消息源:多维 新闻
哥伦比亚大学的校长Lee Bollinger,国际关系学院的院长Lisa Anderson,教务长Alan Brinkley,校董Savio Tung和 Clyde Wu都被邀请出席该晚宴。
哥伦比亚大学中国学生学者联谊会9月10日给哥大的中国学生学者发出了一封公开信,抗议校长Lee Bollinger于9月11日(周六)为哥大校友杨澜颁发“杰出校友奖”,呼吁中国学生给被邀请出席该晚宴的学校领导及校董发出电子抗议信,以确保哥大和中国学生的名誉不受损害。这封署名为哥大中国学生会的公开信,是写给哥大校长Bolliger的。公开信对丧失了“诚信度”的杨澜是否有资格获得此殊荣表示“怀疑”和“关切”。
公开信中列出了数位学校领导的电话和电子邮件地址,包括校长Lee Bolliner,教务长Alan Brinkley,杨澜曾就读的国际关系学院的院长Lisa Anderson,和两位校董事会成员,Clyde Wu和 Savio Tung的电邮,并呼吁收到电子公开信的同学给他们发电子抗议信。
哥伦比亚大学的教务长Alan Brinkley告诉多维记者,他在9月10日(周五)的下午一下子收到了十几封内容相近的抗议信。他表示自己在周五之前,对“杨澜是谁”,“为什么得奖”一概不知,直到收到抗议信后,才意识到“颁奖一事存在争议”。他表示自己较早前收到过校方发出的关于给杨澜颁奖的晚宴邀请函,但他无法参加。他说,颁奖晚宴是正在学校举行的“哥大与中国”研讨会的一部分。他表示,如果校长问起,他会如实反映抗议信的内容。
-----Original Message-----
[email protected] [mailto:
[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 11:33 AM
To: Columbia University Chinese Students and Scholars Association:
Subject: [CUCSSA] Call for Action Against Dishonesty .Regarding SIPA
Award to Ms. Lan Yang
Dear Fellow Columbian:
As you might know, School of International and Public Affairs
(SIPA) & Asian Columbia Alumni Association will present Ms. Lan Yang
Columbia University Distinguished Award this Saturday. We have been
taught by Columbia to respect freedom of expression, honor individual
dignity, as well as to keep high standards of honesty. Now, with the
coming Columbia University Distinguished Award to Ms. Lan Yang, we
believe our university is doing wrong thing by endorsing cheating
activities and supporting dishonesty.
We are truly worried about the message that Columbia University is
delivering to the world by this award, especially to China. It is a
shame to all hard-working, diligent, honest Columbia Chinese that our
beloved University to honor Ms. Lan Yang this award, it is the
endorsement of dishonesty, which is contract to core values of Columbia;
it is ruining the reputation of Columbia by sending wrong message to the
world, especially to our home country, China.
As Columbia Chinese, we have the responsibility to protect the
reputation of Columbia and we have the right to condemn people who have
damaged the image of Columbia as well as the image of Columbia Chinese
as a whole. We are calling you to express your great concerns to
Columbia officials listed below and to voice your endorsement of the
honesty and dignity:
Among numerous stories reported about Ms. Lan Yang, she repeatly told
Chinese media and Chinese people that she was a trustee of Columbia
University, she refused the invitations to be an anchor woman from Big
Three TV networks in US, etc.. She publicly and forcefully defended her
husband's purchase of an online Doctoral Degree (not from any accredited
online institution) when people realized his Ph.D. is fake, etc.
Her dishonesty and deception were investigated by several independent
freelance columnists in the U.S., and were widely discussed, or rather
disdained, by the Chinese community in the popular China News Digest for
months. More than that, Ms. Yang never apologized for her dishonesty but
instead using all her power to defend those lies.
We were so ashamed about the ruin of Columbia reputation at that time
that CUCSSA finally stood up, issued a statement, condemning her
dishonesty on January 20, 2002. (It is still available online at
It's known to almost every educated Chinese in the U.S. and China that,
to her full credit, she's been a liar and cheater at the very least.
All records and evidence of these are still available online today at
many websites, just name a few:
http://cn.geocities.com/bit131911/BIT/jour/yanglan.txt http://www.peacehall.comews/gb/china/2002/...201090233.shtml CUCSSA working committee 2003-2004