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主题 : Tigerish wife - Wendy Deng [新增中文版]
君子 离线
级别: 师长
楼主  发表于: 2011-07-20   

Tigerish wife - Wendy Deng [新增中文版]

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Rupert Murdoch hit by custard pie: Wendi Deng's volleyball spike vUIK4uR.  
Maybe nobody told Wendi Deng she was not giving evidence to the House of Commons' Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee yesterday. 0o"<^] _|  
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By Stephen Adams v0jz)z<#  
12:19AM BST 20 Jul 2011 $CQwBsYb=  
Because from the moment she entered the Wilson Room, where two-and-a-half hours of intensive questioning were followed by a moment of high theatre, Rupert Murdoch's third wife acted as if she too was in the hot seat. (PT?h>|St  
Perched on a chair directly behind the 80-year-old media tycoon, the striking 42-year-old nodded, frowned and tutting through proceedings. K_lCDiqG  
"'H7F ,k'  
Dressed in a bright pink Chanel jacket and a black skirt, Deng was constantly visible to television viewers, seated directly behind her husband. d,Dg"Z  
Anyone who thought Chinese-born Deng was there to do nothing but stand by her man, or rather sit demurely behing him, was quite wrong. S}xDB  
As the nerves began to tell on one of the most powerful men on the planet, a man credited with the power to topple governments, he started to bang his hand on the table increasingly hard. 1 Z$99  
! 4^L $  
While questioned by Tom Watson, the Labour MP who refused to let questions over hacking go away, the banging became more and more noticeable. gU 2c--`  
Several times Wendi bent forward to tap him gently on the shoulder, a soft reminder that he should remember himself. h>5~ (n8  
And when the interloper, comedian Jonnie Marbles, lunged at Mr Murdoch with a plate full of shaving foam, she leapt to his defence in an instant. 7q{v9xKy  
A former champion volleyball player, her fierce instincts propelled her to jump up quicker than anyone else in the room. KJ vJUq  
Using an open palm, she brought down a blow hard and with full fury on to Marbles' head, just as if she was spiking a volleyball. ! ,(bXa\^  
The outraged Deng was much quicker than anyone else in the room, including James Murdoch, who was sitting next to his father, and police. Fp|rMq  
After the cameras were directed away from the action, leaving frustrated viewers able to see nothing but the abstract painting behind the MPs, she kept on her counter-offensive, pursuing the attacker and trying to turn the plate of foam back on him. q@RY.&mgW  
When Marbles was restrained by others, she turned back to her husband and gently cleared the foam from his face, trying to restore his dignity, and then embraced his head in her arms. W% jX-  
As Mr Watson later told Mr Murdoch: "Your wife has a very good left hook. Bdk{.oh6  
Another member of committee said: "Don't get in the way of Wendi Deng". rb J)RN^.  
ygy #^  
[ 此帖被君子在07-20-2011 15:49重新编辑 ]







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级别: 军区司令员
沙发  发表于: 2011-07-20   
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板凳  发表于: 2011-07-20   
Phone Hacking: Wendi Deng - from Communist obscurity to top of capitalist heap @okm@6J*X  
Rebekah Brooks, who began life as a secretary, may have thought she had done well working her way into the affections of Rupert Murdoch. gZ=9 Y:$  
But her achievements are as nothing compared to his third wife Wendi Deng. W-ND<=:Up  
She has catapulted herself from the anonymity and austerity of communist China to the family - and now the family trust - of one of the world's most powerful and wealthy men. T[!q&kFB  
Along the way she appears to have exhibited the kind of drive and ruthlessness that even her husband must be proud of. 0Eg r Q  
Born Deng Wen Di, she grew up in the obscure eastern Chinese city of Xuzhou, the daughter of an engineer who eventually rose to be the director of a machinery factory. 7Hkf7\JY  
