最近自己的电脑桌面,实在看不过去了,就着手进行整理,大刀阔斧,该删的删,该移的移。一个个文件打开来看,公司的过期文件,平时看的乱七八遭的资料,一个word文件――文件名是Dear sir,奇怪,一看原来是封商业邮件,往下一描,怎么还有几十行长长短短的英文,又一看,乐了!
That sunny day
We met each other
No expect that
We can hold such a long relationship
That shining day
We bumped into each other
No expect that
We will enjoy the happy new year 9 years later
That ordinary day
We knew each other in the sunshine
The smile on our faces mark a foreshadowing secretly
Maybe as you say life is a miracle and a circle
Maybe as you say we are meant for each other
Maybe as fate says it's written in the stars
But Expect just expect
And maybe only maybe
The current fact is that
Now we are happy to share each other’s life
And I think to everyone today is the most important
It's your loving and caring
And knowing that you're near
That gentle touch you have
Make my troubles disappear
A common girl as I
Feeling your loving and tender whole heartedly
And trying to care and love you body and soul
The new year is coming
Please accept my best wishes
And me as your ardent lover!
Baby, happy New Year!