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主题 : ZT: 疏散居民关闭地铁:纽约史上第一次
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楼主  发表于: 2011-08-27   

ZT: 疏散居民关闭地铁:纽约史上第一次

在美国东部沿海居民准备“艾琳”飓风到来的时候,纽约市长下令强制疏散海岸地区所有五个区的居民。这是有史以来纽约市长第一次下疏散命令。 NslA/"*  
纽约市地铁系统周六中午开始完全关闭,这也是历史上第一次。 \zI&n &T  
美国东部沿海的数百万居民将受到“艾琳”飓风袭击的影响。“艾琳”飓风将再周六早些时候登陆。 Crhi+D  
Tb= {g;0 @  
据料飓风会带来洪水和导致电力中断,美国总统奥巴马已经敦促美国人作最坏的准备,并且随时注意疏散通知。 h3lDDyu  
奥巴马说,从各种迹象看来,“艾琳”飓风都会是一个史上少见的强烈飓风,同时也无法准确地预测飓风在未来几天会带来什么样的灾害。 V0 F30rK  
不过,奥巴马说,美国联邦政府和地方政府从上个星期就紧密联系,确保做好准备,因此他希望飓风可能袭击地区的居民也应该做好预防飓风袭击的防护工作。 KYu(H[a  
c9 uT`h  
他呼吁居民们不要拖延、不要等待,为最坏的后果做准备,要严肃看待这次飓风来袭,不能等闲视之。 tv OAN|+F  
奥巴马的忠告是“如果你收到疏散命令,请你一定要照做”。 N &[,nUd  
e] K=Nm  
白宫网站发表的告示说,绝大部分美国东部沿岸都是在警戒范围之内,而美东由南到北有7个州也宣布进入紧急状态。 M&ij[%i  
其中有新泽西、马里兰、北卡罗来纳以及特拉华等4个州下令部分地区居民强制疏散。气象单位估计,“艾琳”飓风登陆时,可能变为每小时风速169公里的2级飓风。 6)U&XWH0  
7ILa H|eN  
“艾琳”飓风预计在周六先在北卡罗来纳州登陆美国本土,随后可能会向北转向、扑向纽约和华盛顿。 euhZ4+  
9xQ 8`7  
奥巴马还宣布,在预计飓风可能最早登陆的北卡罗来纳州宣布联邦级别的紧急状态。 8-"5|pNc  
这个周末,华盛顿、巴尔的摩、费城、纽约甚至北方的波士顿等人口密集的大城市都会受到“艾琳”飓风的威胁。 '^l^gW/|\  
而其飓风半径为144公里、热带风暴风速范围半径更是高达近480公里。 E.`d k.  
美国联邦防灾单位的官员说,能够确定飓风登陆必然成灾,只是现在不知道受灾的程度而已。 $uw+^(ut  
当地电力公司警告说,在飓风侵袭的本周末很可能出现大规模的停电。 LZ)m](+M  
在飓风可能在周日袭击的纽约,当局劝告住在低洼地区以及海边的居民暂时离开。 w;EXjl;X O  
因为担心飓风带来豪暴雨会造成纽约地铁严重淹水,当局目前也在加强作排水的准备。 (`]*Y(/2G  
(<3lo ZaX  
在美国大西洋沿岸海军重镇弗吉尼亚州,美国海军下令第二舰队舰艇在当地时间周四早上离开港口,到海上避风。 K~8tN ,~&  
第二舰队司令霍勒维说,由于气象预测强劲暴风和极高的海浪,可能会对停泊造成严重地损坏,因此下令舰艇采取此一必要措施。 dl6v <  







Tomorrow is another day.