At school, she was a "good student" and "champion volley ball player" who enrolled at Guangzhou medical college at the age of 16. :~A1Ud4c  
But she always dreamt of a life in the USA. "}x70q'>S  
In 1987 she gained her "ticket out of China" when she met an American couple from Los Angeles, Jake and Joyce Cherry. 2.&V  
Mrs Cherry, whose husband was building a factory in China, agreed to teach Ms Deng English. Ef*.}gcU  
When Mrs Cherry went back to the United States her husband stayed in China and soon after, he told her that Miss Deng wanted to go to America to study there. WO*WAP)n  
The couple sponsored her application for a student visa and agreed to put her up until she had established herself. uA}FuOE6  
Ms Deng, then 19, went to live at the Cherry's home in 1988 and shared a bunk bed with their five-year-old daughter. nTtt$I@hW  
But Mrs Cherry grew increasingly suspicious about her husband's relationship with Miss Deng. me`$5Z`  
A New York Times artilce said: "Mrs Cherry recalls discovering a cache of photographs her husband had taken of Miss Deng in coquettish poses in his hotel room in Guanzhou." fN%5D z-e  
Mr Cherry admitted that he had become infatuated with her and that once they were in Los Angeles, Ms Deng started "making recommendations" about his diet and wardrobe. I3[RaZ2z{  
When her husband and Ms Deng did not come home some evenings, Mrs Cherry concluded that they were having an affair. \g[f4xAV  
She told Ms Deng to leave and her husband left soon afterwards, moving into a nearby apartment with Ms Deng, who was by then a student at California State University. .LTFa.jxA  
The Cherrys divorced and Mr Cherry married Ms Deng in 1990. xY}j8~k  
However, the romance came to an abrupt end after Mr Cherry discovered that Ms Deng "had started spending time" with a man named David Wolf. ZT- 45_  
Mr Cherry said: "She told me I was a father concept to her but it would never be anything else. I loved that girl." #pn AK  
Although the marriage officially lasted more than two years - long enough for Ms Deng to get a "green card" allowing her to stay permanently in America - her former husband claimed that they only lived together for four or five months. 8/kO9'.P  
Any turmoil she was feeling did not derail her from her studies. b+j_EA_b  
She graduated from California State University, Northridge in the top one per cent of students, she secured a place to study for an MBA at Yale. K'rs9v"K|  
In 1996 she moved to Hong Kong, securing an internship at Star TV, a subsidiary of News Corp, after meeting a Fox TV executive on the flight. o  >4>7  
In 1998 she met Mr Murdoch at a staff party. Then well into his 60s, he had been married to his second wife Anna for 30 years. 7;s0m0<%~  
That, however, stopped neither of them and a year later they were married. He was 68, she 30. They have since had two children together - Grace Helen Murdoch, nine, and Chloe Murdoch, six. N,+g/o\f  
Deng has become a director for the holding company that licenses the MySpace brand and has led her husband's Chinese internet investments. Ky~~Cd$  
She has led the way in forming business links with China for high-speed video and internet access. hG3$ ]i9  
She is now chief of strategy for MySpace’s China operation and has purportedly secured her children $100million (£60million) each of News Corp stock. |`D5XRVbi  
Yesterday's leap to her husband's defence can only enhance the affection that Murdoch senior holds for her. ]A<u eM  
As one MP said: "Don't get in the way of Wendi Deng." ToXFMkwY  
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级别: 军区司令员
地板  发表于: 2011-07-20   
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地下室  发表于: 2011-07-20   
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君子 离线
级别: 师长
5楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
Rupert Murdoch - the old devil is up for it A/6nV n  
m64\@ [  
Rupert Murdoch strayed from his script, James Murdoch stuck to the crisis PR line on phone-hacking, while Wendi Murdoch was awesome. !b8|{#qh.  
