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主题 : 对于此事的第一反应,偶认为是不可信,大家以为呢?(已取消加密)
乐淘淘 离线
级别: 军区司令员
20楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
General Peter Pace 美国前参谋长联席会议主席 $J]o\~Z J  
[ 此帖被乐淘淘在09-26-2012 20:52重新编辑 ]
红眉 离线
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21楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
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红眉 离线
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22楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
General Peter Pace I.u[9CI7HU  
1968-1979 x^/453Lk  
Upon completion of The Basic School at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, in 1968, Pace was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division in the Republic of Vietnam, serving first as Platoon Leader of Golf Company's Second Platoon and subsequently as assistant Operations Officer. )cYbE1=u8>  
Returning from overseas in March 1969, he reported to Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C.. During this tour, he served as Head, Infantry Writer Unit, Marine Corps Institute; Platoon Leader, Guard Company; Security Detachment Commander, Camp David; White House Social Aide; and Platoon Leader, Special Ceremonial Platoon. He was promoted to Captain in April 1971. In September 1971, Pace attended the Infantry Officers' Advanced Course at Fort Benning, Georgia. Returning overseas in October 1972, he was assigned to the Security Element, Marine Aircraft Group 15, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, Namphong, Thailand, where he served as Operations Officer and then Executive Officer. 2G)q?_Q4S  
In October 1973, he was assigned to Headquarters Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., for duty as the Assistant Majors' Monitor. During October 1976, he reported to the 1st Marine Division, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, where he served as Operations Officer, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines; Executive Officer, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines; and Division Staff Secretary. He was promoted to Major on November 1, 1977. In August 1979, he reported to the Marine Corps Command and Staff College as a student. fb D  
1980-1988 f"0?_cG{%  
Upon completion of school in June 1980, he was assigned duty as Commanding Officer, Marine Corps Recruiting Station, Buffalo, New York. While in this assignment, he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in October 1982. Reassigned to the 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, Pace served from June 1983 until June 1985 as Commanding Officer, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines. In June 1985, he was selected to attend the National War College in Washington, D.C. O@sJ#i>  
After graduation the following June, he was assigned to the Combined/Joint Staff in Seoul, South Korea. He served as Chief, Ground Forces Branch until April 1987, when he became Executive Officer to the Assistant Chief of Staff, C/J/G3, United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces Korea/Eighth United States Army. Pace returned to Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C. in August 1988 for duty as Commanding Officer. He was promoted to Colonel in October 1988. _W gpk 0  
