引用第13楼六六于01-03-2007 20:11发表的“”: [XttT
I don't agree with your views on this part. The process of life is like the sea: men come and go; tides rise and fall. Don't say to give up while you are in the low spirit. [ r
Now I realize that any marriage will be always meeting its affair just like in the movie there are cars always crashing into each other.Coz we are human being,not a machine,we have difficulty in controlling our life as it can be.Even a machine needs maintaining constantly. ~!=Am:-wr
^VW]Qr! #RbdQH ! Not quite sure which part you don't agree upon. What I see from the current
:W6'G@ p situation Diver's friend stands may have a rooted cause, and I have the doubt that
&xA>(|a\&- the roots might have been implanted when the first time they went on different roads
l(Dr@LB~ and said good-bye to each other. It might be their types, it might be that they
L9XfR$7,z couldn't get along with the other's family, it might be they did not really love each other
(E7"GJ so much as they thought. As to few years later, they chose to continue and finally got
:Cp_ married, they did not really put every effort to narrow the difference, or they could not
R !yh0y}Z do too much to narrow the difference.
EIfqRRTA zliMG=6 I totally agree that one should be patient and should cherish the past and appreciate
W?"l6s the one who has been devoted himself or herself to you and the family, no one can
/q}(KJX be perfect, and he or she deserves your waiting for the full bloom of the love flower.
P&=YLL<W This distinguishes the success and failure of the marriage. Nevertheless, the devotion
D+BiclJ should be recognized by your loved one, if you are devoting in the wrong way, or
HDTA`h?t; your devotion never gets appreciated, who's fault is it? Identified the problem and
w]nt_xj correct it in the right way is the key. Love can be said with heart or without heart,
3Gr"YG{, only your loved one can tell and feel. If one has done his/her best but still gets the
}a#T\6rY opposite result, it's the word "type" that really rips into them.