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冰花 03-18-2013 14:51

东海仙子:  惊鸟 The Bird OKOKOK

惊鸟 The Bird
By Bing-hua ( ROSE LU) Tr. East Sea Fairy

哦 吓了一跳 Ah, hair standing on end
原来是一只鸟 I found it turned out to be a bird
从树上飞走 Launching off the tree.

不知道 I don’t know
是我吓着了它 Whether I scared her
还是它吓着了我 Or she scared me.

好牛的鸟 What a bird!
我回头 For I turned back
它没回头 but she, didn’t.


木子李 03-18-2013 16:15
好牛的鸟 What a bird!
我回头 For I turned back
它没回头 but she, didn’t.



草田莹莹 03-18-2013 16:33
不知道 I don’t know
是我吓着了它 Whether I scared her
还是它吓着了我 Or she scared me.
不知道 I don’t know
是我吓着了它 Whether I scared her
还是它惊着了我 Or she scared me.

好牛的鸟 What a bird!
我回头 For I turned back
它没回头 but she, didn’t.

冰花 03-18-2013 18:10

智者乐水 03-18-2013 18:41

冰花 03-19-2013 07:25

尘姥姥 03-19-2013 08:39

冰花 03-19-2013 09:30
您想把"吓"改成"惊", 从用字不重的角度, 是好些, 但我想更口语话些, 还是用"吓"好些~~~谢谢你!

冰花 03-19-2013 09:37

angela_whz 03-20-2013 18:44

冰花 03-21-2013 19:05

冰花 04-16-2013 07:45
The Bird
By Bing-hua ( ROSE LU) Tr. East Sea Fairy

Ah, hair standing on end
I found it turned out to be a bird
Launching off the tree.

I don’t know
Whether I scared her
Or she scared me.

What a bird!
For I turned back
but she, didn’t.

冰花 04-29-2013 20:04
惊鸟   入选《当代精英诗人300家》2013

冰花 11-12-2017 06:24
The Bird

Edited by Richard Tornello

Hair standing on end
it turned out to be a bird
Launching off the tree.

What a bird!
I turned back to look
But she, didn’t.

冰花 06-06-2018 08:08
by Richard Tornello

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