7be?=c)+" ) ":~`Z*@ 一名加拿大男子十日下午开越野车行驶在安大略省高速路出口匝道时,在他边上行驶的平板卡车突然侧翻,从车上滚落下二十吨重的钢卷几乎将他的越野车辗平,万幸的是,该男子居然毫发未损地从车内脱险。
h`)r :a7 X~x]VKr/ “我所在的正驾驶位置是车内唯一一小块没被辗到的地方,这让我能够侥幸活下来。”R·J·威廉——独自驾驶该越野车的司机说道。
V%+KJ}S!Z 'del|"h!M 这位三十四岁的加拿大男子当日下午在温莎境内的高速路出口北行经过这辆平板卡车时,发现它有点摇摆,还没来得及做出反应,平板车就翻了,车上滚下的巨大钢卷先从右方辗平了副驾驶位置,再辗平后座所有的位置。
_ge3R3 ='f>p+*c% 威廉说,当时他尽管有些颤抖,但还是在暗自为自己祀福。“我相信任何人看到这样的场景都会认为,应该为他准备一个尸袋并带他回家。”威廉说道。
umj7-fh G[jCmkK SUV crushed by steel coil on Windsor expressway Yq.Omr! 6@ +
>UZr\ Last Updated: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 | 10:31 AM ET
$`i&\O2* CBC New
{3?g8e]zr b'G4KNW A Windsor, Ont., man considers himself lucky to be alive after his SUV was crushed in an accident on the EC Row Expressway on Tuesday afternoon.
IV\@GM:ait BZE19! R.J. Wilhelm, 34, was on his way to the gym in his black GMC Jimmy SUV. As he exited the EC Row Expressway to head northbound on Lauzon Parkway, a flatbed truck driving next to him "started to get wobbly," he told CBC News.
5s0H4 ?S }b44^iL$9y The truck, which was carrying a 22-tonne coil of steel, tipped over "and the coil slid off and crushed my car," Wilhelm said.
edm&,ph] 3Vhm$y%Td The SUV was almost entirely flattened, compressed so hard that its tires were forced down into the dirt of the shoulder of the road.
%N c~cYN W: Wilhelm walked away unscathed.
2'++G[z Pai{?<zGi "Physically, I'm fine," he said at the scene of the accident. "A little shaky, but I'll count my blessings.
_A(J^;? xv
% "I'm sure anyone that sees this will think they're probably taking somebody home in a body bag," he said at the scene of the accident. "To be walking away, I guess, I am lucky."
FQ[::*- a/_ `1 Ontario's Ministry of Transportation has launched an investigation to determine whether the coil was fastened properly to the truck.
-7lJ :f`1 The driver of the truck was also unharmed.
[ 此贴被卡拉在11-13-2009 12:11重新编辑 ]