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卡拉 03-26-2007 18:27





但是,在美国,博士后只是高技术人才找不到固定职位的时候才做的。一般人拿到博士学位以后,再做三五年的博士后,然后就要找正式的工作,从 Assistant Prof.(助理教授)开始,直到教授。而男主人公来美十五年以后,仍然在继续做他的博士后。而且他已经快50岁了。

也许是他知道我的想法。他说,在美国,找一个固定的职位很难。除非你真的非常出色,在Science,Nature,Cell等世界顶尖杂志上发表了文章,或者你的研究工作真的很有新意。否则作为一个华人,找一个Assistant Prof.(助理教授)的职位,谈何容易。

我问他有没有回国发展的打算。他苦笑:“现在回不去了”。接着他给我分析了一下当前的情况。他已经50了,回国后最多干10,60就得退休。更重要的是,现在回国内,他也找不到合适的工作。即使想回原单位都不行。因为很多年轻人已经顶上来,占据了职位。到一流大学,人家现在不要。去这样的大学,也必须有影响因子10以上的文章若干篇才可以。要么你是美国的Assistant Prof.(助理教授)。而去一般的大学,收入,工作条件等肯定不如美国。而且目前他的儿子已经在美国上大学。一家人都已经适应了这儿的生活。




爱摩尔 03-26-2007 18:52
[s:97]  [s:94]

冰水 03-26-2007 19:32
总而言之,在外留学不易。但是随着国内经济的发展,归国的人越来越多。如果在海外不能更高地提高自己,不仅在国外找不到职位,你也回不了国了。 [s:91]  [s:91]  [s:91]

水做的鱼 03-27-2007 16:07
正常,而且是好事。说明在哪里都不好“混”,过去把出国当作“镀金”,现在,镀的人多了,就不得不比含金量了。 [s:93]

Ling1984 03-27-2007 16:29
To my opinion, if one has been going abroad for a few years and has been in the middle age, it would be
better to stay, earn and save money in the foreign country.  Going back to hometown China is only to
retire and definitely not to work like a dog again.  What I mean to retire is to keep the life simple and
pleasant, do what you want to do.  Work for fun, not for money.  If you lower your expectation, you will
not put too much pressure on yourself.  It's not good for one in the middle age say 50 to be as aggresive
as the young people at their 20+.  To me, when I reach 50, I will just travel all over the world and then
teach for free, and being volenteer to whereever needs me.

qishuang1984 03-27-2007 16:45
引用第4楼Ling1984于03-27-2007 16:29发表的  :
To my opinion, if one has been going abroad for a few years and has been in the middle age, it would be
better to stay, earn and save money in the foreign country.  Going back to hometown China is only to
retire and definitely not to work like a dog again.  What I mean to retire is to keep the life simple and
pleasant, do what you want to do.  Work for fun, not for money.   If you lower your expectation, you will
not put too much pressure on yourself.  It's not good for one in the middle age say 50 to be as aggresive

volunteer  在国外是不是很多呢

Ling1984 03-27-2007 16:55
引用第5楼qishuang1984于03-27-2007 16:45发表的  :

volunteer  在国外是不是很多呢

Yes, especially at schools.  No matter young or old people, they love to contribute their
time to be volunteers.  It's just part of the culture.  I think more and more people in China will
be willing to do volunteered work year after year.  See Moonpie is a good example.  She has
started to take the lead.

茶杯 03-28-2007 17:08
人家四十岁就不惑了, 五十就该知天命啦, 他怎么比人家晚十年呀? 来了十八年了,还做博士后的,在我的朋友中是不多见的. 估计不是很努力的那种. 不是我觉得在美国容易,而是我相信如果努力就一定有回报的. 因为在哪儿都不能"混",都要干才行. 五十岁还在做博士后,是他自己的选择.

