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主题 : 小宝的每周一书_ALLEY OOPS
盛夏 离线
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楼主  发表于: 2008-03-17   

小宝的每周一书_ALLEY OOPS

Alley Oops

“Jonathan Jason Jax! Get in here right now!”

“Uh-oh,” J.J. said to himself.
“Sounds like trouble.”

“Young man,” Mr. Jax said.
“We need a father and son talk.”

J.J. rolled his eyes. “Which means you talk and I listen?”

“Watch it, wise guy,” Mr. Jax said.
“Do you know a new boy named Patrick Montgomery?”

J.J. sank deeper into his chair.

“You know who I mean. Pig-Pen? Porky? The Big Oink? I hear that’s what you call him. He’s a little overweight.”

“A little? When he talks, the ground shakes.”

Mr. Jax put his hands on his hips. “His father stopped by. He says you’ve been picking on his son.”

J.J. shrugged. “He’s really fat. He sweats a lot.”

Mr. Jax frowned. “Heavy folks got a right to their space, same as skinny ones.”

“Now the boy doesn’t want to go to school. He’s having nightmares. How would you feel if everyone picked on you like that?”

J.J. narrowed his eyes. “Nobody would. Besides, I’m just having fun.”

“Well, once upon a time, when I was your age-“

J.J. yawned. “Are there going to be any dinosaurs in this story?”

Mr. Jax cleared his throat. “See if you can keep your eyes open until I get to the end.” He leaned forward. “When I was a boy, I was just like you – fast on my feet, even faster with my mouth.”

“One day a new kid came around.” Mr. Jax made a croaking sound. “And – he – talked – like – this.”

“Like a frog?”

Mr. Jax nodded. “He had freckles on his face and neck and all the way down his arms. I called him Frog Face.”

“We sat on his lunch and threw his jacket up a tree. One time I got everyone to make him hop until he cried. Sound familiar?

J.J. looked down at his feet.

“That kid never did anything to me. I didn’t even know him, really. Maybe I didn’t know what I was doing. Or maybe I knew but didn’t care.” Mr. Jax rubbed his chin. “ I thought I was just having fun.”

“What happened?”

“He moved away. I heard he went to a new school. I never thought I’d see him again.”

“Did you?”

“Well, last month I was in the hardware store and someone called out, ‘Jo-seph-Ja-cod-Jax.’ It was Frog Face. Even after twenty years, I’d know that voice anywhere.”  Mr. Jax shook his head. “He still had those freckles, but now he was two heads taller than me. I stuck out my hand but he wouldn’t shake it.”

“What did he say?”

“He said, ‘I’m a police officer.
I arrest people like you,’ and he showed me his badge. Everybody turned around and stared at me like I was a criminal. ‘Because of you,’ he said, ‘I felt bad about myself for the longest time. Sometimes I still hear your voice in my head calling me names.’”

J.J. leaned forward. “So what did you say?”

“I told him I was sorry.
But he said it was too late.”
Mr. Jax sighed. “Now I feel really bad inside. You understand?”

J.J. nodded.

“Your grandpa used to say we have two dogs insides of us. One dog is bad. The other dog is good. The two of them fight all the time.”

“Which dog wins?”

“The one you feed the most. You get to decide.” Mr. Jax paused. “You think on that awhile.”

After dinner, J.J. rode his bicyble down the street. The new boy, Patrick Montgomery, was raking leaves. His shirt stuck to his sweaty back. When he saw J.J., he dropped the rake.

“You father told on me!” J.J. yelled.

“I didn’t want him to,” Patrick said, biting his lip. “ Did you get in trouble?”







盛夏 离线
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沙发  发表于: 2008-03-17   
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板凳  发表于: 2008-03-17   
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地板  发表于: 2008-03-17   

盛夏 离线
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地下室  发表于: 2008-03-17   
海边一沙 离线
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5楼  发表于: 2008-03-17   
盛夏,辛苦啦! 真佩服你的毅力呀,坚持了这么长时间!喝口水,擦把汗, 先歇会儿。

