Bingo! 小池不愧是音乐板块的板主 正是你贴的这一首
:i.t)ES @a0Q0M l_6e I Let it snow
n!ZMTcK8 B;V5x/ Oh the weather outside is frightful
^CUSlnB\( But the fire is so delightful
^ESUMXb And since we've no place to go
I`NUurQTX Let it snow ! Let it snow! Let it snow!
}B`Ku5 M
\6{LR& It doesn't show signs of stopping
DY8(g=TI|1 And I've bought some corn for popping
P7Xg{L&@. The lights are turned way down low
$%Z3;:<Uf- Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
GLCAiSMz[ rS4%$p" When we finally kiss good night
$_M@> How I'll hate going out in the storm!
RB[/q: But if you'll really hold me tight
<KX&zi<L) All the way home I'll be warm.
Apmw6cc syRN4 The fire is slowly dying
B_hPcmB And, my dear, we're still goodbying
)j But as long as you love me so
nWk e#{[ Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
[ 此贴被Ling1984在03-31-2008 14:53重新编辑 ]