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主题 : 初试 HDTV 高清数字电视
一江春水 离线
级别: 班长
楼主  发表于: 2006-07-24   

初试 HDTV 高清数字电视

要搬家了, 我的 SONY WEGA 彩电才 27” 却有 150多磅重 ,搬起来太麻烦,正好想换LCD的。 于是上craigslist 发了个帖,200 块钱卖给了一个刚到湾区的老印。


做了几天的网上研究, 虽然网上有更便宜的,最终决定上 COSCO 买 台 VIZIO 32 寸LCD TV, 才 799+TAX 就搞定, 自带HDTV tuner, 才60磅,自己就能塞进车后尾箱运回家, 家里cable 还没通, 听网上论坛说可以用天线,所以就试开了, 用数字电视自动收台, 才收出 2 个台, 不甘心, 换了天线角度,糟了, 一个台都没了! 试了半天, 最后发现, 冲着西北方向, 可以收到 5 个数字台, 其中两个是搞清电视(HDTV)一个是 1080i, 一个是720p, 其余3 个是480i 非高清 , 高清的效果非常不错,哈哈,很满意。

接下来, 把我得 D600 笔记本的 VGA 接上去, 搞了双屏幕输出, 然后把网上下的搞清 AVI 电影 放了出来, 哇塞! 从没见过这般效果!!!
国内的压缩连续剧放出来效果就差多了, 不过能用 32 寸的大屏幕看加上音响输出, 以后还是不会再用14寸的笔记本了来看了!

一个LCD TV, 既看电视, 又看电脑, 不错!有人心动吗?

[ 此贴被一江春水在07-24-2006 15:33重新编辑 ]







samli 离线
级别: 新兵蛋子
28楼  发表于: 2006-08-28   
Thanks 一江春水!
一江春水 离线
级别: 班长
27楼  发表于: 2006-08-25   
About 37" Sceptre HDTV

Ordered on 8/14, delivered on 8/24. SCEPTRE 可能低估了COSTCO的能量, 以至于几天之后就发现根本就没法供货. 于是原来宣布的7 到10 个工作日 ,几天后来改成了15-20个工作日, 目前改称6-8 个星期了.

手上有两台电视了, 于是可以并排比较:

颜色:   反复调较后结论: SCEPTRE 胜出, VIZIO 的对比度不够, 白色不够白, 偏黄, 黑色只是深灰, 单独看不是太大问题, 并排一比就看出不足了, 先天不足, 无法通过调参数改进. 第二代的VIZ42 应该没这个问题.

值得一提的是, SCEPTRE 的出厂设置非常差, 刚开始时简直没法看, 亮处太白, 暗处全黑, 稍为动态大的画面就会丢失细节, 对比度调到0, 再调亮度, 仍无法不丢细节. 直到发现关掉高级设置里的伽马才解决. 建议设置:

Video Menu:

Contrast 33
Brightness 32
Sharpness 5
Color 29 - 33
Tint 0

Advance Menu:

Vivid: off
Skin: off
Green: off
Blue: LOW
Gama: 0

3rd menu

Lamp: 0
DCI: off


1. Specification Difference: Fundamental!

Item               Sceptre     vs       VIZIO

Contrast         1000:1 ****       800:1 **
Viewing Angle   176     *           170
Lamp Life         50K hours  ****     60K hours *****

2. DTV Difference:

Item               Sceptre       vs     VIZIO

ATSC tuner         ****               **
Video Quality       *****             ****

3. TV:

Item                 Sceptre       vs     VIZIO
Video Quality       **                 **

4. PC VGA:

Item                 Sceptre       vs     VIZIO

Native Resolution   1360x768         1366x768
Display Quality       *****             *****
Support DDC         No                 Yes *


Display Quality       *****             *****
HTMI to DVI cable     Included *         N/A

6. Other

PIP and POP         NO                 YES ***
Overal Design         ***                 ****
Build Quality         ***                 ****
Manual               ****                *****
Remote Control       ***                 ****

Total                 44                   46  

基本是平手,尺寸大小的需要决定我升级到 SCEPTRE。


1. ATSC 接收能力比VIZIO 强! (UPDATED! 原来用得信号分线器使信号衰减, 以至两台效果都不好!) 将RCA 525 放大天线天线放在二楼,单独接一台电视,SCEPTRE 基本可收到20多个数字台(保夸三个中文台), 不过不同台天线位置可能要调整, 高清的节目两台看上去都非常不错. 但有几个台信号(PBS, ABC)很弱, 会有马塞克或停顿, 而同样清款下, VIZ 对信号弱的完全台收不到 .

