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主题 : 我对授予刘晓波先生诺贝尔和平奖的看法
级别: 营长
楼主  发表于: 2010-10-08   


首先表态。我祝贺刘晓波先生获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖,这是少说明他的工作得到了世界顶尖的组织之一——诺贝尔奖评审委员会的认可。但是,我对将此奖授予刘晓波先生表示不同意见。 + 3h`UF  
先介绍背景资料:根据诺贝尔的遗言:“The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, which shall be apportioned as follows: … one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”这段话翻译成中文是:“一部分授予那些在促进国与国之间友谊、放弃或裁减军队、以及把我并推进和平进程方面做出最多或最好贡献的人”。而本次授予刘晓波先生诺贝尔和平奖的原因是“for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China”,翻译成中文是“为其为中国的基本人权而进行的长期且非暴力的斗争”。
V] rhVMA  
下面,提出我的不同意见。 Rp0|zP,5  
jo)6 %w]  
首先,诺贝尔奖通常、也必须授予那些在某一领域已经取得了成就的人,而不是仅仅有良好意愿和不断努力。我不想讨论中国当前的人权怎么样,我退一步,就算承认中国当前的人权很糟糕吧。那么,我知道刘晓波先生是拥有着良好愿景的,我也理解刘晓波先生他努力了,但是结果呢?他成功了吗?不,他没有。中国的人权现状,到现在为止并没有得到根本的改善。基于这一点,我们不能把一个对于成功者的奖赏判给一位仍需努力的同志。事实上,我们回顾历史,圣雄甘地之前就没有人反对殖民统治吗?韩国总统金大中之外就没有人愿意看到朝鲜半岛的和平统一吗?绝对有,太多太多了。但是为什么其他人不仅没能获奖,甚至连名字都没能留下来呢?因为他们没能成功。 _?.\Xc  
当然,我们可以争议:刘晓波先生的不成功,不是他自身的问题,而是中国政府的不配合、甚至阻挠。对于中国政府是否阻挠,我们先不争议,我再退一步,我承认政府阻挠了,那有怎么样呢?诺贝尔奖历史上,从没有考虑过任何不成功的愿景。从没有在授予某人奖项的时候说“我知道她/他努力了,而她/他不成功不是她/他自身的错,而是……”。话说回来,如果说政府的阻挠可以算作一个理由的话,那么中国应该获得的将不仅仅是和平奖,而是几乎诺贝尔所有奖项。因为中国的科学家太多太多了,他们大多抱有着对科学界乃至人类做出贡献的良好愿望;而他们之所以没能够成功是因为中国的科研体制存在诸多诸多的弊病(参见施一公、饶毅今年在《科学》(Science)上发表的文章)。如果说,只要人们有良好的愿望,并且真正付出努力,即使由于政府的问题而最终没能成功,也无所谓、也可以获诺贝尔奖的话,那么中国有一批科学家应该被授予诺贝尔物理学奖、化学奖、医学及生理学奖、甚至是文学奖、经济学奖等等。如果是这样,我们还需要讨论“为什么当前中国的科研体制下出不了诺贝尔科学奖”这个问题吗? 1]j^d  
当然,我知道,由于政府的问题——如果政府的确存在问题的话——这是遗憾,但遗憾终究只能是遗憾。这个世界上本身充满遗憾的事情就太多太多了。但诺贝尔奖绝对不能是、也不应该是安慰奖。我们不能因为刘晓波先生努力了,但由于不良的政府所以没有成功,于是就授予他一个诺贝尔奖安慰一下。这是绝对不可以、不合理的。没有成功,就是没有成功。而如果我们放到理性的环境下来看,没有成功或许是方法不完全正确呢? m4@MxQm  
综上所述,不论中国人权问题怎样,也不论中国政府如何,刘晓波先生虽然有着良好的的愿望,但最终没能成功地对于中国人权做出任何实质的、积极的改善,对其授奖实在是有些太牵强了。 `fz,Lh* v  







小曼 离线
级别: 军区司令员
沙发  发表于: 2010-10-08   
[ 此帖被小曼爱自己在10-08-2010 19:54重新编辑 ]
bluemoon 离线
级别: 营长
板凳  发表于: 2010-10-08   
刘晓波先生获奖本身就促进了国与国之间的友谊、将影响国家决策人放弃或裁减军队。 \5~;MI.Sq  
愚民 离线
级别: 班副
地板  发表于: 2010-10-10   
It doesn't make any sense to talk about whether Liu deserves such a prize. It makes more sense to talk about whether it is necessary to have such a prize nowadays.  As we know, most Nobel Prizes are for people who make great achievement in scientific areas which are actually beyond politics, nationality, gender, and race. These are just beautiful things. However, the existence of Nobel Peace Prize is just a joke. Why? Peace is a good thing, right? Why do I say this Prize is a joke? OK, let’s first explain the definition of peace. B_ k2u  
Peace is a word versus war. If there is no war, then there is no peace. So before defining what is peace, let’s define what is war. In human’s devil history, you can hardly find a year in which there is not any war on this planet. The goals of wars are often interests of a small part of group of humans who control and administrate other people in their group. So wars often happen between two or more groups of humans. Humans in each group usually think or are brainwashed to think they represent the justice (although this is not always true because few people want to die in the war). So each group wants to defeat the others and they use “peace” to name the situation after the war. Therefore, anyone that is firmly on their side (for any reason) would be considered a representative of peace by this group of people. So the problem comes. Before the world becomes communist, there are always multiple groups of people that potentially compete (or even fight) with each other. A peace representative in one group will be never considered a peace representative in his/her opponent group. ^ S  