Towards the end of the Dark Lord’s empire, his plucky opponents have to find and destroy the remaining horcruxes which give him his invincible power. 0~5}F^8[L  
First, Coulson the Snake is eliminated, strangled by his own serpentine coils. Next, his mighty organ, the News of the World, is shut down. z#67rh {  
Then Bellatrix “Rebekah” Lestrange is “disappeared” behind a demonic cataract of curls into exile in the dark land of Chipping Norton. X \ZUt >  
Still, never mind Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. The other big drama everyone wanted to see was the testimony of Rupert Murdoch and his son James before a Commons select committee. r<H^%##,w  
I would like to make it absolutely clear, having spoken to my lawyers, Harbottle, Bluebottle and Nobottle, that there is no connection whatsoever between Harry Potter’s arch opponent, a master wizard who creates a climate of suspicion and fear among his cowering underlings, and Rupert Murdoch. S5 vMP N  
Rupert Murdoch hit by custard pie 19 Jul 2011 2>$L>2$  
Pressure mounts on Murdoch to step down 19 Jul 2011 j`M<M[C*4N  
Rupert Murdoch's prepared statement to MPs 19 Jul 2011 (:k`wh&  
Rupert Murdoch's apology to 'people of Britain' 19 Jul 2011 #yOY&W:N  
Rupert Murdoch struggles to answer questions 19 Jul 2011 QN5N h s  
News Corp shares jump 6pc amid rumours 19 Jul 2011 =U|SK"oO  
In fact, our first glimpse of the legendary media mogul was a huge anticlimax. Good grief, could that really be him? He was shockingly old. I mean, Galapagos tortoise old. 0`zq*OQ  
Despite the sharp pinstripe suit and fashionably strobing, chunky tie, the octogenarian Murdoch looked less like a master of the universe than one of those Ukrainian pensioners who is dragged from obscurity to testify about a suspected past as a war criminal. 3/<^R}w\  
“Nope.” “Nope.” And “nope.” Those were the News Corp chairman’s first three answers to a fusillade of passionately incensed questions from Tom Watson, who knows a great deal more about the News of the World and its reporting practices than its owner seemed to. |L-juT X9  
Seated at the right hand of the father was James Murdoch, who kept stepping in to speak for his faltering parent. “We were not in full possession of the facts,” explained James. ?bi^h/ f  
Never mind the facts, in the opening 10 minutes Murdoch Senior seemed to be scarcely in possession of his faculties. In the interminable and embarrassing silences between question and answer, you wondered whether our star witness, with his head lolling forward, had actually nodded off. xH-k~#  
The only sign of the force he once was came when Rupert began to bang out his answers on the pine table in front of him with flattened palms; a defiant, almost contemptuous sound that was perturbingly at odds with the words of regret and contrition coming out of his mouth.  .5r0%  
At one point, Wendi Deng, who was seated just behind her husband, leant forward to try to stop him hitting the table. She just couldn’t help herself; Rupert’s unconscious drumbeat of defiance was clearly spoiling the carefully calibrated performance that both men were putting on to reassure their shareholders and save their business. 2*E<G|-F  