2. SCEPTRE 37 可能是为了降低成本, 没有PIP 或 POP, POP是用16:9 看并排的两个 4:3 节目, 如果有不同节目同看时非常有用(如PC 和 DVD同时看).

3. SCEPTRE 的 REMOTE 质检有问题, 我的遥控 EXIT 键不起作用, 调台比VIZ慢, 调完台后退不出来, 很烦人, 遥控设计方面, OK 键和周围的方向键挨得太紧而又比周围的键低一大节, 经常按不到位, 可又不像VIZ 的遥控有醒目的LED 指示.   但SCEPTRE 的遥控简单易用, Favorite Key, Picture Key 非常有用!VIZIO 的遥控是UNIVERSAL 的, 可以编程控制DVD,VCR等。

4. 外关设计Sceptre 不如 VIZ32, 整机, 包装, 手册, 遥控全部都显得VIZ 高一个档次.

SCEPTRE 37SV KOMODO for $999 和 VIZIO L32HDTV for $799 都是超值的, If size is correct, both good buy.

对于同尺寸同价格的 SCEPTRE X37 和 VIZIO L37

VIZIO L37 的 Contrast = 600:1 要比 L32 再减两分, 考虑到DTV 视频效果的重要性, SCEPTRE should be a better choice.
[ 此贴被一江春水在08-27-2006 21:35重新编辑 ]
samli 离线
级别: 新兵蛋子
26楼  发表于: 2006-08-24   
最近看了一些关于 Digital TV 的新闻,感觉如下:
* 国会支持 DTV 态度很坚决, 估计很多 deadline 不会再推迟。包括 关闭模拟信号,不许卖非 DTV(SDTV/ EDTV/HDTV) 电视, 有线电视公司必须提供 CableCard 支持等.
* 新上市电视应该是 HDTV, built-in Tuner, CableCard.
* 这两年旧电视会有大的降价幅度.
* 一些用户将取消有线电视/卫星电视, 只看免费的DTV.(只有本地台)
* 有线电视/卫星电视不再花大钱买 digital box, 而选择 CableCard.
一江春水 离线
级别: 班长
25楼  发表于: 2006-08-18   
Troublemaker 姐 的 42”sceptre 是高端的42"产品,分辨率达到了1920x1080,好像目前没有几家能作这么高分辨率的,应该不会降价太多的。再说这么高的分辨率,看起1080的HD绝对是很养眼的,付些premium 也值得。

COSTCO on sale 的是1366x768 的37", 是SCEPTRE 的新出的降低分辨率的型号,所以我说不知道质量如何。 好在COSTCO的质量我们是知道的!

我已经在costco.com 定购了3 天, status 还是 processing...   不知要等多久才能到手, 要是可以store buy 就好了。 到时我会POST 我的使用结果的。
Troublemaker 离线
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24楼  发表于: 2006-08-18   
俺家是42" 的Sceptre HDTV 。也是从COSTCO买的,但买得有点早,买贵了。


怎么现在37" 的才999刀啊? 少痛很多, 很好的DEAL呀。

samli 离线
级别: 新兵蛋子
23楼  发表于: 2006-08-17   
我也想知道 37" Sceptre HDTV 的情况
一江春水 离线
级别: 班长
22楼  发表于: 2006-08-13   
Definitely a great deal! Congratulations to all who got the deal.

I believe VIZIO is a great company, I read an article about Vizio/amtran, their LCD TV shipping volume in North America was ranked 9th in Q4 last year, 7th this Q2, and their target for this year is to be top 5. They have some relationship with Sharp in Taiwan, I guess that is why they can quickly get into the right track the LCD HDTV business.

