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冰花 10-25-2020 08:57

The Amorous Knot of June


The Amorous Knot of June

Closer and closer, the blue sky
Walks on white clouds into my heart

In June’s garden
Every night, new plants sprout
Every morning, new flowers bloom

June’s ocean
Is a dream to embrace the blue sky
Is a wing to heave splashes

A white sail glides to the distance
Lightly and evenly stretching out
The colors of the blue sky and the ocean

On the wind-touched riverbank
Two coconut palms stand hand in hand
But cannot tie the amorous knot

Author: Bing Hua ( Rose LU) Tr. Xu Yingcai

冰花 10-25-2020 08:58
The Hint Of June

by Bing Hua Rose Lu

The blue sky is touching me, touching
And entering in my heart with the white clouds

The garden in June
Has new buds sprouting every night
And new flowers blossoming every morn

The mighty main in June
That holds the dreams of the sky
Moves the dancing wings of foamy flowers

A ship sailing into the distance
Is softly blending the hues
Of the sky and the sea

Two coconut trees standing hand in hand
On the windfront shore
Unable to get the hint of June

By Rose Lu (Bing Hua) Tr. East Sea Fairy

Author: Bing Hua Rose Luhttps://www.ilovepoems.net/poem/the-hint-of-june-by-bing-hua-rose-lu/

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