喜欢Vitas的人请不要哭泣 ~?l |
仿佛一夜之间,俄罗斯魅惑男高音Vitas的音乐便在网络上悄然风靡,他以传说中横跨5个八度、接近超声的音域以及绝美的姿态和隐藏在他背后神话般的故事颠倒众生。但在Vitas流传最广的几段故事里,有的竟几乎都是神秘的问号和惊叹号。 zOJ%}
他是在克里姆林宫举办个唱的最年轻的歌手。 \UA[
他很神秘,因为他不接受任何媒体的采访........... \P[Y`LYL
最近我老婆也迷上了他的歌,到处要下载他的歌曲,想要看他的演唱会。为此我特地了解了VITAS在俄罗斯国内的情况,下面是我和莫斯科一个朋友的对话,希望能给那些被迷惑的人带来一些最新最真实的信息。喜欢Vitas的人请不要哭泣......... C2!|OQ9A2
注:Alan 是我的英文名 Z*F3G#A
[16:24:08] Alan 说: do you know a very famous singer, vitas? Lw1Yvtn
[16:24:25] Alan 说: He is a Russian 9p]QM)M
[16:25:36] Оксана 说: Yes, but here he was popular 2 years ago, the it was a big scandal because of his voice (actually it is false) and now he is not very famous [DuttFX^x
[16:25:47] Оксана 说: he performed in China? %O;:af"Ja8
[16:26:22] Alan 说: yes, now quite famous rm7ANMB:
[16:27:30] Alan 说: does he receive surgery to change his voice? )705V|v
[16:27:41] Оксана 说: ))))))))))))))) and now you know the truth about his emaizing voice (following this scandal there was a women who sang for him) EAUEQk?9
[16:28:39] Alan 说: really???? &0d#Y]D4`
[16:28:48] Alan 说: amazing X;$+,&M"
[16:29:11] Alan 说: has it been confirmed? `Gs9Xmc|
[16:33:15] Оксана 说: yes))) e+EQ]<M
[16:33:33] Оксана 说: I told you it was a big scandal here z 'Hw
[16:34:01] Оксана 说: Unfortunately I forgot th name of this women, but she is opera singer...