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主题 : 中国人和印度人的职场差异 (ZT)
jasmine 离线
级别: 论坛版主
楼主  发表于: 2007-12-04   

中国人和印度人的职场差异 (ZT)

發表於 2007-12-3 22:20  資料 短消息 

不少在美国工作过的中国人都注意到这样一个事实: 比起印度人而言, 中国人在美国职
场表现得太差. 第一代华人移民如果不是自己创业作老板, 在美国公司里做到初级经理
的都不多, 做到高级经理甚至executive一层的, 可以说是凤毛麟角(在加州也许有一些
? 不过我是从来没有见到过). 相比之下, 同样是第一代移民, 印度人初级经理随处可
见, executive,高级经理也为数不少, 甚至都有做到 Fortune50 CEO的(Pepsi). 在咨
询业更是如此, 麦肯锡公司印度partner, director, associate principle比比皆是,
华人做到AP的好像只有一个两个. 即使是创业, IT业界印度人掌握的公司也远远多过华
人. 考虑到到美国的中国人印度人都是各自国家的精英, 为什么在职场的表现差异如此

究其原因, 大概不出以下几个:

1, 语言不过关(50%)
东亚语言和欧洲语言差别太大, 彼此都非常难以掌握. 欧洲人会几国语言的很多(虽然
这些语言叫做方言可能更加合适一些), 但中国人不少人学了很久也很难达到英语流利
的程度. 教学方法不得当是一个因素, 但语言本身差别太大, 以至于成年人很难流利掌
握欧洲语言. 而印度精英阶层从小都以英语教学, 虽然口音颇重, 但不影响交流, 而对
语言微妙差别的掌握更是半路出家的中国人难以赶上的. 做纯技术工作也还凑合, 但对
于交流沟通能力至关重要的管理工作, 这个缺陷太致命了.

2, 不够抱团(20%)
华人本来就已经分成中港台互不来往, 再加上不抱团, 不互相提携, 在美国职场上单打
独斗, 肯定比不过互相提携的印度人. 一个公司如果来了一个印度经理, 2年后就会有
一拨印度手下; 一个中国人作了经理, 5年后手下也多半不会有中国人. 没有role
model,没有高层的sponsor, 本事再大也很难升得上去.

3, 自信心不够(10%)
印度人从不担心自信心暴棚这回事. 哪怕做出来的是piece of crap, 印度人也可以自
我坚信这是一朵花. 这种坚信往往可以影响到其它人的评价. 相比之下, 中国人常常不
够自信, 做的很好的东西, 也要谦虚一下, 加上语言不过关, 功劳就很轻易地被交流能
力更强的其他人抢走了. 而且信心也影响语言能力, 不自信, 说话就不够理直气壮, 更

4, 思维方式不同(10%)
这个因素比较微妙. 中国人处理问题的思路和西方人的似乎不太一样: 比较intuitive,
但不够结构化, 逻辑不够严密, 给别人的感觉就是jump to conclusion. 美国公司强
调逻辑: 如果逻辑正确, 那么结论也必然正确. 因此中国人的思路常常跟同事不太合拍
5, 其他(10%)
这些包括种族因素(印度人更加接近高加索人种) , 国家因素(中国是潜在敌国, 这个因
素越到高层越明显, 联想一收购Thinkpad, 绝大多数美国公司立刻停止继续采购TP作为
公司电脑, 美国人对整体中国的敌意可见一斑) , 历史因素等等. Ironically,中国背
景对于中国MBA倒是一个好消息, 不少美国公司都需要中国背景的MBA开展业务, 不过这
和中国人的个人能力毫无关系, 纯粹是因为中国变得强大了.
综合以上因素, 印度人在美国职场胜过中国人毫不奇怪. 而且这些因素每一样都异常棘
手, 大多数不是短期可以解决的. 我的感觉是: the battle is over, and we lost.
在少数民族争夺美国职场这场战斗中, 中国人已经输了.

回復    #2發表於 2007-12-4 12:27 
I almost 100% agree. Fluent English is the part of #1 issue. Sometime it is hard to understand Indians' english, but it is ok for americans, just like Chinese communicate in Mandarin with people from Hong Kong, etc. That is also the reason Indians can present themself in front of boss better than Chinese in English. Indians work together almost firmly, but Chineses are "singles" and everything they do is secret to each other. Chinese managers provide jobs to Chineses who can only listen but must not speak out his/her opinions, because managers consider themself are "#1s". That is defination of boss/manager in Chinese, but not the meaning of unification to success. FYI, I don't know how Indians offer salary to their men/women, but Chinese boss will give him/her the lowest amount for sure because they know he/she hardly finds another job without fluent english within a certain period. The trueth is that the majority Chinese will say goodbye to his/her Chinese boss after 3-5 years whence he/she has a chance to move on if they improve their english and working skills. That is the major reason of the Chinese company in U.S could not stay alive for months if not years, since king players will jump. You may also think about South Kareans and Japanese, they are 100% different with Chinese. Unification and hard working are South Kareans' and Japaneses' efforts and goals.

回復    #3發表於 2007-12-4 13:08 


回復    #4發表於 2007-12-4 14:26 
As of English, most of Chinese actually actually speaks better than Indians, less acsent.  However, Indians never appears to be ashamed of their ability of speaking, but a lot of Chinese does not believe their ability.  When Chinese speaks often too soft
too shy.  That can give bad impression.








很报歉, 我因为基本不用 “好友” 功能, 又不想引起误会, 所以把所有的 existing  好友都删了。 如果有事, 请短信我, 谢谢。
username 离线
级别: 军区司令员
地板  发表于: 2007-12-13   
引用第2楼wekey于12-12-2007 21:05发表的  :
This is a very interesting topic.
my personally experience is, I think, we Chinese loss to indians in English, which also make us not as confident as them when working together. For the rest of abilities, we beat them.

maybe not.  I think our Chinese is kind of boring.
wekey 离线
级别: 新兵蛋子
板凳  发表于: 2007-12-12   
This is a very interesting topic.
my personally experience is, I think, we Chinese loss to indians in English, which also make us not as confident as them when working together. For the rest of abilities, we beat them.
username 离线
级别: 军区司令员
沙发  发表于: 2007-12-06   
其实不想攻击印度人, 但是我在米国读书的时候, 我没看过有印度女孩在读书。  但是我有看过一堆华人女孩在读书。  因为这样和一些其它的原因, 我对印度人的印象比黑人的印象负面很多。

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