Wow, Wendi! Trust me, you don’t want to mess with the Chinese-born third Mrs Murdoch. Immaculate in a coral pink jacket and polka dot skirt with killer heels, Wendi is two parts care nurse to three parts Ninja. *njB fH'  
With her lovely head cocked alertly and her laser eyes drilling into Rupert’s impertinent interrogators, you could almost read the thoughts running through her mind: K4L#%KUPW  
“Ha! In my country, you take the fat Scottish MP man, leave him tied to bamboo in sun for five days, cut out his liver then serve him with soft noodle!” We’ll come back to scary Ninja Wendi in a minute.  %cjav  
It’s well known that Crisis PR experts coach major corporate clients who are behind catastrophic oil spills or have caused a fire to rage through British public life claiming everyone in its path. The key is not to be angry or defensive, but to defuse and disarm one’s critics. Bm>(m{sX>  
James Murdoch came across as an eager scholar of these techniques. With his buzzcut and steel-rimmed specs, he has the manner of a keen MBA student. If the plan was to say the same vague, helpfully unhelpful thing over and over again in that midatlantic drone of his until viewers gave up the will to live, he succeeded admirably. NGGd6V%'-  
Lesson One of Crisis PR: always welcome your critic’s complaints? Check. “That’s a very good question, Sir, I welcome the chance to answer that,” smiled James. D\~$6#B>>  
When the wonderfully well-informed Tory Philip Davies landed a potentially lethal blow, asking why News International had paid the legal fees of both the jailed Royal Correspondent Clive Goodman and phone hacker Glenn Mulcaire, a clearly flummoxed James gave an Olympic-class display of crisis PR: “I’d like to answer that question. It’s a good question. EB<tX`Wp  
"To my knowledge, er... I asked that question myself.” So did young Murdoch answer that excellent question? What do you think this is, a public inquiry? WoR**J?}w  
Lesson Two of Crisis PR: show a pleasing humility so they can’t claim you’re an arrogant bastard. “This is my most humble day,” said Rupert, his eyes darting briefly to his script. There followed some folksy, touching stuff about his old dad who had left Rupe a small newspaper in his will “specifically to do good”. With that very Murdoch paper, the scandal of Gallipoli was exposed. ZlXs7 &_  
Brilliant! Tender memories of an inspiring father, evocation of journalism as a trusty sword wielded for the public good, Rupert personally righting the wrongs of the massacred innocents in World War One. We were just waiting to hear that he had bought a children’s hospital to name after Milly Dowler when the custard pie struck. hpKc_|u n  
There was uproar in the committee room. Louise Mensch was caught mid-question, her mouth forming a horrified O of astonishment when, suddenly, came a flying, vengeful form. Pow! Kaboom! It was Ninja Wendi. v333z<<S  
