I enjoy enormously your blog about your son, “Serendipity” (hope this is a close match to his Chinese name “偶得”as you intended). You are a writer of genius level, and everything you write becomes alive. He is so cute and smart. Do you have any video of him that we can watch, say on the Youtube website? I would love to watch. I think all of us, especially men, should spend more time with our children, and the entire world would be a better place.
I have two sons, Nigel and Max. Nigel, 21, is now in college, and I regret not spending much time with him when he was younger as I was busy with work and my own little trivial things. Now he does not want me around him anymore, ever since he turned 15 and half years old when he started driving a car himself.
Max is 12 years old, and I savor every minute when I am with him. For now I am his chauffeur, driving him every morning to school and everywhere he goes. I just wish he never turns to the driving age of 15.5 years old.