My guess is that this Frog's Chinese level is not good enough to understand the meanings of the posts. At least, I don't understand what his “软体”means. -I,$_
Attn. Frog *6DB0X_-}
lili and Kara phrased your Photo album in your video and want to know what software(软件)you used to make it. If you don't want to tell, just not tell, why write something like "請創造自己的美好時光 不要看到別人的好 就去學他模仿他 這是敗類會做的行為 @7j AL -
對不起 我謙虛地講". Are you talking about patent? >e[i5
2nd, lots of people are talking about the legal issue: without the approval of that lovely Taiwanese girl, you are illegal to post video with her at public forum like this. She can sue you for this, the serious result is that you may be in jail. My son is in preschool, the teachers need us to sign a paper to take pictures of my son for use in public places, if we write no, then they can not do that. If you grows up in the US, you should know that. Neither is legal to use that Shanghai girl's image as your icon here. It's for your goodness. VZmLS 4E
3rd, don't blame all the people of the city just because you don't like a couple of people there. There are good and bad people everywhere, even bad guy may do some good things. I know a lot of good Shanghai girls. Once a girl post a topic about hating African American, I suggest erase it here because we are not racist. That Shanghai girl may only think of money, but are you thinking of sex all the time? zuy4G9P
I remember you once asked what "谈谈情说说爱"is , that is "falling in love". If you fall in love with that Tanwainess girl, then why saying that she is not proper to be your wife. Have you ever think you may hurt her by saying so?