HuxvIg K)\D,5X^ 作为中国人, 总希望自己的同胞有更好的发展前途.
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如果你是中国毕业的医学生, 而且你酷爱科研, 下面的就不要看了. 我们要承认, 对专业的热爱是成功的重要动力, 而且可以使你的生活更有乐趣.
(f*r AO7X-, 如果你像我一样, 是中国毕业的医学生, 对科研的感觉一般, 那我强烈建议你去考USMLE.
7 lq$PsC (一些基本内容可以在这找到:
J|z ' <W ?Qpi(Czbpq Before you start to prepare USMLE, buy a book called “First Aid for USMLE Step 1 (or 2, 3)”. You will know the very basic and important info. At the end of the book, there is list for all books you need to buy. Get at least one from the different specialties.
%yR80mn8 @ L/i 1.Step 1 (basic knowledge): For people who have research experience or hold a PhD, this is an relatively easy step.
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FgO 2. Step 2 (Diagnosis): For people who had been clincians in China, this is a not very difficult exam. This exam includes two parts now: CK and CS. For CS, you should speak relatively fluent English. However, like all exams, you can always crush it by taking some Kaplan courses or practicing at home or with friends. Don’t be scared by the CS exam. For most people who have been working or studying in this country, this should not be a problem. Acturally, this may be the most easy part among all the USMLE, although it is also the most expensive one.
W;H kWbY&]ZO If financially permit, take a Kaplan course. It is very helpful, esp. for us the foreign medical graduate. One month before the exam, buy the Q bank from Kaplan. This is a must investment. Once again, use the Q bank from Kaplan.
%2?"x*A ZS&lXgo By now, if you have green card or you would like to take J visa, you are ready for application, interview and match.
nXh<+7 'Rv.6>xqc If you want to take H1B visa, you need to go one more step further, step 3.
+~;#!I@Di eI-FJ/CJ 3. Step 3 (Treatment). There are many contents overlapping between step 2 and stept 3. Therefore, it is a good idea to take them consequently.
Xi=4S[.4 k6;pi=sYNW 如果你没有美国医生的推荐信或者美国医院的工作经验,考个好的USMEL成绩是你成为医生的唯一出路.
K$$%j "s j{m{hVa 如果你的USMEL考的不是很好(比如说70分左右),你依然有机会.试着找个临床医生的实验室做Postdoc,和系里的MD,program director, or chair 搞好关系,即便不能留在那个Program,也可以拿到很好的推荐信去申请其他的Programs.
PhmtCp0-7- m
.En!~t 如果你没有养家糊口的压力,去你想去的Program里做半年或一年的Externship (Volunteer), 这是很多印度人和东欧人的做法, 但是非常有用.
K| (d[JMO^@8 有绿卡最好,如果没有,依然有很大的机会.H1B, J1 visa 都可以用的.
?J"Y4,{ g(F2IpUm/ 按照中国的人口基数,我们在美国的医生还是太少了.参看下面的文章
1-G-p:| http://content.nejm.org/xxxx/reprint/353/17/1810.pdf X
pT})AV 25;`yB$ 既然大家已经来到这个国家,为什么不能团结起来,生活得更好一些呢? 即便你不是医生,怎么能保证你的亲戚朋友,甚至你将来的配偶不是中国的医学生呢?在美国社会里多一些中国医生总比多一些餐馆老板要好一些吧.BTW,当你做完Residency,申请考专业Board 时候(不是USMLE), 很多Sepcialty board 会问你 How to show your title in your diplomate: 只有两个选择, MD or OD. That’s it.