我养过猫, 也养过狗, 猫很独立. k2@|fe
Unlike dogs, cats are pretty much mind their own business all the time, and they don't demand a lot of attention from human. Dogs are a lot of work, they want to interact with you as much as they can. In return, you can feel their love every moment when you are with them. (&=gM
猫有猫性, 狗有狗性, 有人喜欢猫,有人喜欢狗,有人喜欢鸟,也有人喜欢蛇。。。 更有人什么动物都不喜欢, 这就是人性。。。 )LRso>iOO
比起各种动物来说,人是这世界上最难取悦的。。。 那比人更难取悦的, 就是媚体。。。 s2N~p^
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不过美国的老白姓, 大多都认为G.W.Bush is an idiot + evil, 可对Obama, 大都是赞誉有加。。。 结果不管怎样, 至少都认可他为复苏美国的经济而做出的努力。。。