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沙发  发表于: 2011-08-27   
NY times:Core of Hurricane Irene Starts Coming Ashore
NAGS HEAD, N.C. — The eye wall of Hurricane Irene, now a Category 1 storm, came ashore just east of Cape Lookout in North Carolina on Saturday morning, the first stop in the mainland United States for a storm that is expected to scrape up the East Coast and bring flooding rains to a dozen states. -+rF]|Wi  
Howling winds and sheets of rains accompanied the storm overnight, signaling the approach of its core. Part of the pier at Atlantic Beach, N.C., collapsed before dawn on Saturday, according to television reports, and a hurricane-force wind gust was reported at Hatteras on the Outer Banks. a9Fm Y`  
-t 6R!ZI  
Radar images showed that the ragged eye of the storm appeared to reach land during the 7 a.m. hour. It is expected to force a storm surge into the bays and sounds here, inundating low-lying areas. An hour after dawn, the wide beach here in Nags Head had become a wide pool of water as waves began to erode the dunes of the Outer Banks. b3b~T]]  
Irene’s landfall marked the first time since 2008 that a hurricane made landfall in the continental United States. q83~j `ZJ$  
The storm is forecast to continue churning north-northeast toward New York, where mandatory evacuations were issued on Friday in parts of the city. U[QD!  
On Saturday morning, the National Hurricane Center in Miami downgraded the storm from a Category 2 to a Category 1, indicating that further weakening had occurred overnight. The storm’s maximum sustained winds are 90 miles per hour, with higher gusts, the hurricane center said, but forecasters reminded residents that it remained a very powerful storm. OJsd[l3xR  
“Some weakening is expected after Irene reaches the coast of North Carolina,” the hurricane center’s update said, “but Irene is forecast to remain a hurricane as it moves near or over the mid-Atlantic states and New England.” PGPbpl&\t  
According to The Associated Press, a hurricane specialist at the center, Mike Brennan, said: “The hazards are still the same.” The emphasis for this storm is on its size and duration, not necessarily how strong the strongest winds are.” 8M|)ojH  
At 8:30 a.m., Progress Energy said that almost 200,000 customers had lost power in North Carolina, with the number expected to grow. Power was out in Wilmington, with wind gusts up to 72 m.p.h., but there was a sense that that part of North Carolina had made it through the worst of it. ~'2r&?=\  
vaRwh E:  
Damage has been relatively light in the Wilmington area. Trees and a few billboards are down, but flooding remains the big concern. The ocean breached the dunes at the communities of Wrightsville Beach and Carolina Beach, and some homes are flooded. Signs still abounded of the storm’s potency — spotty power outages, downed trees on roads near the coast and damage to municipal buildings were all reported overnight, and rescuers in New Hanover County had to end a search for a possible drowning victim in the Cape Fear River because the weather had made it too dangerous to continue. `MsYgd  
BO4 K#H7  
Scattered power outages were also reported in Virginia. a*':W%7  
e$EF% cKH  
“The storm is moving more slowly than expected,” said Mazie Swindell Smith, the county manager in Hyde County, which is expecting storm surge from the inland bay that it abuts. “That’s not good as far as rainfall, because it’ll just sit here and dump rain.” "b>KUzuYT  
With an estimated 55 million people in the path of a storm the size of California, the East Coast’s major cities were preparing for the worst. Hurricane watches were posted and states of emergency declared for Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New England, New Jersey, New York and Virginia. Amtrak canceled train service for the weekend, and airlines began canceling flights, urging travelers to stay home. v"r9|m~'  
For the first time in its history, New York City planned to shut down its entire mass transit and subway system — the nation’s largest — beginning at noon on Saturday. New Jersey Transit was set to suspend service then as well. At least 370,000 people in the city were ordered to evacuate from low-lying areas. _ML~c&9jv  
Organizations from the Pentagon to the American Red Cross were positioning mobile units and preparing shelters with food and water. The Defense Department amassed 18 helicopters to be ready with lifesaving equipment and put them on the Wasp, an aircraft carrier that was moved out to sea from Norfolk, Va., to get out of Hurricane Irene’s way. ,![Du::1  
