My boss took this week off so I am busy with doing the backup coverage in addition to my
h]Y,gya[yk normal routine work. A bit late to append my thankful messages. However, it's never too late.
{e+}jZ[L It's my pleasure to meet Admin and Arthur. These two gentlemen are really catching
^tg people's eyes. Especially catching women's eyes. The food was awesome, we ate a whole
Bq5-L}z lobster, a whole fish, clams, some other mixed seafood and several dishes of vegetables.
: WaPuJ5;e See, I did as I promised that I would focus on the food instead of on the gentlemen. Thanks
n2(`O^yd7C to everyone, I had a fun time to be getting together with you.
Z<jC,r lt{D f~c 英文感谢词还是别扭 还不都为了帮衬 Arthur 怕他独转英文太寂寞 Arthur 改天你也学学中文输入吧!
l&mK? 2/iBk'd 这不提提老大的英俊潇洒实在对不起广大湾坛同胞 更对偶的审美眼光无法交代
9!4 (小平你那眼神忒另类 这么个帅蝈蝈怎没听你给偶提过?还是应你那话 熟得不好下手啊!)
1!%T<!A. 眉眼的英气不在话下 轮廓就是一个翩翩书生 搁那儿一站就知道是个人物
?NVX# t' 进场时偶们起立鼓掌欢声雷动 就差每人给他个猪抱 (茶宝新词 熊抱今年不适用)
@+6cKP 席间老大夹菜倒茶体贴入微 (Lili 占了天时地利 羡得偶们差点儿借小平的面条往自己脖子上绕)
R?3N><oh* 这馆子选得忒地道 龙虾 全鱼 大蚬 各式海鲜 物超所值 茶宝功不可没 于此一并感谢!
Zv0'OX~8i Lili 一级棒 老大名言偶入耳即忘 (估计是老了) 还好你声声入耳句句入心
>vR7l&" 给你一个手势一个表情
[ 此贴被Ling1984在02-21-2007 18:45重新编辑 ]