不可以打小孩啦。。。。 不是我的小孩, 听了都心疼。。。。
有色, 你是不是小时侯常挨揍 啊??? 所以你才会常常打你自己的小孩。。。
Theoretically, how you treat your kids most likely reflect to your own childhood....
My guess is you've got beaten up by your own family when you were little kid, and that's all you know how to deal with your own kids... Guess what's gonna happen next? your kids will beat their kids up one day, and it'll going on and on...
How you treat your kids is your own business, and nobody can change it but you... you are pretty darn lucky that you live in outside of U.S... if you are in this country, there is a good chance you will lose the custody of your own children...
Anyway, beating up kids is SOOOO WRONG in SOOOOOOO many ways.....
[ 此帖被jasmine在07-12-2011 13:29重新编辑 ]