For over two hours, Mrs Murdoch had looked like she was longing to punch someone and here was a chance. Not Tom Watson, sadly, but the next best thing. A fantastic hook to the assailant’s jaw left you in no doubt that the killer Murdoch instinct has not passed to the son, but to the missus. S(s~4(o>8  
When the session reconvened, Rupert Murdoch read out a prepared statement, but there was no need. Father and son had already made it clear that they felt everyone’s pain while being totally ignorant of what caused it. S$:S*6M@"  
You were left with a sense that there were gaping holes in News International’s case. The idea that Murdoch the arch micro-manager would ring up the editor of the News of the World on a Saturday night, ask what was happening and be satisfied with the answer “Not much” is about as plausible as Lord Voldemort saying that, yes, he had met the Dementors, but only socially. } +Z;zm@/6  
We have been here before. Back in the early Eighties, when Rupert Murdoch had his back up against the wall, he went on a charm offensive to silence his critics. Harry Evans, the great journalist and then Sunday Times editor, recalled one cynical peer observing: “The wolf has started sucking lozenges to sweeten its breath.” 2Ps `!Y5  
See how well that wolf wears sheep’s clothing. Eighty years of age and the old devil isn’t going down without a fight. QZP;k!"w  
卡拉 离线
级别: 总版主

6楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
卡拉 离线
级别: 总版主

7楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
卡拉 离线
级别: 总版主

8楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
来源: 美国之音 1 uE[ % M  
记者: 杨晨 /齐之丰 | 华盛顿 y3GIR f;>  
2011年 7月 20日 ^a r9$$~/!  

邓文迪陪同丈夫出席英国议会听证会 {:cA'6f.b  
媒体大亨鲁伯特·默多克近来日子可以说是过得天昏地暗。 6<R U~Gh  
今年80岁的他老人家不但丑闻缠身,手下的人因为涉嫌犯法窃听电话而倒下一大片,被逮捕,被调查,被鄙视,被谴责;而且丑闻也把英国首相也牵涉进去,还有可能首相导致下台。 lnUy ? 0(  
与此同时,托丑闻的福,默多克控制的新闻集团资产至少缩水(瘦身?减肥?)60亿美元。 Z m>69gl  
天昏地暗的日子,用默多克自己的话说就是,the most humble day(最让他感到卑微渺小的日子)。 M,P_xkLp  
然而,在一片昏暗中,默多克因妻子邓文迪的杰出表现而获得了难得的光彩与喝彩。 H(|v  
*邓文迪矫健如猎豹* P nDZi  
Nq8A vBwo4  
邓文迪光芒四射的表现出现在7月19英国议会就默多克新闻集团的电话窃听丑闻举行的特别听证会上。 48VsHqG  
身兼新闻集团董事长、行政总裁的鲁伯特.默多克(Rupert Murdoch)和他的儿子詹姆斯·默多克接受议员们的严厉质询。 sa])^mkq(  
电视观众看到,从一开始邓文迪就坐在老默多克的身后,不断起身给他倒水,在他的耳边轻声细语,表现得非常贤妻。 )c_ll;%  
就在听证进行到一大半的时候,一个看上去大约30来岁的男子走上前去,试图用泡沫剃须液袭击老默多克。说时迟,那时快,只见邓文迪飞身而起,奋不顾身冲向前保护丈夫。 9EW 7,m{A  
全世界数以百万计的电视观众看到,身手敏捷的邓文迪不但比坐在老默多克身边的小默多克警觉了不知道多少倍,而且比现场的警察也快了几大步。 TY}?>t+  
IuL ]V TY  
邓文迪先是越过一个女子,冲向袭击者,打了他一巴掌。然后,趁袭击者慌神之际,再以闪电般的速度和招法,把装有剃须液泡沫的盘子反扣到了袭击者的脸上。 CJ>=odK[  
邓文迪的招法确实是迅疾如闪电。就在听证会现场的人和全世界数以百万计的电视观众还没有反应过来的时候,她已经结束了她的闪电反击战。 %8/$CR  
借助各大通讯社的现场快照,全世界不知道又有多少网民和报纸读者看到了袭击着满脸剃须液泡沫的狼狈相。 9:WKG'E8a  

默多克攻击者的狼狈相 BDg /pDnwg  
*赢得全球赞誉* }K\_N]#6n  
aY~IS?! ;  
由于出现这一段事没有规划的临时节目,也就是出现这出《华盛顿邮报》所说的“超现实的”(surreal)擒拿格斗武功现场表演,英国议会的听证会中断了10分钟。 :4dili4|/  
IG\ \RYr  
这一幕令人印象深刻,立刻被传上YouTube。虽然画面中看不到所有的细节,但可以清楚看到邓文迪爆发力十足,身手矫健如猎豹一般扑向猎物。 w6tY6bf}  
网络上,报纸上,电视上,无线电广播上,对邓文迪的赞誉也接踵而来。世界各地的网民大赞她身手敏捷,在听证会上演了一出比“卧虎藏龙”还精彩的动作片。 Hqk2W*UTl  
就一天之前,默多克的名字在互联网上总是跟新闻集团的丑闻联系在一起。一天之后,默多克因邓文迪而获得了意想不到的光彩。 ?T"crX  
