六六,本名张辛,安徽合肥人。一九九五年毕业于安徽大学国际贸易系。毕业后从事外贸工作多年。一九九九年赴新加坡定居, 从事幼儿教育工作。
二零一四年六月,六六首次出镜,出演微电影《疯狂的特斯拉》。同月,六六应邀担任北京卫视的大型季播节目《妈妈听我说》的情感嘉宾,历时三个月。她的最新随笔集《半句实话》也在六月出版,其中收录了她近四年来对为人处世各种话题的真知酌见和“微言小义”。八月,由中国出版传媒商报社、中国文化走出去协同创新中心·中国海外汉学研究中心和中国图书进出口(集团)总公司共同主办的第三届“中国图书世界影响力评价”发布,六六的小说《宝贝》名列二零一三年海外馆藏最具世界影响力的中文图书第三名。十一月,六六从中欧国际工商学院EMBA班毕业并同时获得“优秀毕业生奖”, 为在中欧十八个月的学习生活画上圆满的句号。同时她开始创作她第六部电视连续剧《女不强大天不容》。该剧描述了一名承载着新闻理想的女记者,在互联网时代大潮的洪流中,克服万难,拥抱变化,带领传统媒体迎接挑战走向新生,树立起新时代女性自强自立的崭新形象。
小说:《王贵与安娜》(2004),《双面胶》(2005),《蜗居》(2007),《浮世绘》(2009),《心术》(2010) , 《苏小姐的婚事》(2011),《宝贝》(2013),《女不强大天不容》(2016)
电视剧:《双面胶》(2007),《王贵与安娜》(2009),《蜗居》(2009),《心术》(2012) ,《宝贝》(2013),《女不强大天不容》(2016)
A Biography of Liuliu
Liuliu is the penname of Zhang Xin, a prolific writer. Born in Hefei, China, she graduated from the Department of International Trade at Anhui University in 1995 and was engaged in international trade for several years after graduation. She came to Singapore in 1999 and settled down there. Before 2008, she was a teacher at a well-known kindergarten in Singapore.
In 1999, Ms. Zhang began publishing essays, short stories and novels on Internet with the pseudonym of Liuliu and soon captured the attention of many readers. She is well known for her witty language, fresh expressions, and humorous style. Her novel Wanggui and Anna, published in March 2003, won her instant fame among the Chinese netizens. The novel was so popular that it was also published in series in Xin-an Evening Newspaper in July 2003 and was published in book form by Shanghai People’s Publishing House in September 2004. Liuliu was then praised by the media as the leading figure of the third generation of overseas Chinese women writers.
In February 2005, Liuliu published on the internet her second novel Shuangmianjiao, which created a stir, triggering a large scale online discussion about the Chinese family relationship between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law. The novel was re-posted on dozens of Chinese websites. In October 2005, Shuangmianjiao was published in book form by Shanghai People’s Publishing House. When the novel was published in series in the Book Forum at Sina, the largest Chinese website, readers made as many as 25,000 comments, which set a record. In December 2006, Liuliu published her third novel, Snail House, which depicts urban people’s thirst for and hardship related to purchasing a house. In January 2009, her seventh book was published, a collection of novellas entitled Pictures of the Floating World.
A stage play based on the novel Shuangmianjiao was performed in Beijing in August 2006. The namesake TV series was released in June 2007 and was shown on provincial and regional TV stations. For the success of Shuangmianjiao, Liuliu was nominated as one of the best playwrights in the Fourteenth Shanghai International TV Festival in 2008. The TV series Wanggui and Anna, based on the namesake novel, was a great hit when it was shown beginning in 2009. For the success of Wanggui and Anna, Liuliu was once again nominated as one of the best playwrights in the Fifteenth Shanghai International TV Festival in 2009.
