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冰花 07-15-2020 08:14



冰花 (Bing Hua)。现为私人会计事务所会计师。80年代开始在大学校园创作诗歌。后中断写作,网络时代重新回到诗歌创作。为美国华语诗学会副会长。《诗殿堂》诗刊内容总监。出版主要著作有诗集February’s Rose(2022, in English translated by Xu Yingcai), 《冰花诗选》(Selected poems of Bing Hua) (汉英双语,徐英才译,2019年),《这就是爱》(This Is Love)(含藤蝉朗诵CD,2013年),《溪水边的玫瑰》 (Roses By The Stream) (2008出版,2019年以汉英双语再版,王大建译)等。与翻译家诗人徐英才共同主编《世界抗疫诗精选》(World Pandemic Poetry, 2020)《世界华人经典诗选》(Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry,2021)《海外华人诗歌精选》(Best Overseas Chinese Poetry,2021)。其诗歌被翻成英、德、日、韩等多国文字。其诗《双面扇》和《不是轻浮 不是漂》在第31届世界诗人大会获“相信爱情”/ Belief in Love金奖。《荷的心事》获首届“梁祝杯”全球华语爱情诗文大赛金奖。冰花被诗网络评为2016年度好诗人,2017年获“中国新归来诗人奖”, 2021年获国际汉诗交流奖,  2022年获伯兰世界诗词优秀作品奖等。其诗《一个女孩》做为美国诗人被收入《最佳诗百科全书》( Best Poems Encyclopedia)。冰花诗被称为“冰花体”,冰花被誉为“情诗皇后”。


Bing Hua is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu.

She is an accountant for a private accounting firm in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall. She began writing poetry during the 1980s.

Her publications include:
February’s Rose (Finishing Line Press ,2021/2022) in English , translator by Yingcai Xu
Selected Poems of Bing Hua, a bilingual work in Chinese and English published in 2019 and 2020
This is Love , in Chinese published in 2013
Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019.
World Pandemic Poetry, in Chinese published in 2020 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).
Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry, and Best Overseas Chinese Poetry in Chinese published in 2021 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).
Her poems have been translated into English, German and Korean. Two of her poems, “A Hand Fan” and “Neither out of Flighty or Levity” won the Belief in Love Golden Award in the 31st World Congress Poets Contest. “The Lotus Obsession” won the Butterfly Golden Award in the 1st World Chinese Language Love Poems Contest. Bing Hua won the China New Regression Poets award in 2017. Her poem “This Girl” is included as an American poem in Best Poems Encyclopedia. In 2016 she was judged an excellent poet by the Poetry Network.

She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”.

Bing Hua’s poetic philosophy is “to see the world with the eye of nature and to express the world with the poems of nature”.

External links:

February’s Rose (Finishing Line Press ,2021/2022) in English , translator by Yingcai Xu. https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/februarys-rose-by-bing-hua-translator-yingcai-xu/
Rose Lu, https://scarletzine.com/rose-lu/
Rose Lu – Three Poems, https://www.eastlit.com/eastlit-july-2013/eastlit-july-2013-content/rose-lu-three-poems/
The Price of a Word, https://guwahatian.guwahaticity.in/Vol3_Issue2/WordsinRhyme_article1
A Poem by Rose Lu, http://www.pyrokinection.com/2014/10/a-poem-by-rose-lu.html
The Hint Of June by Bing Hua Rose Lu, https://www.ilovepoems.net/poem/the-hint-of-june-by-bing-hua-rose-lu/
Rose Lu, http://www.poetrysky.com/quarterly/51/binghua.html
Bing Hua: https://www.poemhunter.com/rose-lu-bing-hua/
The Chinese Poetry Association, http://poetryh.com/Jing%20Xuan/001/bing%20hua.htm

冰花 11-14-2020 09:05

冰花 (Bing Hua),美国华裔诗人,曾用英文笔名Rose Lu。现居美国。现任美国华人诗学会副会长,《诗殿堂》诗刊内容总监。

出版主要著作有诗集诗集February’s Rose(2022, in English translated by Xu Yingcai), 《冰花诗选Selected poems of Bing Hua》(汉英双语)、《这就是爱》(This Is Love,2013)、《溪水边的玫瑰》(Roses By The Stream,2008,2019)(此诗集出版11年后,以汉英双语再版)。与翻译家诗人徐英才共同主编《世界抗疫诗精选》(2020)、《世界华人经典诗选》(2021)、《海外华人诗歌精选》(2021)。


2009年,获首届“梁祝杯”全球华语爱情诗文大赛金奖。 2011年,在第31届世界诗人大会获“相信爱情”/ Belief in Love金奖。2014年,2020年获The Pushcart Prize手推车奖提名。2016年,其诗《一个女孩》做为美国诗人被收入《最佳诗百科全书》(Best Poems Encyclopedia  )。2017年获“中国新归来诗人奖”等。2021年获国际汉诗交流奖,  2022年获伯兰世界诗词优秀作品奖等。其诗《一个女孩》做为美国诗人被收入《最佳诗百科全书》( Best Poems Encyclopedia)。