赞美邓文迪的文字如潮水一般杀到。对邓文迪的赞誉,一下子大有压倒甚至淹没新闻集团丑闻的形势。 >'eqOZM  
用谷歌搜索引擎,搜索英语的Wendi Deng,可以得到大约1,760,000 个搜索结果,其中报导邓文迪惊人表现的报导成千上万。 Lj#6K@u@Z  
有关新闻报导的典型的标题包括: c1f6RCu$b  
Wendi Deng Murdoch: The Woman Behind the Media Mogul_ (邓文迪:在媒体大亨身后的那个女子---美国广播公司) uB?YJf .T@  
Who's the woman who fought Murdoch's foam foe? (那个抵挡用泡沫攻击默多克的人的女人是谁?---哥伦比亚广播公司) fr7/%{s  
Show of support from Murdoch's wife is awesome to see (默多克妻子的救护行动看起来很过瘾---《纽约每日新闻》)  E7,\s   
)/Vr 5b@  
Wendi strikes back: Pie incident could mark turning point for Rupert Murdoch (邓文迪反击:袭击事件可能标志着鲁伯特.默多克的转折点---英国《电讯报》) ,b8AB_yw  
*Bj G3Jc5  
*“虎妈”因邓文迪而获得新意* 'AoH2 |  
还有英国媒体还把邓文迪比作"霹雳娇娃"-Charlie's Angel(美国电视剧,直译为"查理的天使");甚至说她的这个动作对于现在四面楚歌的默多克家族的形象有很大帮助;福布斯新闻更称邓文迪为 “the Real Chinese Superpower”(真正的华人超力强人)。 6lGL.m'Ra  
美国著名电视主持人Katie Couric也在推特上写到:“哇,邓文迪给虎妈赋予了新的含义。” 0J" 3RTt  
虎妈,tiger mom,时下美国人,以及英语世界的人对咄咄逼人特别能护家、尤其是特别能护孩子、对孩子管束严厉的东亚妇女的戏称。 Ra5cfkH;  
“虎妈”的称号稍带贬义。这也是为什么Katie Couric要说,“邓文迪给虎妈赋予了新的含义。” zq#o8))4X  
hG U &C]  
*默多克·邓文迪逸事* ,$Mw/fA  
今年42岁的邓文迪来自中国,有运动员背景,1999年嫁给默多克。 T/ov0l_  
邓文迪与默多克的婚姻故事,多年来是世界各国喜欢飞短流长地议论名人逸事、私事的人们爱谈的话题。在英语世界中,出生于中国、本来完全是默默无闻的邓文迪被许多人不屑,并被称作gold digger,即汉语世界中的“傍大款的女人。” utXcfKdt  
这种贬义的称呼,起源与邓文迪跟默多克不同寻常的结识过程。 >X]<s^  
1996年,早已在世界媒体业界呼风唤雨的大亨默多克到香港去巡查工作。其间,在一个酒会上,小职员邓文迪信心百倍地越过众多的高级主管,跟默多克搭话,并从此受到了默多克的注意。邓文迪跟默多克随后同居,并最终在1999年成为默多克的正式妻子。 OkM>  
, /pE*Yk  
为了跟小自己37岁的邓文迪正式结婚,默多克跟与自己生活了32年的妻子离婚,跟邓文迪结婚之前和之后围绕财产分配的默多克家庭纠纷,邓文迪跟默多克儿子的紧张关系,这些话题多年来一直给世界各地喜欢街谈巷议的人带来无穷的娱乐。 pJI H_H  
~Hq 2'  
但默多克对此显然并不怎么在乎。他表示,跟邓文迪的婚姻让他重新感到青春焕发。他为此取消了退休计划。 gDrqs>8  
*默多克的高招和败笔* }`X$ '  
默多克在新闻娱乐业界可谓毫无争议的强人。他雄心勃勃,咄咄逼人,把他在英国办小报的那套作风带到美国,不忌讳让自己旗下的媒体表现出强烈的支持保守派的倾向。 "(5}=T@,  
Hcpw [%(  
原籍澳大利亚的默多克在英国媒体业界获得成功之后,转战美国,短时间内硬是打造出公开支持保守派的媒体阵营。默多克旗下的福克斯有线电视新闻网,也一举大大超越老牌的有线电视新闻网CNN,成为美国收视率最高的有线电视新闻网。 7g$t$cZby,  
但是,默多克毕竟是人,不是超人,更不是神。多年来,他让人看到了许多高招,也让人看到了许多败笔。 u'C4d6\wS  
1995年,他看好互联网社交网络是大有发展前途,于是斥资五点八亿美元收购了社交网站服务公司MySpace。但MySpace被他收购之后却每况愈下。日前,他不得不将MySpace大减价出售。据认为,如此来回一折腾,默多克损失至少10亿美元。 H0S7k`.  
也是在1990年代中期,他为了讨好北京当局而不准许自己旗下的卫星广播系统继续传送英国广播公司BBC的节目,受到了许多人的批评。 cjL!$OE6  
但败笔归败笔。默多克的雄心勃勃,咄咄逼人无人可以提出异议。 `@90b 4u  
*默多克因邓文迪而令人刮目* h(fh |R<  
多年来,默多克看好中国市场,为了打入中国市场、扩大在中国的地盘可谓费尽心机。他曾经陪同中国当时的最高领导人江泽民观看他旗下的电影公司摄制的《泰坦尼克号》在中国的首映。默多克也曾经公开表示,妻子邓文迪在中国长大,非常了解中国,相信对新闻集团在中国的业务拓展会大有帮助。 JmK+#o  
但至少就目前而言,无论是默多克亲自出马,还是派遣妻子邓文迪前往中国拼打,似乎都没有对新闻集团在中国的业务拓展有多大的帮助。 hf '3yEm  
在另外一方面,默多克媒体帝国在英国爆出的丑闻也蔓延到了美国。美国联邦调查局正在调查默多克旗下的媒体是否也在美国干出了违法窃听电话的勾当。 Qj~0vx!  
看着他当年重用的人在英国一个个陷入难以自拔的丑闻,令人不免怀疑老默多克的眼力。然而,邓文迪在全世界电视观众面前救护老默多克的杰出表现,又使人不得不对老默多克刮目相看。 9f "*O j  
邓文迪的杰出表现,不但让老默多克和他跟邓文迪的孩子感到骄傲,大约也让许多热衷于谈论邓文迪“傍大款”的人从此闭嘴。毕竟,她那份奋不顾身+身手敏捷不是常人所能做到的。 +RM3EvglDQ  
*默多克因邓文迪而大赚* X*sF-T$.  
默多克媒体帝国因窃听电话的丑闻而损失巨大。许多分析家甚至猜测,新闻集团大概会由此元气大伤,一蹶不振。 qy !G &  
?'%&2M zM  
在此危难时刻,在小默多克在英国议会的听证会上用法律术语闪烁其词、躲躲闪闪的时候,老默多克快人快语,坦承新闻集团在丑闻的处理上犯下重大错误(见《华盛顿邮报》7月20日头版报导),展现出大将风度。 T'XRl@  
Kfi A 7W  
老默多克一方面承认他信任的人让他失望了,但同时又发出豪言:“坦白地说,我认为我是收拾这个烂局的最佳人选。”(I think, frankly, I am the best person to clean this up.) )\e_I\-  
W^x[ma z  
已经80岁的默多克是否能再展雄风,挽狂澜于既倒,让新闻集团稳住阵脚,继续取得大发展,或许会有许多人怀疑。但没有人能怀疑他选了一个好妻子。 &&JMw6 &[`  
O =fT;&%.  