In July 2009, her third TV series based on Snail House (Dwelling Narrowness) first went on the air in Shanghai. This realistic melodrama about urban people’s emotional life became an instant hot topic among the audience. Although the main thread of the drama is about “mortgage slaves,” it triggered a discussion about choice of love in the current society. Because of criticism of some of the morally offensive scenes, the TV series was reduced from thirty-five to thirty-three episodes when it was aired in Beijing in November. On November 15, a website posting entitled “Shocking! Snail House is a drama with most lustful dialogues in history” was posted at Tianya, the largest social network site in China, starting a campaign of moral denouncement by some of the audience. On November 27, a Hepatitis-B-virus carrier wrote a letter to the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (SARFT) of China requesting the drama to be removed from the air because of its discriminatory dialogue on Hepatitis-B-virus carriers. On November 27, the stock of Huayi Brothers Entertainment was suspended for one day in the stock market because of the rumor that Snail House would be taken off the air, which created a precedent that a TV program caused the stock of a company to be suspended for a day. On December 9, Li Jingshen, an official of the SARFT, criticized Snail House for its negative social impact because he thought the drama relied on sex, lustful dialogues, officials’ corruption, and speculation to capture attention. Li’s comment led to intense media and internet discussion. Despite the controversy, the title Snail House was selected as one of the Catch Phrases of the Year for 2009 by Xinhua News Agency and the drama was selected as TV Drama of the Year by China Impact 2009, and Nanfang Weekly, an influential newspaper in China. Meanwhile Snail House also caught the attention of overseas mainstream media. CNN, Los Angeles Times, Globe and Mail (Canada), Lianhe Zaobao (Singapore) , BBC and Financial Times (Great Britain) all made reports or interviewed or published articles on the TV drama. When the TV series was released, the namesake stage play was concurrently performed in Shanghai in August 2009 and then toured major cities in the country.
In April 2010, Liuliu published a collection of essays named Scrambled Eggs. In May, Liuliu was elected as one of the One Hundred Most Influential Women in the Century in Hefei, where she was born and meanwhile she gave a presentation “Ideal, Reality and a Successful Life” in Los Angeles at the invitation of the Alumni Association of Beijing University in the Southern California. In July, her fifth novel Angel Heart, which focuses on doctor and patient relationship, a very sensitive topic in China, was first published in a prestigious literal journal Harvest. Before composing the novel, Liuliu stayed in one of the big hospitals in Shanghai for six months collecting materials and experiencing life in hospital. In August Angel Heart was published in book form and the first three hundred thousand copies were sold out in a week so the publisher immediately printed more to meet the market needs. The novel was finally sold more than a million copies. In September, Huran Report, a well-known research institute, published Icons and Innovators 2010, which “recognize(s) pioneers in multiple fields who affect our way of life and decision-making concerning luxury brands… and their influence on the attitudes and values of other entrepreneurs”, and twenty iconic figures including directors, painters, writers, architects, musicians, actors and models were selected for the year and Liuliu was one of them. In November, Liuliu took twentieth place in the 2010 Chinese Richest Authors List. In the same month the novel Angel Heart was adapted to a namesake TV drama and started filming.
In March 2011, a collection of short stories Miss Su’s Marriage was published. In April, Liuliu was invited to be one of the judges on the TV Series Committee of the Seventeenth Shanghai TV Festival. In May, she was invited to be one of the speakers at the BGRC (Being Globally Responsible Conference) at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS). In November, her novel Angel Heart was published in Taiwan.
In April 2012, Liuliu decided to go back to school to further her education and she was admitted by CEIBS as an EMBA student. In May, the TV series Angel Heart was on air simultaneously at four Star TV stations and was widely acclaimed and secured high ratings. Heated debates were once again on print media and online about her works. Some audience praised Angel Heart for helping to ease the tension between doctors and patients while others criticized it for favoring doctors. In July, her collection of essays Scrambled Eggs was adapted to a stage play and performed in Beijing. In December, the filming of Liuliu’s fifth TV series Baby was finished. The TV series was released in May 2013. This time Liuliu’s focus was on love and marriage of three couples born in different decades. In the mean time, the namesake novel was put into market and sold like hotcakes and once again more than one million copies were sold so far.
In December 2013, Liuliu ranks nine on 2013 Chinese Richest Screenwriters List.
While working on a new novel and being an EMBA student concurrently, Liuliu is now also an active writer on Weibo, a Chinese form of Twitter, and has over eleven million followers.
Major Works:
- Wanggui and Anna (2004)
- Shuangmianjiao (2005)
- Snail House (2007)
- Pictures of the Floating World (2009)
- Angel Heart(2010)
- Miss Su’s Marriage(2011)
- Baby(2013)
- Women Can’t Be Meek(2016)
- Be A Tender Wife (2004)
- The Career of Housewife Cinderella (2008)
- Diary about Ode, My Son (2008)
- Scrambled Eggs (2010)
- Angel Cute (2012)
- Women Can’t Be Meek (2013)
- Truth Inside(2014)
- Random Records of the Great Britain(2015)
TV Series
- Shuangmianjiao (2007)
- Wanggui and Anna (2009)
- Snail House(2009)
- Angel Heart (2012)
- Baby(2013)
- Women Can’t Be Meek(2016)
敬告:六六所有的文字和照片归六六本人所有。未经本人书面同意,不得以任何方式转载。 WARNING: All writings by 66 and photos of 66 at 66’s Personal Website belong to 66. No part of the writings and the photos may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of the author. |