引用第19楼qqhru.wanglu于10-13-2009 07:04发表的 :
w#a`k9y 我能做的只是上好课,把课讲好,言传身教,以身作则,自己保持一颗公正的心与健康的人格,希望能感染学生,
)O*h79t^Q That's good enough!!! Yeah, I mean it! And I believe the students will definitely learn from you, what you have done!!!
p)Q5fh0- 4
IOqSB| '可是他们能接受到多少,或者说有多少学生能接受到,不是我能控制的啊! ''
$tW E9_ jT0iJ?d,! You do not need to worry about it. It is out of your control! Accept it, face it and try your best do what you can do..
5G'2 Wby'# \rh+\9( 3TjyKB *! Best wished to nice person with big heart!