默多克因旗下报纸的电话窃听丑闻而大亏了。但娶到邓文迪这样的妻子,他无疑是大赚了。邓文迪的杰出表现,不但为默多克在西方世界赢得了赞誉,而且也在中国赢得了广泛的赞誉。(有关详情,请参看美国之音记者海涛的报导“默多克遇袭  邓文迪还击  一掌响天下。”)
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
卡拉 离线
级别: 总版主

9楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
默多克遇袭 邓文迪还击 一掌响天下
来源: 美国之音 &,\S<B2.  
记者: 海涛 | 华盛顿 H;^6%HV1  
2011年 7月 20日 Y3thW@mD05  
世界传媒大亨默多克在英国议会参加听证会。突然有人上前“袭击”,其妻邓文迪护夫心切,出手还击。这一情景引起全球舆论高度兴趣。 \+,jM6l}-  
80岁的默多克遇袭,42岁的妻子邓文迪还击。这一个富有戏剧性和新闻性效果的一幕发生在英国议会下院,时间是7月19日。 NzEuiI}  
当时,英国议会正因为《世界新闻报》窃听丑闻而质询《世界新闻报》的母公司--世界媒体新闻集团--负责人默多克父子。一个在互联网广泛流传的视频显示:一名穿花格子衬衣的中年男人手拿塑料纸盘子,试图往默多克头上浇点什么糊状东西。坐在默多克左后方的邓文迪眼见老公遭遇威胁,飞身一跃,上半身已经越过她前面的一名妇女,几乎同时这名男子头响起一声清脆的巴掌。 W&"FejD  
这一幕被在场的媒体抓拍下来,迅速传遍世界。 rnW i<Se  
*中国媒体多报导,不知男子何许人* d&fENnt?h  
中国的主要媒体--新华社、中新社、人民日报、英文的中国日报都有图文并茂的详细报导。 wiutUb Y  
r4-r z+x  
新华社(7/20)说,在英国伦敦议会下院,默多克“遭到一名男子持盘子袭击,其妻邓文迪飞身上前保护丈夫。”人民日报(7/20)说,在听证会上,“一名男子将剃须膏扔向默多克,当时默多克的眼镜似乎被打掉,衣服上也沾染了痕迹。”“默多克的保镖立刻上前阻止,默多克的妻子邓文迪迅速从座位上跳起来反击该男子。” OTRTa{TB  
中新社(7/20)说,“邓文迪听证会展‘功夫’护老迈夫婿致关注度飙升”。报导的图片解说是:一名男子突然从听众席窜起,手拿餐盘,跨过默多克旁边的人对他袭击,身后其妻子邓文迪迅速起身反击,第一时间准备给袭击者一巴掌。” Q|0[ B4e^:  
而针对同一张电视截频图,中国日报的解说是:邓文迪冲向试图袭击她丈夫的一名男子。 r1[0#5kJ;J  
Yrd K@I  
中国的媒体,都没有提到这名“男子”的身份、背景以及他的“袭击”目的,也没有说清楚,他拿的是什么东西来袭击默多克。中国媒体也没有说清楚,邓文迪到底是如何“还击”的。 bZ389dSn  
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*邓文迪赏了袭击者耳光?* 29E^]IL?  
在中文互联网上,有不少媒体都说,邓文迪赏了那名男子一个耳光。但是,从电视画面来看,邓文迪只是用她的手掌“接触”到了那名男子的头部,并不一定是打到了他的脸部。 &W ~,q(  
<"t >!I  
纽约日报的报导也说那名男子使用了“剃须膏(shaving cream pie)。但是,纽约时报说,邓文迪伸出手臂,“打”了那人一下(punch the protester)。 l-mUc1.S  
美联社说,默多克的妻子抢了风头。报导说,一名抗议者把一些膏状物品撒到默多克头上,邓文迪飞身而出,回击了那名男子一下。 6S<pWR~  
V7&L+] !  
