邻居老头给雨霏开门。Hi, good morning, Mrs Wang.
雨霏,morning,Mr Gregory. How is Lydia? I made some chicken soup for her. My mum said it’struly working for bad cold.
她说着递过去鸡汤,but it’s better to have it when it’s still hot.
Mr Gregory: thanks, thank you so much. You know what? My mum also said chicken soup is really great for cold. That’s ancient secret!
老头接过鸡汤,真心的感激雨霏。让雨霏进屋。屋子里传来老太太的声音,is that Jasmine?
Ya it’s me, Lydia!
Lydia: Oh, my sweetheart, I believe this is contagious. You may not step in too closely.
Jasmine: It’s Okay. I have a very strong immune system.
Lydia: How is Jonathan?
Jasmine: Well, he enjoys school very much… and I’m so happy to see that he enjoys reading.
一脸“看吧,我说什么来着”的表情:I told you before. He is one of the cleverest boys I’ve ever met.
Jasmine: Thank you Lydia. Thank you for taking care of him when I work.
Lydia: oh, it’s no big deal. Lydia
看着雨霏,有些欲言又止, Jasmine,may I ask you a question? Uh… it may not be polite, but you know, we are fond of you.
Jasmine: Sure, no worries.
Lydia: I just wonder,
老太太的声音有些发抖,... uhmm… we have neverseen Mr Wang.
仍然不甘心:When will he come to UK? We just want to see what a gorgeous man can marry you.You must let us know when he comes, ok?
Jasmine: Okay! But frankly speaking, I don’t know when he will come, or even whether or not he will come.
的眼睛睁得大大的:oh, what’s happening, dear?
雨霏淡然的答道:He’s been living in somewhere that I may not touch but always belongs to me,and only to me.
竟然理解了好一会儿才明白过来,that’s in your heart, right?
雨霏闭上眼睛,诚恳的,发自内心的,点点头。是的,他一直住在那个地方,那里永远属于我,而且只属于我。 雨霏在日记里写下:成长,有时候太残酷。我付出的东西,便不懂怎么去收回。突然明白为什么有人愿意放弃未来的生命,只因过去太美好。放弃生命也并不可怕,只是,我仍有责任去照顾好孩子,仍愿抱着侥幸的心理活下去,以换来此生还能与你相遇的渺茫机会。所以,我要开心的健康的活着,这样才能有生命来等你。
哪怕要等到我老,等到我死,哪怕你会来,哪怕永远不会。但,此生无憾。[ 此帖被凌一在09-02-2011 05:13重新编辑 ]