“All of us have to take this storm seriously,” said President Obama, who cut short his family vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., to head back to Washington on Friday. “All indications,” he said, “point to this being a historic hurricane.” ,=Nw(GI  
The town manager of Wrightsville Beach, Robert Simpson, said the ocean started pouring over the dunes on Friday and flooded the small beachside community. `cP'~OT  
k9) u 3  
With a storm this big and this wet — the hurricane center said its tropical-storm-force winds stretched 290 miles — when it hits land, the power of the winds might not be as important as the amount of rainfall. !p,hy `  
v0C;j (2zb  
Such a huge dump of sustained rain along with high winds will most likely uproot trees from soggy ground and cause wide-scale loss of power. 5 Y Q  
Flooding is the biggest concern, said Steve Pfaff, a meteorologist with the weather service’s office in Wilmington. As much as 9 to 10 inches of rain will fall over the easternmost areas here, overwhelming drainage systems. H_?B{We  
Most airlines have grounded flights this weekend, in the New York City area and beyond, and Newark Liberty International Airport, Kennedy International Airport and La Guardia Airport were set to close at noon on Saturday in anticipation of the severe weather. i.t9jN  
Michael Trevino, a spokesman for the merged United Airlines and Continental Airlines, said 2,300 flights would be canceled. >4/L-y+  
“Our efforts have been focused at doing an orderly pre-cancellation so that customers can avoid having to go to airport only to find out their flight has been canceled,” Mr. Trevino said. *1W, M zg  
A JetBlue spokesman said the airline had grounded 1,252 flights in the New York area and beyond starting Saturday. &QTeGn  
Not only were flights being grounded, but rebooking could be tricky. On Friday, Continental’s customer service line was overloaded and a recorded message told customers to try back later. '}Wu3X  
Federal officials warned that whatever the force of the winds, this storm was powerful and its effects would be felt well inland, as far as West Virginia, western Pennsylvania, western New York and interior New England. Q+d.%qhc  
“This is not just a coastal event,” said Bill Read, director of the National Hurricane Center. He said he was highly confident of the storm’s track, meaning that it would be a rare hurricane that travels right along the densely populated Interstate 95 corridor. 8pPC 9ew\=  
In Washington, officials postponed the dedication of the new memorial to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which had been scheduled for Sunday. Mayor Vincent C. Gray declared a state of emergency and said that starting Saturday, the city would distribute five sandbags per household to those preparing their homes to withstand flooding. Pepco, a major power provider for the area, warned of extensive blackouts and said it had engaged additional crews, including one from Ohio. The Metro system was expected to continue running, officials said. X&(ERY,h  
The potential power of the coming storm did not frighten everyone. z]c,} Q  
Along the Caratoke Highway in North Carolina, the road out of the Outer Banks to the north, things were unusually quiet along a road usually crawling with vacationers. There were signs that some local residents had actually heeded the mandatory evacuation order for Currituck County. xegQRc  
But not everyone. bEBBwv  
Right after the last sandbag was put in place at the front door of the Cavalier Surf Shop in Nags Head, in Dare County, the store manager, Jerry Slayton, said the weekend would be a “hurri-cation.” 2 {e dW+  
“We go home, play games and wait the storm out,” Jerry’s father, Ken Slayton, said. :4 j a@~  
It did not seem to matter that county officials warned on Friday afternoon that “those who do not evacuate should be prepared to sustain themselves for at least 72 hours and could experience hazards and a major disruption of services for an extended period of time.” #P%1{l5m  
"J pTE \/  
Others were taking things more seriously, and thinking about what mattered the most. E69:bQ94u  
Daniel and Shari Sacchi secured their home near Carolina Beach on Friday before heading to her father’s house deeper inland. They packed what mattered: three days’ worth of clothes for their two sons, important documents and photo albums. X 45x~8f  
Oh, and three of Mr. Sacchi’s surfboards. N^\2 _T  
ahNX/3; y  
“As soon the storm passes, I’m getting in the water,” he said. +YkW[a\4  
Tomorrow is another day.
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板凳  发表于: 2011-08-27   
Tomorrow is another day.
