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主题 : 欢迎赴中国宴(Welcome to a Chinese banquet )
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楼主  发表于: 2004-07-08   

欢迎赴中国宴(Welcome to a Chinese banquet )



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中国美食享誉全球,而「中国人甚么都吃」似乎也在世界上最出名。很多外国人形容到中国入乡随俗开吃的经历都是既带大饱口福的回味,又难掩心有余悸。日前亚利桑那日报威尔德凯特(Arizona Daily Wildcat)刊文记述到中国合肥一游甩开腮帮子大开「吃戒」的感受,其中颇有微词。


在今年夏天开始计划亚洲之行前,我就对食物做了足够的精神准备,我想中国人除了厨房水槽以外甚么都吃。 为了最大限度地感受中国文化,我决定吃任何被放在我盘里的东西,只有被认为是萨斯病来源的麝猫是例外。

一天,我的朋友告诉我有人要邀请我们赴宴,我二话没说就跳进了一辆出租汽车, 这是我此行的第一个宴会。主人姓胡,是一位钢琴演奏家,他的朋友们骄傲地称他看起来像过世的共党创建人毛主席。客人包括:我和我的朋友、一位几乎不会讲英语的英语老师、一位姓谢的小学校长和他的画家侄子。














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级别: 总版主

沙发  发表于: 2004-07-08   

Welcome to a Chinese banquet

By Keren Raz
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, July 7, 2004

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Keren Raz, a former Daily Wildcat news editor, will be writing on her travels in Asia throughout the summer. She is an English and Political Science senior and can be reached at [email protected].

HEFEI - Before I began my trip to Asia this summer, I mentally prepared myself for the food here, knowing that the Chinese eat everything except the kitchen sink.

In order to embrace the cultural experience to the fullest, I decided to eat anything that was put in front of me with the exception of civet cats, which are believed to be the source of SARS.

Last Thursday at 4:30, my friend called me with an urgent message: "Please tell me you're free right now; we've been invited to a banquet."

Ten minutes later I hopped into a taxi with my friend, on my way to my first banquet.

When I arrived at the house, I met the host, Mr. Hu, a pianist whose friends proudly proclaim he looks like Chairman Mao, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China.

His guests: my friend and I; an English teacher who hardly spoke any English; Mr. Xie, a principal who sold his house to set up a school for the children of migrant workers and Xie's nephew, a painter.

With only a few dishes on the table, I thought the dinner would be a quick one, in and out, with enough time afterwards to take a nap in anticipation of the 3 a.m. showing of the Euro 2004 soccer semifinals.

Five hours later, in my inebriated state, it took all the energy I could muster not to stumble out the door.

As I sat in the taxi on the way back to the hotel, I took note of a few rules to keep in mind for the next banquet, scheduled for the next day.

Rule No. 1: Eat, then ask.

Banquet hosts pride themselves on being able to serve the nicest dishes. Refusing a dish is out of the question.

I tried to start the meal off safely with what looked like tender chicken strips soaked in a red sauce.

As soon as I took a bite, I realized it wasn't chicken.

Turns out I had swallowed pig's stomach.

Next, Mr. Xie filled everyone's bowl with duck soap.

"Do you want the head?" my friend whispered to me.

I glanced down into her bowl and looked right into the eyes of the duck we were eating.

I passed on the head and looked into my own bowl to discover that I had been given the liver.

Not wanting to offend anyone, I ate it ... very slowly.

After the last piece, I realized it wasn't as bad as it originally seemed.

Rule No. 2: You're going to drink, no matter what.

Unfamiliar at first with drinking rules at a banquet, I planned to stick with tea as the men poured themselves glasses of 90-proof liquor.

But one hour into the meal the men at the table wanted to test my musical ability. To get out of playing the piano, I said I would rather have Mr. Hu play.

"Only if you drink with him," they said. A huge pack of beer arrived at the apartment, and at that point I had no choice.

In order to follow the banquet rules, I had to drink.

According to banquet tradition, you have to toast everyone at the dinner table. If the person you toast says "Gan bei," you have to empty your glass, which Mr. Xie made sure was always full.

A few "gan bei's" later, I was drunk.

Rule No. 3: The dining room is your garbage can.

At the banquet a plastic sheet covered the dining room table, where we dropped our pig, fish and duck bones.

Mr. Xie cleaned his teeth with his toothpick and then flung the chunks of food on to the floor.

In the states, Chinese restaurants give you serving spoons for each dish. At the banquet, everyone ate out of the plates in the middle of the table using the spoons and chopsticks that had already been in their mouths.

China is a germophobe's nightmare.

I have walked through foul-smelling markets where I had to step around massive piles of dead squid and bloody pig bones.

A couple days ago I joined a group of girls shelling crayfish. After killing the crayfish by pulling the heads off the bodies, we left the heads littering the ground and put the bodies into big tubs.

The general lack of hygiene here is hard to stomach. But in order to be culturally sensitive and not the haughty foreigner that locals expect, I've had to lighten up.

So I grab the medicine, step over the remains and eat what's in front of me without asking.

Those are the rules here.

Keren Raz, a former Daily Wildcat news editor, will be writing on her travels in Asia throughout the summer. She is an English and Political Science senior and can be reached at [email protected].

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