Since I don't need a 42" one, I will take the Costco deal next week, a 37" Sceptre HDTV for $999. Don't know much about Sceptre's product, hope it would be a good buy.
scubadiver 离线
级别: 营长

21楼  发表于: 2006-08-13   
guess what?

I was at Costco today and the 42" Vizio TV is out of stock! I am glad I did it quickly:)
一江春水 离线
级别: 班长
20楼  发表于: 2006-08-11   
Thanks to scubadiver and 卡拉 for the information.

I went to COSTCO to check the new 42" VIZIO LCD TV, The new model is definitely a great value for $1300; Congratulations for scubadiver, a best buy for the money.

Compare to the old models, the new one improved the overal design, picture contrast is also much improved, with better default color tuned. Per scubadiver's input, their ATSC tuner is also much improved. I am impressed with VIZIO, the company definitely listened to its customer's opinion.

But I am not sure if I need a 42" TV, as my apartment living room is not that sized.

I had the same feeling about the TV size, thought it was bigger enough, but later found it was not. By some calculation, I found the reason: when you watch standard program(4:3) on the 16:9 TV, only partial of the size is used, which means it equals to a smaller TV.

Here is the table I got when Watching 4:3 content:

Size of a 16x9 TV   =     size of a 4:3 TV
32"                     =     26"
37"                     =     30"
42"                     =     34"

So when I upgraded my old 27" 4:3 TV to a 16:9 32" one, I actually downgraded the TV from 27" to 26" when watching normal content.

My conclusion: 32" is an entry level Home theater; 37" is great for an apartment HT. 42" is great for a large living room or house owners.

But I wont go for the VIZIO 37" upgrade as the new 42" model has so many improvements!
[ 此贴被一江春水在08-11-2006 13:40重新编辑 ]
小幺 离线
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19楼  发表于: 2006-08-10   


我再哭!!!一年多前买的LCD TV,只有27寸还花了一千多,现在那价钱降的可以买个大多了,关键是我平时看电视很少,买回来后基本就是个摆设啊。

scubadiver 离线
级别: 营长

18楼  发表于: 2006-08-09   
to 一江春水

I got the same brand as yours, Vizio. somehow the 42" has much better reception for broadcast HDTV than the 37". it's on sale at Costco at $1299. when i traded mine in, i saw couple of guys doing the same thing, so better hurry, the sale ends this week. by the way, the 42" also has two HDMI inputs.

the antenna I used is from Fry's, RCA amplified, I think it's $25 or something like that (I assume any amplified antenna should do).
卡拉 离线
级别: 总版主

17楼  发表于: 2006-08-09   
大家可以看看我以前转的一篇关于Costco的文章。Sam's Club和Costco根本就无法比。
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
卡拉 离线
级别: 总版主

16楼  发表于: 2006-08-09   
Costco的退货政策确实没话说,有时都让你不可思议。我4年前在Costco买过一台VCR,用了一年两个月后出毛病了。我拆开没修好。我去Costco买东西,随便向Customer Services抱怨了一下,没想到,他们让我拿来换一台,我说发票没有了,他们说没关系,只要是Costco的货。我拿去后他们让我先退货,然后再买一台。谁知新型号价格降了10刀。就是说我白用了一年零两个月,最后还倒找我10刀。叫人不敢相信。WALmart退货政策已经不错了,不过和Costco比还差一大截。
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
一江春水 离线
级别: 班长
15楼  发表于: 2006-08-09   
引用第10楼scubadiver07-29-2006 14:30发表的“”:
thanks for the comments. I got an amplified Antenna (RCA),

BTW, Where did you buy your Antenna? What is the brand and model? In case my new TV can not receive that many channels, I will upgrade the antenna.

Also, I upgraded my Philips DVP642 DVD player to DVP5960. The new one can play new Divx 6/Ultra movies. it can even play movies in Hard drive though USB port! Great improvement on video quality. It has HDMI output. Video output can be upconversion to 720p, 576p, and 1080i; I now store all those MPEG4 movies to a Hard Drive and let the DVD play them, my laptop plays only RMVB and WMV. A nice product for a HDTV owner.
一江春水 离线
级别: 班长
14楼  发表于: 2006-08-09   
Wow ! That is great news! What is the brand and model number of your new HDTV? I am going to change mine.

scubadiver 离线
级别: 营长

13楼  发表于: 2006-08-07   
update on HDTV
I hauled my one month old 37" TV to Costco and upgraded it to a 43" one. Total cost: $133. the process was totally painless, and within an hour or so the new TV is up and running. the new TV is about the right size for my living room, so I think this is a keeper.

