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主题 : 就这则新闻请教懂经济的朋友
maxjames777 离线
级别: 军长
20楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
The answers to your seemingly difficult questions are surprisingly simple, and most of them have to do with “government corruption”, and “government incompetency”. Here is a very brief summary:

1. Real estate & development market in China: this is the epitome of government corruption. The raw lands are typically acquired (or converted from farm use) at give-away prices through complex dealings through government officials/developers. In your own novel 蜗居 this issue is portrayed pretty accurately.

Retail on the other hand is a steady and relatively low margin (not necessarily low profit) business, that requires careful management to eke out a profit. Not too many corrupt officials will be interested in retail business that takes too long and too much efforts to make some profits

2. 为什么各个地方对世界五百强这么客气却对自己人这么苛刻呢?... With government tax/rental incentives, there usually is the dirty business of kickback. And the foreign retail giants’ (e.g. Walmart) kickbacks are in the form of US dollars safely deposited in the corrupt Chinese official’s foreign bank accounts, and in the form of education funds (scholarship) for their children to attend universities the USA, etc. It is more difficult to hide the money if the kichback is from a Chinese retailer.

3. Rare earth metals – This would be the epitome of governments’ incompetency. The governments want to, and try to, control exports of these metals. However the profit margins are very high (even at the relatively low prices), and most importantly, it is so easy to sell them (the market is so hungry for the metals that there is no effort required to sell as much as one wants), so that there are hundreds of thousands of people engaged in the business of unauthorized mining and exporting of the metals. This is similar to software pirating business in China: the governments’ meek efforts to control it are simply no match for the resolve and resources of those engaged in the illegal business.  There are many articles written on China’s rare earth metals, and here is one of them:   http://www.businessweek.com/idg/2010-03-17/china-s-control-of-rare-metals-threatens-jobs-tech.html
peace 离线
级别: 军区司令员
21楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
引用第15楼六六于03-21-2010 07:06发表的  :

六六人民币升值是把双刃剑。有好的地方,也有不好的地方。 先说好的地方吧,就是如果中国人去留学或者买国外的资产,人民币升值后,中国人就比以前少花不少人民币兑换出同等的美元。

你说的例子就是人民币升值后 对外资有力的地方。 现在政府不傻。它有钱要买资源,提升值对省人民币有好处的。

[ 此贴被peace在03-21-2010 07:58重新编辑 ]
peace 离线
级别: 军区司令员
22楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
引用第19楼newcomer09于03-21-2010 07:21发表的  :

没错! 地位平等的债权人和债务人之间,前者可以要求后者补偿其通胀的损失。但是现在债权人是咱们老百姓,债务人是政府!你有讨价还价的余地吗?

不好意思我说话的口气冲了一些。 买债卷是个tricky business。 一般来讲他的危险性就在于你现在感受到的。 在买之前,大概没有谁想到通货膨胀到这个程度。
maxjames777 离线
级别: 军长
23楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
引用第1楼六六于03-21-2010 05:18发表的  :

Chain retailing is simple in concepts but tough in executing, in competitive market places. Small differences can be amplified enormously to translate high profits or huge losses in the end. Personally I have not seen any successful retail chains by Chinese ownership yet. Not even in a single sub category, such as convenient stores (e.g. 7-Eleven), hotel (e.g. Hilton), restaurant (e.g. McDonald’s), office supply (e.g. Staples), building material retail (e.g. Home Depot), department stores, etc. 
maxjames777 离线
级别: 军长
24楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
引用第4楼六六于03-21-2010 05:58发表的  :


The low prices of steel and finished products are basically the Chinese governments’ strategy to keep jobs in China, and lots of them: (1) Chinese made products using steel will be more price competitive, therefore selling well in the market places, keeping employment rate high in China, and (2) Attract more foreign companies (e.g. VW, Honda, Toyota) to bring production lines in China, using lots of Chinese labor.  This basically trades profit margin for high (or full) employment rates.

This goes beyond steel and is true for everything made in China – all Chinese made things are kept (too) low in prices, through the artificially low currency exchange rate of the RMB. But in return, the employment rates are high in China. Of course the workers in China lose: their wages/salaries are much lower than fair market compensation. The US workers also lose: they lose jobs.

The only winners in this are the Chinese governments – the biggest headache for the Chinese governments is social unrest, and the root cause is unemployment. If all workers are busy yet barely make a living, they have no time to make troubles for the governments. Their empire is safe as long as the Chinese people are kept as slaves of their employment.

The environment and natural resources in China are also the losers: precious natural resources are sold at junk prices, pollutions of air, and water reach unprecedented levels. All Chinese people are therefore losers in this sense as well, as they suffer from the consequences.
[ 此贴被maxjames777在03-21-2010 08:57重新编辑 ]
卡拉 离线
级别: 总版主

25楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
引用第23楼maxjames777于03-21-2010 08:08发表的  :

Chain retailing is simple in concepts but tough in executing, in competitive market places. Small differences can be amplified enormously to translate high profits or huge losses in the end. Personally I have not seen any successful retail chains by Chinese ownership yet. Not even in a single sub category, such as convenient stores (e.g. 7-Eleven), hotel (e.g. Hilton), restaurant (e.g. McDonald’s), office supply (e.g. Staples), building material retail (e.g. Home Depot), department stores, etc. 

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
卡拉 离线
级别: 总版主

26楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
引用第24楼maxjames777于03-21-2010 08:16发表的  :

The low prices of steel and finished products are basically the Chinese governments’ strategy to keep jobs in China, and lots of them: (1) Chinese made products using steel will be more price competitive, therefore selling well in the market places, keeping employment rate high in China, and (2) Attract more foreign companies (e.g. VW, Honda, Toyota) to bring production lines in China, using lots of Chinese labor.  This basically trades profit margin for high (or full) employment rates.