Nobel Prizes have been developing in the western countries. The ridiculous thing that I introduced above seldom occurs in other Prizes because those are for scientists. But it definitely leads to a joke on the Nobel Peace Prize. WhFS2Jl0  
B76 v}O:  
To any people still confused by the definition of peace: absolute peace never exists. That's why I said if there is no war there is no peace. I conclude this based on humans' history. I don't think anyone can deny, though any arguments are welcome. In my eyes, absolute peace only exists in a communist world which may come true one day but not right now. We are all living in the present not in the future. No one can tell if the future is communist or not. ,."b3wR[w  
I never mean communism is unreal. Actually, I deeply love a communist world and ever considered to be a Communist Party member. I just think it’s a really good dream for right now.  Karl Marx ignored something very important when he proposed the beautiful communist idea: K"\MU  
,3Hc CuT  
1) people are selfish in nature though they can be educated (or in some people’s words sometimes called brainwash). 3?.1n Gu  
2) people are different in both IQ and EQ which unfortunately determines the communist education may not be very successful on some people within a certain period of time, although with appropriate methods and enough time they may be converted. There still seems to be hope. a }'->H  
xx }GOY.J  
3) However, the most embarrassed thing is people’s life are limited. Nobody can live forever. This is one of the most important nature that Karl Marx overlooked. This causes communist education fail among some people because they cannot live for more than a thousand years. #r<?v  
4) people’s mind might change. For discussion, let’s just throw out any prejudice or attitude on which kind of politics or conception is correct. Democratic politics will be knocked out first here. Because people are not in uniform mind, therefore frequent election will cause someone against communism to be the leader sooner or later. Will dictatorial politics survive longer? Unfortunately, nope! This is because any leader who firmly advocates communism will die one day. And his successor will be not necessarily supporting his idea. So the only hope is to wait for those smart biologists patiently. Maybe one day they can make humans live forever. At that time, it is possible to realize communism. +}a C-&  
(?3[3 w~  
So before smart biologists develop drugs for human beings to become immortal, there does not exist absolute peace that you guys may usually think. There is only relative peace that I introduced in the first paragraph. Since there is only relative peace, there is not any reason to have a international "peace" prize. B[F-gq-  
D. Kqc  
In a world, Nobel Peace Prize is nothing but trash.
愚民 离线
级别: 班副
地下室  发表于: 2010-10-10   
回 2楼(bluemoon) 的帖子
Unfortunately, there is no friendship between any countries on this planet from thousands years ago to now
愚民 离线
级别: 班副
5楼  发表于: 2010-10-10   
回 1楼(小曼爱自己) 的帖子
Why did you delete your words? Are you afraid of something?