1990s c_FnJ_++f  
In August 1991, Pace was assigned duty as Chief of Staff, 2nd Marine Division, Camp Lejeune. During February 1992, he was assigned duty as Assistant Division Commander. He was advanced to Brigadier General on April 6, 1992, and was assigned as President of the Marine Corps University and Commanding General of Marine Corps Schools at the Marine Corps Combat Development Command, Quantico, Virginia, on July 13, 1992. While serving in this capacity, he also served as Deputy Commander, Marine Forces, Somalia, from December 1992 to February 1993, and as the Deputy Commander, Joint Task Force - Somalia from October 1993 to March 1994. Pace was advanced to Major General on June 21, 1994, and was assigned as the Deputy Commander/Chief of Staff, U.S. Forces, Japan. He was promoted to Lieutenant General and assigned as the Director for Operations (J-3), Joint Staff, Washington, D.C., on August 5, 1996. ljJR7<  
Pace served as the Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Atlantic/Europe/South from November 23, 1997 to September 8, 2000. -)p| i~j^A  
2000s; Joint Chiefs of Staff YQ7tZl;:t  
He was promoted to General and assumed duties as the Commander-in-Chief, United States Southern Command on September 8, 2000 until September 30, 2001, when he was appointed Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. On August 12, 2005, he was succeeded as Vice Chairman by Admiral Edmund P. Giambastiani. < /9@RO  
On April 22, 2005, at a White House press conference, President George W. Bush nominated Pace to be the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The previous Chairman, Richard Myers, retired from the position on September 30, 2005. |TCg`ZS`cZ  
On his nomination, Pace said, "This is an incredible moment for me. It is both exhilarating and humbling. It's exhilarating because I have the opportunity, if confirmed by the Senate, to continue to serve this great nation. It's humbling because I know the challenges ahead are formidable." 28 7)\FU;3  
On June 29, 2005, Gen. Pace appeared before the Armed Services Committee for consideration of his nomination[5] and was later confirmed by the Senate. On September 30, 2005, Gen. Pace was sworn in as the 16th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. z*G(AcS)  
On November 29, 2005, Gen. Pace was present at a press conference given by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, where Rumsfeld said that "the United States does not have a responsibility" to prevent torture by Iraqi officials. Pace disagreed with Rumsfeld, saying "It is the absolute responsibility of every U.S. service member, if they see inhumane treatment being conducted, to intervene, to stop it". v_NL2eQ~  
After White House officials asserted that Iran was supplying insurgents in Iraq with munitions, Gen. Pace questioned the validity of the claim in a February 2007 press conference. Specifically, Gen. Pace questioned the existence of direct evidence linking the Iranian Government to the supply of the weapons, explosively-formed penetrators. KN"<f:u  
Retirement ZoroK.N4A%  