盛夏 离线
级别: 论坛版主

6楼  发表于: 2008-03-18   

引用第5楼海边一沙于03-17-2008 20:12发表的  :
盛夏,辛苦啦! 真佩服你的毅力呀,坚持了这么长时间!喝口水,擦把汗, 先歇会儿。

海边一沙 离线
级别: 军区司令员
7楼  发表于: 2008-03-18   

我一直只在淘宝上找书,因为付款方便。当当只在北京的时候买过一次,离开北京后觉得不方便,也就不去看了, 看来以后还得经常去转转。

《逃家小兔》因为你的推荐我买了一本英文版的,看到有卖《驴小弟变石头》的,也订了一本。虽然你每周都把书帖上来,打印出来就可以了,但LG说还是买一本, 可以收藏,而且有图画。

现在的问题是,猪小妹什么时候能看书啊,我已经买了一堆书了, 还在继续中。
盛夏 离线
级别: 论坛版主

8楼  发表于: 2008-03-19   

[quote]引用第7楼海边一沙于03-18-2008 19:43发表的  :

我一直只在淘宝上找书,因为付款方便。当当只在北京的时候买过一次,离开北京后觉得不方便,也就不去看了, 看来以后还得经常去转转。

《逃家小兔》因为你的推荐我买了一本英文版的,看到有卖《驴小弟变石头》的,也订了一本。虽然你每周都把书帖上来,打印出来就可以了,但LG说还是买一本, 可以收藏,而且有图画。
盛夏 离线
级别: 论坛版主

9楼  发表于: 2008-03-19   

“No,” J.J. said. “But my dad made me listen to one of his stories.”

“My dad tells them, too. If I interrupt him he starts all over again.”

“So does mine,” J.J. said. “It’s better when they yell.”

“My sister never gets into trouble,” Patrick said.
“She’s such a pain.”

“Mine, too. I get blamed for everything.”

Patrick kicked at a pile of leaves. “In my old school, someone threw a slice of pizza in the cafeteria.”

“I ducked and it hit the aide in the head. The principal called my dad.”


“Yeah. And when we had a substitute teacher, we hid all the chalk. She never came back to our class.”

“I do stuff like that all the time.” J.J. paused and tilted his head.

“How’d you got so fat?”

“I’m on a diet. My uncle’s paying me a dollar for every pound I lose.”

“You could be a millionaire.”

Patrick smiled. “My uncle is rich. He owns a restaurant. Ever hear of the arm wrestler, Muscles Max?”


“He eats there all the time. Muscles Max autographed my shirt – right on my back.”


“My uncle takes me to arm wrestling matches. We sit in the first row. The wrestlers sweat on me and everything.” Patrick leaned forward. “Want to see an official arm wrestling table? My uncle bought me one.”

The boys went into the house.

“Rub some chalk on your hands, J.J. Now hold this peg with your left hand.”

“Like this?”

“Put your right elbow on the pad. Face the table, nice and square, and grip my hand.”

“Muscles Maxis awesome,” J.J. said.
“Do you know that new move he does?”

“The Alley Oops? Sure, I do. Watch!”

“Hey!” J.J.’s wrist hit the table with a thud.

“I know all his moves,” Patrick said.
“The hook and drag, the top roll…”

Smack! Whack! J.J.’s wrist came down again and again. “I give up. You’re really strong. Your arm is like a hammer. It must weigh a ton.”

J.J. wiggled his fingers. “I saw a TV show where a guy weighed a thousand pounds and couldn’t fit out the door of his house. That could happen to you.”

“It won’t.”

“Why not?”

“My uncle’s got a bulldozer!”
They both laughed.

“Could you do the Alley Oops on the other guys at school?” J.J. asked.

“Sure!” Patrick grabbed a gripper and squeezed. Then he chinned himself on a bar.

“Okay. Tomorrow, after school, we’ll set something up. I’ll be your manager.”

J.J. raised his arms like an announcer.
“Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the amazing arm wrestler, Pig Pen!”

Patrick’s cheeks reddened.

“Sorry, just kidding,” J.J. said.
“What do you want to be called?”

“Hammer Hand Man?”

J.J. squeezed Patrick’s arm muscle. “Cool.”

Later that night, J.J. told his dad, “One day he’ll be worth a million dollars. I’m going to be his manager. I’ll get half of that.”

“What are you talking about, son?”

“Hammer Hand! Hammer Hand Man and the Alley Oops!”

Mr. Jax raised his eyebrows.

“You know. Patrick Montgomery, the new kid,” J.J. said. “Aw, it’s a long story, Dad. See if you can keep eyes open until I get to the end.”
盛夏 离线
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10楼  发表于: 2008-03-19   

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