The Two Sides of A Hand Fan
作者:冰花 英译:陈良、非马、徐英才、东海仙子、牛津才子
By Binghua, English Translation by Liang Chen, William Marr, Yingcai Xu, East Sea Fairy and Oxford Genius
编者按:上一期 《诗梦枫桦》刊登了冰花在第31届世界诗人大会夺魁作品《双面扇》和刘明孚的英译,得到读者的好评。其后冰花又提供五个方家英译版本。现再将这些方家的翻译刊出,供读者欣赏。
一面是春 一面是秋
你是那春 我是那秋
English Translation by Liang Chen
Spring on one side, Fall on the other
You are the former, I'm the latter
Spring and Fall
Divided barely by a sheet of paper
However, are a world asunder
Spring and Fall
Despite alike in temperature
Belong not at all
To the same season ever
【译者简介】陈良,曾长期在半导体和芯片行业从事研发和管理工作,现经营科技咨询公司。译者是海外几个诗社成员,在网络平台上使用 hpfclxc 笔名发表诗作,有诗集《荒村野耕集》供读者免费下载。除了30多年的科技和商务英文写作经验外,译者还兼译科技文献和诗词。
English Translationby William Marr
One side is spring
the other autumn
you are the spring
I the autumn
the spring and the autumn
on opposite sides of a paper
or the distance
between the corners of the world
spring and autumn
with temperatures alike
yet never belong
to the same season
English Translation by Yingcai Xu
One side is spring, the other autumn
You are that spring, me that autumn
Spring and autumn
A separation only a paper-thickness apart
Yet feels as if in different world corners
Spring and autumn
Often not much difference in temperature
Yet never belong
To the same season
English Translation by East Sea Fairy
Spring on one face, autumn on the other
You’re the spring, I the autumn
Spring and autumn on opposite faces of one paper
However on the opposite poles of the earth
Spring and autumn
Have the same temperatures, often
But never belong
to the same season
English Translation by Oxford Genius
One side is spring
And the other autumn
You’re the spring
And I’m the autumn
The spring and the autumn
There is a sheet of paper in between
But they are poles apart
The spring and the autumn
They usually might share the same temperature
But they never belong to
The same season