On June 8, 2007, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced that he would advise the President not to renominate General Pace because of concerns about contentious confirmation hearings in the Democratic-controlled Congress. The President nominated the former Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Mullen to replace Pace. On October 1, 2007, General Pace officially retired at Fort Myer, Virginia.[ 8 J;\Z  
After his retirement ceremony, Pace left to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. There, he left seven handwritten notes dated for that day, with a set of his four-star General insignia attached to each one. Each note was similar to this one: 70yM]C^  
"For Guido Farinaro USMC These are yours — not mine! With love and respect, your platoon leader, Pete Pace." _vr;cjMI  
On 1 October 2007, the editors of the National Review encouraged Virginia voters to draft Pace to run in 2008 for the Senate seat to be vacated by retiring Senator John Warner. The magazine cited Pace's conservative Catholic beliefs in making its suggestion.[18]On 2 October 2007, the Wall Street Journal's Political Diary ran a piece about Virginia Republicans attempting to persuade Gen. Pace to run for the Senate seat being vacated by Sen. John Warner in 2008.[ :x36Z4:  
On April 3, 2008, private equity firm Behrman Capital announced that Pace had joined the firm as an operating partner and been named chairman of the board of Behrman portfolio company, Pelican Products. He was also named a director of ILC Industries, Inc., also a Behrman company. =;y(b~  
Pace also currently serves on the Secretary of Defense's Policy Board.  R]"3^k*  
红眉 离线
级别: 论坛版主

23楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
彼得·佩斯将军 ($[)Tcq*~  
1968-1979 *e *V%w~75  
的基本学校在海军陆战队基地匡蒂科,弗吉尼亚州完成后,在1968年,佩斯被分配到的第2营,第5位海军陆战队员,第一海洋部在越南共和国,服务第一作为小队领袖的高尔夫公司的二排和随后作为助理营运总监。 |ZJ<N\\h-  
从海外归来的1969年3月,他向海洋营房,华盛顿,DC。在这次巡演中,他曾担任主管,海军陆战队步兵作家单位,研究所,排长,保安公司,保安支队司令员,戴维营,白宫社交助手和排长,特别典礼排。 1971年4月,他被晋升为上尉。 1971年9月,吴佩慈出席,佐治亚州本宁堡步兵军官高级课程。返回海外,在1972年10月,他被分配到的安全元素,海洋航空器小组15,1海洋航空器翼,Namphong,泰国,在那里他担任营运总监,总裁。 ?qR11A};tG  
1973年10月,他被分配到海军陆战队总部,华盛顿,DC,职责,助理专业“显示器。在1976年10月,他向海军陆战队第一师,海军陆战队基地彭德尔顿营,加利福尼亚州,在那里他担任营运官,第2营,第5位海军陆战队员,行政主任,第3营,第5位海军陆战队员和司乘人员的秘书。他被晋升为专业1977年11月1日。 1979年8月,他向海军陆战队指挥与参谋学院的学生。 oO][X  
1980至1988年 tz dh3\6F  
学校1980年6月完成后,他被分配了义务指挥官,海军陆战队招募站,布法罗,纽约州。而在这个任务中,他于1982年10月晋升为中校。重新分配到海军陆战队第一师的彭德尔顿营,吴佩慈曾从1983年6月至1985年6月,作为指挥官,第2营,第1海军陆战队员。 1985年6月,他被选中参加在华盛顿特区的国家战争学院 >PoVK{&y  
在次年的六月毕业后,他被分配到首尔,韩国联合/联的工作人员。他曾担任处长,陆军部,直到1987年4月,当他成为总裁到总参谋长助理,C/J/G3,联合国军司令部/联合部队司令部/美国驻韩/第八届美国军队。佩斯返回海洋营房在华盛顿特区,1988年8月,作为指挥官的责任。于1988年10月,他被晋升为上校。 C !6d`|  
20世纪90年代 .yb=I6D;<3  
1991年8月,吴佩慈被分配了义务为参谋长,第2水师阵营Lejeune。在1992年2月,他被分配了义务作为辅助师长。 1992年4月6日,他被推进到准将,被指派担任主席的海军陆战队大学和权威的将军,海军陆战队学校在海军陆战队作战发展司令部,匡蒂科,弗吉尼亚州,1992年7月13日。服务在这方面的能力的同时,他还担任过副司令员,海军部队,索马里,1992年12月至1993年2月,作为副指挥官,联合特遣部队 - 索马里1993年10月1994年3月。先进的步伐少将1994年6月21日,被指定为副指挥官/首席员工,美军,日本。他被晋升为中将,并指定为业务主任(J-3),联合参谋部,华盛顿特区,1996年8月5日。 Kld#C51X f  
佩斯担任指挥官,美海军陆战队部队,大西洋/欧洲/南非从1997年11月23日至2000年9月8日。 kyu PN<?  
2000年,美国参谋长联席会议 %M u$0~ct"  
他被晋升为通用和假设责任作为统帅,美国南方司令部2000年9月8日至9月30,2001年,当他被任命为副参谋长联席会议主席。 2005年8月12日,他继之后作为副主席由埃德蒙·P.上将Giambastiani。 0:q R,NW^#  
在白宫新闻发布会上,2005年4月22日,美国总统乔治·W·布什提名的步伐是未来的参谋长联席会议主席。 2005年9月30日,前主席理查德·迈尔斯的位置退休。 ]c\d][R N  
在他的提名,佩斯说,“这是一个令人难以置信的时刻对我来说,这是既令人振奋和震撼人心的。这是令人振奋的,因为我有这个机会,如果确认由参议院,继续为这个伟大的国家服务。这是震撼人心的,因为我知道未来的挑战是巨大的。“ N_| '`]D  
2005年6月29日,佩斯将军出现在军事委员会考虑他的提名[5],后来得到参议院的批准。 2005年9月30日,16日的参谋长联席会议主席的宣誓就职,成为将军的速度。 j=n <s</V  