*袭击者的“武器”是什么?* ^PD a  
美国网络新闻刊物每日野兽(the Daily Beast)说,那名男子用的是西葫芦饼(custard pie)。该报报导说,邓文迪是个“排球好手”,她的大力“扣球百发百中”。报导说,这个试图往默多克头上涂膏的男子叫若尼·马布尔斯(Jonni Marbles),是一名喜剧演员。 J sH9IK:  
据报导,马布尔斯突然走向默多克,一边说默多克是个贪婪的亿万富翁,一边开始往默多克头上浇这些“膏”。 v/kYyz  
*Jonni Marbles是喜剧演员,长于行为艺术* !rXyw`6N  
根据英国卫报报导,马布尔斯是自学成才的喜剧演员,他的真名是:Jonathan May-Bowles。马布尔斯是英国维权组织UK Uncut的积极活跃成员。UK Uncut是去年10月在伦敦成立的抗议组织,其宗旨是反对逃税,呼吁民众关注削减公共设施和服务的问题。该组织经常用行为艺术来引起民众的关注。比如,该组织发现某店家逃税,就前去封了人家的店。 7~IAgjo,@  
不过,美国的网络刊物the Daily Beast说,经过此次议会喜剧性的一幕,马布尔斯招致很多人的批评指责。但邓文迪的行动,虽然提高了其知名度,也再次触发了围绕她本人行为的许多争议。 !6kLg1  
报导说,默多克和邓文迪是1999年结婚的。当时,邓文迪30岁,默多克68。起初,邓文迪在默多克的新闻集团高层并没有一席之地。但后来,默多克允许邓文迪和他的次子詹姆斯一同代表公司到中国开拓市场。新闻集团的中国投资项目取得了快速的发展。 T # 8O:  
LO QEU? z  
新闻集团从来都是默多克的家族生意。默多克放手让其年轻的夫人去中国开拓商机显然是个不同寻常的安排。 (BJs6":BFe  
报导说,邓文迪的父亲是个基层工厂的厂长。去年3月,邓文迪参加纽约举办的新闻周刊世界妇女大会时说:她成长的童年,日子过得非常艰难。“你如果想出人头地,必须刻苦学习。”她说,“我的父母要求非常严格,这样,你后来才能有所成就。” 4Iz~3fqB7  
1988年,邓文迪拿学生签证来美国留学,住在洛杉矶一对夫妇家中。但是,后来这家的男主人Jake Cherry和妻子离了婚,找了邓文迪。他俩1990年结了婚,但没过几年又离了。 rUj]6j =e  
这期间,邓文迪从洛杉矶一个社区学院,进入了耶鲁大学的商学院。在商学院期间,邓文迪1996年在新闻集团属下的香港星空电视(STAR TV)得到实习的机会。很快,她得到了默多克的关注。不久他们俩人就坠入爱河。默多克和结婚30年的妻子安娜离婚,娶了邓文迪。 rc$G0O  
*英议员:邓文迪打出了漂亮左钩拳* {RzlmDStV  
纽约时报说,7月10日,在英国议会下院发生了默多克遇袭事件后,英国议会工党议员Tom Watson评价说:“默多克先生,您太太打出了很厉害的左钩拳(Left-handed hook)。”
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
君子 离线
级别: 师长
10楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
乐淘淘 离线
级别: 军区司令员
11楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
坐在身边儿子小默的反应有点迟钝! 还是老婆小邓虎飙哈!
君子 离线
级别: 师长
12楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
报导说,邓文迪的父亲是个基层工厂的厂长。去年3月,邓文迪参加纽约举办的新闻周刊世界妇女大会时说:她成长的童年,日子过得非常艰难。“你如果想出人头地,必须刻苦学习。”她说,“我的父母要求非常严格,这样,你后来才能有所成就。”  WT1ch0~2  
2r1., 1  
黄胖胖 离线
级别: 军区司令员
13楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
回 7楼(卡拉) 的帖子
arthur 离线
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14楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
引用第7楼卡拉于07-20-2011 11:48发表的  : WOquG  
娶妻当娶邓文迪。 *_@8v?  
W* N^Gp@  
zgl0900 离线
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15楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
海边一沙 离线
级别: 军区司令员
16楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
我看到有报道说他儿子发现有人袭击后提醒他父亲注意。 而已。 不知道国外有没有“养了个白眼狼”这个说法
小老鼠 离线
级别: 军区司令员
17楼  发表于: 2011-07-20   
杉菜伊伊 离线
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18楼  发表于: 2011-07-21   
回 6楼(卡拉) 的帖子
6楼似乎不能看,可以重贴么? c/%i,N\5  
鐡手 离线
级别: 论坛版主

19楼  发表于: 2011-07-21   
引用第7楼卡拉于07-20-2011 11:48发表的  : #0GvL=}k  
娶妻当娶邓文迪。 g 67;O(3  
赞同,穿红衣服的就是邓文迪吧,瞧那一巴掌煽滴多带劲啊!这一巴掌表明邓在关键时候是绝对站在老公这边的,娶妻当娶邓文迪!!! Wo+fMn(O  

3 * 6 = ? 正确答案:18