他去学校参加College Fair。只见有足球场大的活动厅里,人头攒动,令人想起久违的中国集市,排成长龙的桌子后面,站着衣冠楚楚的美国各大学代表,指手画脚地讲说,人群中穿梭着紧张亢奋的家长学生。。。看着比爸爸还高大的儿子,俺心里突然像打翻了五味瓶,既高兴,又担心。高兴的是,他终于长大成人,变得勤奋懂事了。担心的是,他翅膀还不够硬,万一放出去~~~
回去琢磨半天,俺总结出十条建议,送给了孩子。老大看完,会心一笑,说:Mom,thank you very much!
(Many thanks to Dr. Decentdreamer,who contributed many insights, beautiful pictures and music. Wish him and his daughter the best of luck in college searching! )
Ten Pieces of Advice for My Kids
1. Love God, yourself and others -----Love is the bread of life, you have to plant and grow the seeds first. 2. Respect your parents' and wise men's advice-----For they have walked the path and know where the potholes are. 3. Be eager to learn throughout life and work hard-----Knowledge is brick, the more you get, the bigger your house becomes. 4. Set up and achieve your goals as early as possible----Before turning the car key, don't you want to know where you are going? 5. Be independent and responsible----No matter how hard it is, you have to finish the race yourself. No one can run this life for you. 6. Keep fit and pay attention to your health---- A healthy body empowers you.
7. Reach out and serve as many as you can----The world is a better place to live when we help each other. 8. Be honest and sincere with people---The happiest person is the one who stays true to him(her)self. 9.Spend time with your family and keep your friends close-----These are pearls of your life, treasure them always.
10. Above all, even in the worst of time, never lose hope-----A rainbow only appears after a severe thunderstorm. No matter how dark the night is, the Sun rises.