这首歌的原型取自苏联1959年电影《渴》(Жажда)的插曲《两道河岸》(Два берега)。王洛宾的编创最初成于上世纪50年代,但是未能发表。80年代解禁后,王又对其进行了重新加工。1993年,词、谱发表于歌本《纯情的梦———王洛宾自选作品集》。 本是抬头可见、触手可及,无奈“一江水”阻断了一切。来自世俗偏见、来自心理距离还是一厢情愿?
风雨带走黑夜 青草滴露水
When storm goes away with the dark night, green grass drips with morning dews.
大家一起来称赞 生活多么美
Together we sing life’s praises – how wonderful it ought to be.
我的生活和希望 总是相违背
But what I live through and what I hope for, always run in parallel.
我和你是河两岸 永隔一江水
Like the banks of the brook, with a river in between.
波浪追逐波浪 寒鸭一对对
Waves upon waves of ducks chasing in shivering cold.
姑娘人人有伙伴 谁和我相偎
When all the girls have companions and no one comes to my side.
等待,等待,再等待, 心儿已等碎
I wait, I wait, I wait, till my heart breaks.
我和你是河两岸 永隔一江水
We are the banks of the river, with a stream of water in between.
我的生活和希望 总是相违背
With my life and hope running always side by side.
我和你是河两岸 永隔一江水
Like the two banks that shall not meet for the water in between,
黑夜过去到黎明 像飞鸟呻吟
When dark night goes and the dawn comes, I still, like the lonely bird, sigh.
我没有另外的人 只等你来临
I don’t have the other one, except you are the only one.
等待等待再等待 我心儿已等碎
I wait, I wait, I wait, while my heart breaks.
我和你是河两岸 永隔一江水
We are the two banks of the river, always with the river in between.
我的生活和希望 总是相违背
In parallel my life and my hope do run.
我和你是河两岸 永隔一江水
Like the two banks of a river, always with that river in between.