I am thankful for the wife who says, "Hot dogs for supper!" G 2%
Because she is home with me, not someone else. do:QH.q8)
I am thankful for the husband who is on the sofa being a couch potato )"(V*Z
Because he is home with me and not out at the bars. GB&Nt{
I am thankful for the teenager who is complaining about doing dishes X'V+^u@W
Because she is at home and not out on the streets. )u39}dpeu
I am thankful for the taxes I pay {l0,T0
Because it means I am employed. 5TXg;v#Z
I am thankful for the mess to clean after a party
Because it means I have been surrounded by friends. -W|*fKN`3
I am thankful for the clothes that fit a little too snug 98ca[.ui
Because it means I have enough to eat. Z|2Eb*
I am thankful for my shadow that watches me work 0s860Kn
Because it means I am out in the sunshine. 'R^iKNPs
I am thankful for a lawn to mow, windows to clean and gutters to fix !(kX~S
Because it means I have a home. 3C277nx
I am thankful for the complaining I hear about the government 9 '2=
Because it means we have freedom of speech. 5a=nF9/
I am thankful for the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot jA4PDH f+
Because it means I am able to walk and I have been blessed with transportation. kRmj"9oA
I am thankful for my huge heating bill xK$}QZ)
Because it means I am warm. wn
I am thankful for the pile of laundry and ironing
Because it means I have clothes to wear. +?qf`p.{
I am thankful for weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day e{,!|LhpQ
Because it means I have been able to work. sW;7m[o
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I am thankful for the alarm that rings early in the morning hours }Q/G
Because it means I am alive.