The surprise: I got total of 39 HDTV channels! this inclding channel 2, 4, 5, 7, etc. all the channels that I want anyway. so I am a happy camper . No need to get cable service anymore.
scubadiver 离线
级别: 营长

12楼  发表于: 2006-07-29   
I bought my TV almost a month ago, so I was wondering whether I should bring it back now and then wait for the sale of the bigger one. I asked the guy at costco customer service, he told me that as long as it's within the last year, and with all the cables and documentation, it should be OK. so I am just going to wait until the big TV come in to return this one.

what's even more astonishing, I heard that you can return a computer to costco within a year. this i heard from a friend of mine, but I don't feel that i can afford to return a computer after even 1 month (too much work), so I never bother to verify. but it sure sounds like a hell of deal if you are a gadget lover who's always on the leading edge for computer
一江春水 离线
级别: 班长
11楼  发表于: 2006-07-29   
引用第10楼scubadiver07-29-2006 14:30发表的“”:

if you bought your TV within the last year, you can still bring it back to Costco to upgrade it. You've got to love Costco!

真的? 有无什么限制啊?
下个月 Costco 有 $999 的 sceptre 37" 我想看看可否换大.

对LCD电视的一些感觉: LCD TV 厂家有两类, 以 Sony, Samsung, Panasonic and Philips 为代表的传统电视厂家, 他们有经验做出好的电视; 但知道怎么赚钱; 以 Viewsonic, Vizio, Sceptre 为代表的传统显示器厂家, 他们知道怎么做 LCD 电脑显示器, 但做TV 还欠火候; 以VIZIO 为列, 其 tuner 能调出的台明显太少, 另外出厂的色彩也没统一调好过, 那天去 sunnyvale Costco 看到一台VIZIO , 色彩和其它电视相差好多. 如果做显示器, 色彩可有电脑显卡来校正, 可你做电视, 你不预先校正, 人家不买你的!

不过我还是喜欢显示器厂家的东西, 大凡做过电脑产品的人都知道莫尔定律, 实用的解释是 一年后可以用一半的价钱买到双倍的价值, 一年钱我的以为朋友在国内用 28000 元 买了台 32" PANASONIC LCD TV, 一年后 同样品牌价格降了一半, 还多了电脑VGA 接口. 一句话, 买 Sony, Panasonic or Samsung 莫尔定律多半适用, 而买显示器厂家的东西, 多半不适用. 因为他们宁愿少赚多卖. Philips的 LCD不太贵, 电视也好, 可 连个 VGA 接口都没有, 亏他当年还做过PC.  

有兴趣的仁兄可以试试 用天线接收 HDTV的效果, 如果天线能收到十几二十个数字台, 那么每月60 多元的CABLE 费用就可以省下了. 如果你试了, 有什么结果敬请回帖告知一声!!!

电视型号: VIZIO 32" L32HDTV10A,
可收到 5 channels:
KNTV-HD 1080i;
NBC Weather 480i;
KDTV DT 480i,
KICU-HD 720p,
KICU SD 480i;

关于电线接收, 可以参考一下网站:
scubadiver 离线
级别: 营长

10楼  发表于: 2006-07-29   
thanks for the comments. I got an amplified Antenna (RCA), was only able to get a few channels to work like 26, 36, 44, etc. can't really get the ABC, CBS, etc. to work. got a couple of spanish channel to work really well

I found a solution on bigger TV. Costco is going to have the 42" LCD TV from Vizio, between 8/7-8/13 it's only $1299 (only $100 more than what I paid for my 37" LCD), so I am going to upgrade it. if you bought your TV within the last year, you can still bring it back to Costco to upgrade it. You've got to love Costco!

3 * 6 = ? 正确答案:18