This goes beyond steel and is true for everything made in China – all Chinese made things are kept (too) low in prices, through the artificially low currency exchange rate of the RMB. But in return, the employment rates are high in China. Of course the workers in China lose: their wages/salaries are much lower than fair market compensation. The US workers also lose: they lose jobs.

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
胡言乱语 离线
级别: 团长
27楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
maxjames777 离线
级别: 军长
28楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
引用第26楼卡拉于03-21-2010 09:18发表的  :


I do not necessarily disagree with what you are saying. But here we are talking about a slightly different topic: why Chinese exports are so low in prices and profits (而中国的产品依旧保持很低的利润出口...in 六六’s original words). The direct reason is the currency exchanges rate that is kept too low to reflect the true values of Chinese made products. And this is purely the Chinese government’s doing, to keep employment rates high in China – and the main underlying motivation is to avoid social unrest.
六六 离线
级别: 论坛版主

29楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
peace 离线
级别: 军区司令员
30楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
引用第4楼六六于03-21-2010 05:58发表的  :


这个是典型的需求和供给的关系。 六六先看看这个流程: 矿产---钢铁----高楼大厦。
由于中国的大量建设需要到量的钢铁。 生产钢铁需要铁矿产。中国的铁矿满足不了需要就需要进口。 那就要到国外去买, 由于需求多了,供应商(很有可能铁矿是卖方市场)就会提高铁矿的价格。那生产钢铁的成本就会提高(有可能钢铁是买方市场), 利润就会降低。

小白兔 离线
级别: 论坛版主

31楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
沧桑 离线
级别: 论坛版主

32楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
cuihaifeng 离线
级别: 班长
33楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
黄胖胖 离线
级别: 军区司令员
34楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
引用第15楼六六于03-21-2010 07:06发表的  :

踏浪 离线
级别: 排长
35楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
引用第1楼六六于03-21-2010 05:18发表的  :



合肥老乡,好久没来了,就是因为这地方没什么人认证讨论问题。要不就争论着就开始攻击。我喜欢讨论问题:) 1)为什么不用资金做连锁?国内有很多想做连锁的,我认为是时间和条件问题。时间是很多人对怎么管理,运作大型超市还经验不足,需要时间摸索。条件是资金实力不够。毕竟你提的这些店都是超级巨头。我想中国人的优势是对国情比较了解,有起来的国内企业。你是合肥人,应该熟悉奇瑞。不就是自己做起来的吗?还有江淮汽车。比国际巨头还差很远。但是有希望成为未来的巨头。现在连锁在中国还是起步阶段。想想美国,人家20年代就开始连锁了。50年代就有walmart,Kmart了。
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六六 威望 +15 2010-03-21 -
http://www.52kk.com 我喜欢KK聊天室,绿色,温馨。
踏浪 离线
级别: 排长
36楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
引用第4楼六六于03-21-2010 05:58发表的  :



3)好东西贱卖也不完全对。是因为国内体制不完善,很多小公司唯利是图,产生不必要的竞争,国家又不控制。也许是为了发展当地经济。这个里面有很多原因。你说的那个叫包头稀土。我熟悉。还买过那个企业的股票:) 至于大量外汇,是国家持有,不是企业持有。这不是一回事。国家没好好利用。
http://www.52kk.com 我喜欢KK聊天室,绿色,温馨。
jiangwenxiao 离线
级别: 军区司令员
37楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
jiangwenxiao 离线
级别: 军区司令员
38楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
intenseplum 离线
级别: 团长
39楼  发表于: 2010-03-21   
六六, you have asked some huge questions charged with strong emotions - the love for the Motherland.  These questions are economical, political, financial, managerial, operational and they involve taxes.  I do see the different facets from the discussions above.  Applaud for all participants first!! I learned lot.

For what I understand, which is not much, the foreign owned and operated chain stores hesitated and watched the Chinese market for many years before they were able to penetrate China.  I heard they checked the garbage the Chinese people throw out to see whether their living standards have reached a certain level. In retail business, these stores work with low profit margin, but high volumns in order to survive the competition.  Stores have to ensure that they hire the cheapest labours (in their own country, I am not sure about how they operate in China, probably the same).  These workers, some of them, very old(in their sixties or older) and/or uneducated(high school dropouts,  韩寒could have been one, sorry, I do adore him very much), are not unionized.  They have very little benefits except the meagle minimum wage and no job protection unlike the workers in the car manufacture industry that the US government desperately tries to rescue.  These workers can not start a revolution (except someone like 韩寒 of course).  In their own country, the chain stores have losses in some years, and profits in other.  They have losses in some countries where they invest, and gain in other. If the volumn is not there, they usually lose.  However, because they are international conglumarates, they are able to transfer the losses to the subsidiary or head office in a country usually  in a high tax rate zone through different tax planning strategies such as international loans which is to let the subsidiary in the profitable country pay interest on the loan to the sub in the country with losses so to charge the interest expenses against revenue to reduce taxes.  你地,明白?Vice versa, the country with losses will then generate revenue on the interest received.  Or use tansfer pricing, another strategy to transfer profits to a low tax rate zone.  No one at the top of the piramid is stupid, not the Chinese nor the Americans or the French, because they are in the business of
making money, they take calculated risks.  However, the ones at the bottom, the old and young, the uneducated, will continue to be striped down to their bones in every country telling you the same 杯具。  This is why I am not a patriot (不爱国,没意思)

PS If you have lots of money and don't know how to hide it, please contact me at xxxxxxxx, I will find an island to hide your treasure for you.
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六六 威望 +15 2010-03-21 -

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