%;J$ h^ 推荐一首老歌,Wonderful Tonight 。是我非常喜欢的一首老歌。当年学英语的时候,老师把这首歌词当做课文来教我们,同时也教我们唱这首歌。现在想,我的老师是这位演唱者的粉丝,要不然她怎么极力给我们推荐呢。因为太老,估计坛子里的很多人已经会唱,或者知道。因为歌里的丈夫总是在鼓励妻子,总是夸奖老婆。三八节在即,推荐上来,也希望坛子里的蓝同学多多夸奖家里的绿同学。 F$9+WS`c 歌词介绍: 'lgS)m Bu{%mm( Wonderful Tonight
Bm a.Uln N'|9rB2e It's late in the evening
N_< G she's wondering what clothes to wear.
w"A>mEex< She puts on her make-up
"L9pFz</ and brushes her long blonde hair.
=H^~"16 And then she asks me, "Do I look all right?"
$]?M[sL\N7 And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight."
"tj]mij2)G SK_N|X]. We go to a party and everyone turns to see
Hq,NOP This beautiful lady that's walking around with me.
8P&z@E{y And then she asks me, "Do you feel all right?"
?:F Jc[J And I say, "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight."
9A}y^=!` 0.1?hb|p5T I feel wonderful because I see
P%<MQg|k` The love light in your eyes.