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各国衷情的奖牌榜统计标准:) =V%s^
Like most of the world, Beijing orders the tables according to the number of golds, which puts China top. In the US, the rank is determined by overall medals, which leaves the Americans as No1. Fi1gM}>py
北京根据金牌数排列奖牌榜,这样中国居榜首。 (?)".Q0
而在美国,则是根据奖牌总数排列金牌榜,这样美国就总是名列第一。 /__we[$E
In Australia, the Board of Statistics reckons a better guide is medals per head of population, which makes Jamaica the world's top nation, followed by Slovakia and then, erm, Australia. Not to miss out, the European Union groups competitors in economic blocks, which means - guess what? - the EU has won more than China and the US combined. V,{ydxfB
澳大利亚统计局建议采用人均得奖牌数统计金牌榜,这样牙买加就是世界第一,亚军季军分别为斯洛伐克和澳大利亚。 Q%q_
欧盟国家更倾向于采用经济区划来划分金牌榜,这样欧盟就比中国和美国加起来的奖牌还要多。 U%j=)VD])
No doubt Team GB's crack crew of mathematicians are even now pummelling away on their calculators to find a formula that will put Britain first by 2012. the anonymous netizen suggested that they could try summing up the medals by first language. yO$]9
毫无疑问,英国的数字统计专家们此刻正在抓耳挠腮地猛按着手头的计算器,力争想出一种能让英国在2012年高居奖牌榜首位的计算公式。有匿名网友建议他们采用语言为金牌统计方式,这样使用英语语言国家的金牌就能悉数算上。 jC <<S
There shouldn't be any medal tables. The Olympic Charter advises the IOC and the local organising committee not to draw up rankings by country. The hosts are supposed only to display an individual roll of honour but such high-minded guidelines have been shunted so far aside that statistical manipulation of tables is almost a new Olympic event. [;#}BlbN
其实不应该有任何形式的奖牌榜。奥林匹克宪章明确指出国际奥组委和各国组委会均不应根据国别统计奖牌榜单。承办国应将以运动员个人名义公布奖牌榜以示嘉奖,但是该指导方针目前被弃之一旁,奖牌榜上数字的大比拼俨然已构成一轮新的奥运赛事。 ym<G.3%1
据2008年8月20日《卫报》记者Jonathan Watts报道编译(SUSU) m9xO& @#vx