我姐夫是78年考上大学的, 来美国的经历是差不多的,我姐姐也是, 都是三十多岁才出的国. 英语基础都不怎么样. 那时候奖学金很少的, 他们都要去餐馆打工, 不但要维持一家三口的生活,还要省出钱来给双方的父母和兄弟姐妹. 姐夫先是读博,然后做博士后,在IT好的时候,很多人改行了, 去学IT, 我姐夫执意不肯放弃自己的专业, 一心搞研究,很辛苦,也挣不到几个钱, 一做就是五六年, 后来终于在他专业相关的公司里做上DIRECTOR, 工资翻了若干倍. 他做博士后的期间,姐姐先是补习英语,学习计算机绘图(那时在国内搞设计还都是手工), 三年内考上了工程师. ......我想姐夫做博士后的时候其实也可以就一直混着的,反正我姐的工资不低. 但是他选择了不停的努力.....一孔之见一孔之见.

maggie 03-28-2007 17:45
哈哈,俺们这不就回来了,虽然俺们是海龟,但不是啥人才。其实,在哪里都需要努力付出的。 [s:93]

echozhang 04-02-2007 18:29
引用第4楼Ling1984于03-27-2007 16:29发表的  :
To my opinion, if one has been going abroad for a few years and has been in the middle age, it would be
better to stay, earn and save money in the foreign country.  Going back to hometown China is only to
retire and definitely not to work like a dog again.  What I mean to retire is to keep the life simple and
pleasant, do what you want to do.  Work for fun, not for money.   If you lower your expectation, you will
not put too much pressure on yourself.  It's not good for one in the middle age say 50 to be as aggresive


fanfan 07-26-2007 01:43
引用第4楼Ling1984于03-27-2007 16:29发表的  :
To my opinion, if one has been going abroad for a few years and has been in the middle age, it would be
better to stay, earn and save money in the foreign country.  Going back to hometown China is only to
retire and definitely not to work like a dog again.  What I mean to retire is to keep the life simple and
pleasant, do what you want to do.  Work for fun, not for money.   If you lower your expectation, you will
not put too much pressure on yourself.  It's not good for one in the middle age say 50 to be as aggresive

  What I mean to retire is to keep the life simple and

My version:

What I mean to retire is to keep the life simply and pleasurably.

卡拉 07-26-2007 08:20
引用第10楼fanfan于07-26-2007 01:43发表的  :

My version:

What I mean to retire is to keep the life simply and pleasurably.



Ling1984 07-26-2007 15:29
引用第10楼fanfan于07-26-2007 01:43发表的  :

 My version:

What I mean to retire is to keep the life simply and pleasurably.


Fan Fan,  your version will not get to any problem if you put it this way  ->

What I mean to retire is to simply keep the life and pleasurably keep the life.

However, there is huge difference between simply keep the life and keep the life simple.

Simply keep the life 中文意译为 只要活下去
Keep the life simple  中文意译为 保有简单生活

关于英文  卡总是翘楚!

卡拉 07-26-2007 15:55
What I mean to retire is to keep the life simple and pleasant,

The adjectives "simple" and "pleasant"  are, grammatically, object complements.

形容词"simple" and "pleasant" 是宾语“life"的补足语,使得意思更加完整。

My version:

What I mean to retire is to keep the life simply and pleasurably.

"simply and pleasantly" are adverbs.

副词"simply and pleasantly"是状语,表示动作的状态,对动作进行修饰。


Ling1984 07-26-2007 16:02
引用第13楼卡拉于07-26-2007 15:55发表的  :
What I mean to retire is to keep the life simple and pleasant,

The adjectives "simple" and "pleasant"  are, grammatically, object complements.

形容词"simple" and "pleasant" 是宾语“life"的补足语,使得意思更加完整。

No doubt, you rule!

六六 07-26-2007 16:39






Oriental Pearl 07-26-2007 16:47
我在香港的朋友大部分都是从国外回来的,在香港的大学任职,作ASSCOCIATE PROFESSOR 的居多。 都是40 多岁, 在美国,加拿大,澳洲等地读了博士学位后回来的 (不知有没有国外的工作经历)。有几个已经拿到Tenure了。物理专业的多,还有经济,生物方面的。 还有一个几个月前才用从美国来的。


Oriental Pearl 07-26-2007 16:50

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