flash: http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjIxMDU3MDQ=/v.swf有些歌是可以伴你很长时间,每次聆听都会分毫不差地触探你的心底,马修连恩的这首《Bressanon》就属于此类。此歌选自马修连恩早期的专辑《Bleeding Wolves 狼》。歌曲为遭到驱逐和猎杀的狼群而吟唱,在苍茫的原野上,在浩瀚的星空下,为了人类的驯鹿计划,狼群只得选择无奈地离开,曾经桀骜的灵魂、曾经自由奔放的生命,甚至无法再看一眼倒在血泊中的同伴,而从此浪迹天涯。月光下,每一个孤单奔跑的身影,都是一颗不舍而忧伤的心。。。
Here I stand in Bressanon
With the stars up in the sky
Are they shining over Brenner
And upon the other side
You would be a sweet surrender
But I must go the other way
And my train will carry me onward
Though my heart would surely stay
Oh my heart would surely stay……
Now the clouds are flying by me
And the moon is on the rise
I have left the stars behind me
They were diamonds in your skies
You would be a sweet surrender
But I must go the other way
And my train will carry me onward
Though my heart would surely stay
Oh my heart would surely stay……
Matthew Lien 马修•连恩,1965 年5月10日出生于美国南加州圣地亚哥,后寄居于加拿大,是一位环保主义音乐人。他从小浸染于加拿大Yukon地区纯净的自然山水之中,对这片土地充满了深厚的感情,他的音乐也因而极富山林水溪之气,对生灵万物也饱含着关爱与怜惜。他的专辑,从《Bleeding Wolves 狼》、《Caribou Commons 驯鹿宣言》到《Voyage To Paradise 海角一乐园》,从《Touching The Earth 触摸地球/美丽新世界》、《The Arctic Refuge 北极》,到《A Journey Of Water 水事纪》,无一不阐发同一个主题,那就是--自然,人类最美的家园。在他的歌中,你可以听到跃动的溪水、拂耳的山风、脚下的虫鸣,还有人和动物等一切的生命之音!
[ 此贴被云香片在07-17-2008 07:30重新编辑 ]