乐淘淘 离线
级别: 军区司令员
6楼  发表于: 2010-10-10   
[ 此帖被乐淘淘在10-10-2010 19:37重新编辑 ]
鐡手 离线
级别: 论坛版主

7楼  发表于: 2010-10-10   
授予刘晓波先生诺贝尔和平奖是对积极推进中国人权、民主事业的志士最大鼓舞!若干年后会成为北师大的光荣(现在北师大不敢公开光荣)!无论GCD愿意与否,中国的人权、民主事业都会不可阻挡滴曲折向前发展,GCD无非是两种选择,或者主动推进一把以获得中国人民的支持,或者被动接受最终象国民党在台湾一样(2000年国民党执政权交与民进党)。 eH%RNtP`  
军队国家化,政治民主化,这是GCD在1949年为中国百姓描述滴美好愿景,可是直到现在,中国的现状离此美好愿景距离不见缩小,有时还更远了。不过俺相信人权、民主的潮流最终会摧枯拉朽的冲破一切牢笼,把中国人民引入真正的光明世纪! :G5uocVk  
[ 此帖被鐡手在10-10-2010 18:41重新编辑 ]
小曼 离线
级别: 军区司令员
8楼  发表于: 2010-10-10   
有才网友的报道 bG F7Zh9  
南京一爱国青年在得知挪威将诺奖颁给刘xb后,非常气愤,走上街头发起了一场"抵制挪货,从我做起"的万人签名活动,呼吁广大市民抵制挪货,其中一位情绪激昂的市民在多人劝阻无效的情况下当场点燃了一本《挪威的森林》。 R&f^+0%f  
宣称"我没有敌人"的刘xb获得诺贝尔和平奖,兲朝老大哥非常恼火,冥思苦想后确定了一个更响亮的口号——"我没有朋友"! r|Z5Xc  
评奖的这帮人太狠了,每当钱不够时,就发给一个无法领奖的人。 'x"08v$  
刘xb能获得这个诺贝尔和平奖还要归功于胡四的愚蠢。去年我就耻笑中南海连在圣诞节审判刘xb这样的馊主意都想得出来,群体智慧低到何种程度。果不其然,哪天中共倒台,这帮人居功至伟! jE2}p-2Q0  
我认为这次中国政府是弄巧成拙了。搞得人家如果不把这个奖给刘xb,倒好像成了中国政府的二孙子似得。 >Z.\J2wM<j  
由于新闻联播在诺贝尔和平奖揭晓的日子竟然只字不提,刘xb在狱中一定知道他已经获得诺贝尔和平奖。 c]-*P7W  
诺贝尔官网网友留言:"我不知道刘先生是谁,但是我为中国人能够获得诺贝尔奖而高兴。她一定是一名好党员,我们中国人民的好干部,为人民做实事的好领导。" q`NXJf=sc  
据传,澳大利亚一亲北京的华人社团迫不及待地向北京发回了第一条贺信:热烈祝贺中华人民共和国培养出了中国大陆上第一个诺贝尔奖得主,粉碎了杨恒均之流污蔑中国政府永远培养不出诺贝尔得奖者的谣言……^_^ DL'iS  
Q]/Uq~m C  
影帝遇见千载难逢的政改机会了。影帝应该回国后带着一票记者直奔锦州监狱,然后拉开门就痛哭:xb,我这次又来晚了,他们判你我真是不知道的啊! A]0:8@k5  
[U@; \V$  
61年了,锦州监狱完成了从"关战犯"到"关诺贝尔和平奖得主"的质的飞跃! M<PIeKIEB  
<[:o !$  
中国是一个热爱和平的国家,却讨厌和平奖。 ``VW;l{  
今晚我专门看了新闻联播,最后一个新闻是大熊猫怀孕了。发现央视进步了,如此深沉。国宝受惊(精)了,这个信息就够了,央视在这个节骨眼上表现出来的幽默是一个不小的进步。 RDqFL.-S  
共和国监狱不但关过诺贝尔和平奖得主,还关过皇帝、国家主席、元帅、将军、班禅、等。监狱,是个人才济济的地方! _PFnh)o  
新华社:中国一名服刑人员在改造期间轻而易举获得了诺贝尔奖,充分体现社会主义法制国家的优越性。 q@hzo>[  
)0 W`  
[ 此帖被小曼爱自己在10-11-2010 04:09重新编辑 ]
annieofchina 离线
级别: 连长
9楼  发表于: 2010-10-10   
刘晓波应该被授予诺贝尔和平奖章。因为他四次被监禁依然没有放弃和平人权的努力。表现了一个革命者人权斗士的英勇不屈,把牢底坐穿的信念。他必定会影响更多的 加入他的队伍,总有一天会有强大的效果。
re小née 离线
级别: 排长
10楼  发表于: 2010-10-13   

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