2005年11月29日,佩斯将军出席了由国防部长唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德,拉姆斯菲尔德说,“美国没有责任”,以防止酷刑的伊拉克官员的新闻发布会。佩斯表示不同意拉姆斯菲尔德说:“这是绝对的每一个美国服务成员的责任,如果他们看到不人道的待遇进行干预,以阻止它”。 `u#N  
白宫官员宣称,伊朗提供武装分子在伊拉克的弹药,佩斯将军的有效性提出质疑的要求,在2007年2月新闻发布会。具体而言,佩斯将军质疑存在直接的证据表明,伊朗政府的武器供应,形成爆炸性的穿甲弹。 sH /08Z  
退休 i'`[dwfS  
2007年6月8日,美国国防部长罗伯特·盖茨宣布,他将建议总统不要重新提名佩斯将军,因为有争议的确认听证会上,民主党控制的国会的关注。总统提名的前首席海军作战部长迈克尔·马伦海军上将更换同步。 2007年10月1日,佩斯将军在弗吉尼亚州迈尔堡,正式退役。 R&9Q#n-  
他的退役仪式后,吴佩慈留下来参观越战纪念碑在华盛顿,DC在那里,他离开的那一天手写的照会,连接到每一个与他的四星级将军徽章一组。每一个音符与此类似: QV9 z81[  
“圭多Farinaro USMC这些是你 - 不是我的!爱和尊重,你的排长,皮特·佩斯。” ,'>O#kD  
2007年10月1日,国家评论“的编辑鼓励弗吉尼亚州的选民起草退休的参议员约翰·华纳(John Warner)在2008年的参议院席位被腾空的步伐。该杂志引用佩斯的保守的天主教信仰中提出的建议。[18] 2007年10月2日,华尔街日报的政治日记了一块约弗吉尼亚州的共和党试图说服将军的速度运行的参议院席位被空出的参议员约翰·华纳于2008年。 M*7:-Tb]C  
2008年4月3日,Behrman Capital的私募股权投资公司宣布,佩斯已经加盟该公司担任经营合伙人及被命名为贝尔曼投资组合公司,派力肯产品公司董事会主席。他也命名的,ILC工业公司的董事,也是贝尔曼公司。 ^Bu55q  
lotus520 离线
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24楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
lotus520 离线
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25楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
露佳 离线
级别: 军区司令员

26楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
原来不是神马大校, 人家是四星上将哈~~~ s"B2Whe  
可是, 又如何确定相片与写邮件的不是同一人捏?
[ 此帖被露佳在09-26-2012 20:28重新编辑 ]
枷加 离线
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27楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
同一人,但相片与写邮件的未必是同一人? +aOQ'*g  
骗子!! p} {H%L  
不知 离线
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28楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
lotus520 你的逻辑性非常准确,你的朋友被假象迷惑了 xSq{pxX  
lotus520 离线
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29楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
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找找感觉 离线
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30楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
天涯渔妇 离线
级别: 军长
31楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
才知道这肩章是将军 ,n[<[tkCR  
{@F' BB\  
lotus520 离线
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32楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
说实在的,中午休息我并没有睡着,饭前发给同事网址后,就在想这个事,骗子的手法很容易让人起疑心的,可同事却深信深陷其中。 _ xTpW  
好在她没有多少钱,钱不可能被骗,骗的只有感情。 /# ]eVD  
分析可能是她走出婚姻时间不长,心态还没有完全调整好,太急切的希望有个人好依靠,渴望有个家,害怕孤单。还有就是对前夫的进展情况不服气。这个阶段内心是最空白、最虚弱、最没有方向感的,这么轻易的就被几封甜言蜜语的情书俘获,想想就不可思议啊。 =yz" xWH  
lotus520 离线
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33楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
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lotus520 离线
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34楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
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水做的鱼 离线
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35楼  发表于: 2012-09-26   
peace 离线
级别: 军区司令员
36楼  发表于: 2012-09-27   
引用第20楼乐淘淘于09-26-2012 18:07发表的  : OyVP_Yx,V  
General Peter Pace 美国前参谋长联席会议主席 - [h[  
(跟着楼主一起取消加密) X':FFD4h  
myR{ }G  
怎么发现的呢 淘淘可以该行当侦探了。 Lm~<BBp.  
黄胖胖 离线
级别: 军区司令员
37楼  发表于: 2012-09-27   
loveapple 离线
级别: 军长
38楼  发表于: 2012-09-27   
幸好过来求助了,不然被骗了 Kh\ 7%>K#  
劝同事先爱自己,好好享受一个人的生活,自己过精彩了,自然爱情也不远了 UgGa]b[9A  
既然离婚了,就斩断情丝,哪怕是恨,都不要有 r[i^tIv6As  
见过听过很多这样的事 4T(d9y  
鐡手 离线
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39楼  发表于: 2012-09-27   

3 * 6 = ? 正确答案:18