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地板  发表于: 2011-08-27   
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地下室  发表于: 2011-08-27   
引用第2楼抽刀断水于08-27-2011 04:31发表的 : Jd5\&ma  
俺家离哈得逊河步行12分钟左右,目前属于自愿撤离地带,俺们决定留守,有点担心。希望只是虚惊一场。 lPM3}52Xu  
"]V DY)  
有朋友在北卡,还未联系上,不知他们情况怎样。同盼,希望只是虚惊一场。 h+,'B&=|_  
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5楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
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6楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
回 3楼(username) 的帖子
飓风,目前还是飓风! : [q0S@  
Tomorrow is another day.
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7楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
Tomorrow is another day.
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8楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
回 6楼(抽刀断水) 的帖子
代表东亚各种各样人民回句, 哦。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
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9楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
不过说到这里必须说美国这块地风水真的很不错, 这么大的国家,自然灾害少得很可怜。  
xiaolu 离线
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10楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
angela_whz 离线
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11楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
引用第7楼抽刀断水于08-27-2011 06:12发表的  : /J3ZL[o?Q  
开始下大雨了。怕怕。 8j5<6Cv_  
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12楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
回 11楼(angela_whz) 的帖子
嘿嘿,早晨的雨来得急,走得也急。不过现在又在下小雨。 )yG"^Ulu  
到中午我们该做的准备工作都做好了,就等着mean Irene来了. 6"/WZmOp  
既然哪里也不可以去,和老公调了sangria看dvd,一会可能和一样留守的朋友去喝酒,倒也不怕了。 T!RT<&  
昨天一直在犹豫撤还是不撤,倒是把自己吓得够呛。 59r_#(u o  
对了,因为飓风,俺们这儿的酒吧都只能营业到8点。 q[3x2sR  
Tomorrow is another day.
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13楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
看纽约时报,目前s了5人,有4人和树有关,还有一个是心脏病,俺顿时庆幸俺家周围没有什么树。 7F^#o-@=J  
Tomorrow is another day.
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14楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
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Tomorrow is another day.
wenwendywen 离线
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15楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
回 6楼(抽刀断水) 的帖子
抱抱。。我在New Orleans呆过,几乎每年都有飓风。。。 3`E=#ff%  
54lu2 gD'  
没事,做好贮备,然后呆在家里玩好。。。我们当时几乎都是几家聚餐,大吃一顿后,打牌到断电,然后睡觉。。。 /X"/ha!=&D  
清水 离线
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16楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
回 13楼(抽刀断水) 的帖子
抽刀同学,俺从休假回来就一直陪着婆婆公公,还有侄女大人,真的没空在网上溜达,写字啥的。今天这飓风来临特地上来安慰你,估计咱这嘎达不会有大损失,你家的储备够了吗?关好门窗,正好趁此机会在家里休息一下。地铁不通了,祝贺你终于可以大休下,哈哈,难得啊! \B F*m"lz  
我也正好这时休息了,只可惜,本来俺家高堂是明天中午大陆航空的飞机,这下全泡汤了,昨天就通知取消了,啥时候可以走还没消息,急呀,俺家小侄女赶不上开学了。 1"Z@Q`}  
我们这里一切正常,你那里有啥需要沟通的,咱及时联系。 o#) {1<0vg  
现在大雨又来了,说是半夜飓风登上纽约陆地,真想举上照相机拍两张,看看飓风到底啥样 <q*oV  
wenwendywen 离线
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17楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
回 15楼(wenwendywen) 的帖子
对了,我们当时学生都没什么钱,值钱的可能就是车了。所以,好像每次大飓风来临时候,会把车开到高高的地方,或者高楼的停车的地方。 v+p {|X-  
3LDS Z1f  
wenwendywen 离线
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18楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
回 16楼(清水) 的帖子
清水同学, !It`+0S b  
这次是有些严重了,好像还是龙卷风,。。。现在雨好大,可能要一直下到明天中午。。。 Lg8nj< TF  
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19楼  发表于: 2011-08-27   
回 14楼(抽刀断水) 的帖子
唉,我是真担心被资本主义大本营的温床腐化的人民,不能经受那么一点点风雨的吹打。  来,俺为嫩们留把同情的眼泪

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