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冰花 08-03-2016 16:38

Watering the flower to let it bloom(OKOKOK)


冰花 10-14-2017 04:51

Watering the flower to let it bloom

Rose Lu 
Edited BY Richard Tornello

The sun,
The hot summer heat.
But my heart is so cold
From the fear of losing you.
Have You stopped loving me?

You know me as well as I know myself
I was so moody at that time
The fault is mine,
and you know me as well as I know myself.

I can’t live without you.
I must have put you in hell
I hurt you so.

It is raining outside the windowof my heart
My tears keep falling.
You can’t go.
Love me like before.

Love me.
Watering the flower to let it bloom


冰花 11-29-2017 10:43

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