冰花 11-14-2020 09:23

冰花 (Bing Hua),曾用英文笔名Rose Lu。现为私人会计事务所的会计师。为美国华人诗学会副会长。《诗殿堂》诗刊内容总监。80年代开始诗歌创作,出版主要著作有诗集《冰花诗选》(Selected poems of Bing Hua,2019, 2020) (汉英双语,徐英才译),《这就是爱》(This Is Love, 2013),《溪水边的玫瑰》 (Roses By The Stream,2008, 2019) (2008出版,2019年以汉英双语再版,王大建译)等。与翻译家诗人徐英才共同主编《世界抗疫诗精选》(2020)、《世界华人经典诗选》(2021)、《海外华人诗歌精选》(2021)。其诗歌被翻成英、德、韩等多国文字。2009年,获首届“梁祝杯”全球华语爱情诗文大赛金奖。 2011年,在第31届世界诗人大会获“相信爱情”/ Belief in Love金奖。2014年,2020年获The Pushcart Prize手推车奖提名。2016年,其诗《一个女孩》做为美国诗人被收入《最佳诗百科全书》(Best Poems Encyclopedia)。2017年获“中国新归来诗人奖”等。2021年获国际汉诗交流奖,  2022年获伯兰世界诗词优秀作品奖等。其诗《一个女孩》做为美国诗人被收入《最佳诗百科全书》( Best Poems Encyclopedia)。冰花诗被称为“冰花体”,冰花被誉为“情诗皇后”。


Bing Hua

Bing Hua is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is an accountant for a private accounting firm in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall, and a member of the North American Chinese Writers Association. She began writing poetry during the 1980s. Her publications include Selected Poems of Bing Hua, a bilingual work in Chinese and English published in 2019, This is Love (2013), and Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019. She co-edited World Pandemic Poetry (2020),  Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry, Best Overseas Chinese Poetry (2021) with Yingcai Xu. Her poems have been translated into English, German and Korean. Two of her poems, “A Hand Fan” and “Neither out of Flighty or Levity” won the Belief in Love Golden Award in the 31st World Congress Poets Contest. “The Lotus Obsession” won the Butterfly Golden Award in the 1st World Chinese Language Love Poems Contest. Bing Hua won the Eastlit Nominated for The Pushcart Prize in 2014 —2020、 won the Chicago Academic Press Nominated for The Pushcart Prize in 2020. Her poem “A Girl” is included as an American poem in Best Poems Encyclopedia. She was judged an excellent poet by the Poetry Network  in 2016. Bing Hua won the China New Regression Poets award in 2017.She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”.

Bing Hua’s poetic philosophy is “to see the world with the eye of nature and to express the world with the poems of nature”.

冰花 12-31-2020 11:18
冰花,美籍华人诗人。英文笔名Bing Hua,曾用英文笔名Rose Lu。为美国私人会计事务所会计师。冰花是海外实力派诗人,为海外新移民诗人的领军人物。冰花还是中国新归来诗人、中国女子智灵性诗歌的代表诗人。冰花诗独特的自然、清新、真挚、哲思的风格被称为“冰花体”,冰花诗歌的影响力被文学评论家称为“冰花现象”,冰花被誉为“情诗皇后”、“诗坛玫瑰”、“情诗女圣”的等。
80年代开始在大学校园创作诗歌,并发表诗歌作品。后中断写作,网络时代重新回到诗歌创作。任美国华人诗学会副会长、汉英双语《诗殿堂》纸质诗刊内容总监。作品散见《中国日报》《侨报》《诗歌月刊》《名作欣赏》《诗殿堂》等,并被收入《新诗三百首》《当代精英诗人三百家》及多种年鉴和网刊等。出版主要著作有诗集February’s Rose(2022, in English translated by Xu Yingcai), 《冰花诗选》(Selected poems of Bing Hua) (汉英双语,2019年),《这就是爱》(This Is Love)(2013年),《溪水边的玫瑰》 (Roses By The Stream) (2008出版,2019年以汉英双语再版)等。与翻译家诗人徐英才共同主编《世界抗疫诗精选》(2020)、《世界华人经典诗选》(2021)、《海外华人诗歌精选》(2021)。
其诗歌被翻成英、德、日、韩等多国文字。其诗《双面扇》和《不是轻浮 不是漂》在第31届世界诗人大会获“相信爱情”/ Belief in Love金奖。《荷的心事》获首届“梁祝杯”全球华语爱情诗文大赛金奖。冰花2017年获“中国新归来诗人奖”等。其诗《一个女孩》做为美国诗人被收入《最佳诗百科全书》( Best Poems Encyclopedia)。其诗歌2015年、2020年获美国The Pushcart Prize手推车奖提名。冰花的诗多次被 Eastlit 东方杂志列入亚洲最受欢迎的名单。 

冰花 09-13-2021 18:00

冰花 (Bing Hua),曾用英文笔名Rose Lu, 冰花被誉为“情诗皇后”、“诗坛玫瑰”等。现为马里兰州私人会计事务所的会计师。为美国华人诗学会副会长,北美中文作家协会会员。《诗殿堂》诗刊内容总监。80年代开始诗歌创作,出版主要著作有诗集February’s Rose(2022, in English translated by Xu Yingcai), 《冰花诗选》(Selected poems of Bing Hua,2019, 2020) (汉英双语,徐英才译),《这就是爱》(This Is Love, 2013),《溪水边的玫瑰》 (Roses By The Stream,2008, 2019) (2008出版,2019年以汉英双语再版,王大建译)等。与翻译家诗人徐英才共同主编《世界抗疫诗精选》(2020)、《世界华人经典诗选》(2021)、《海外华人诗歌精选》(2021)。其诗歌被翻成英、德、韩等多国文字。2009年,获首届“梁祝杯”全球华语爱情诗文大赛金奖。 2011年,在第31届世界诗人大会获“相信爱情”/ Belief in Love金奖。2016年,其诗《一个女孩》做为美国诗人被收入《最佳诗百科全书》(Best Poems Encyclopedia)。2017年获“中国新归来诗人奖”等。2020年,获The Pushcart Prize手推车奖提名。冰花的诗被称为“冰花体”、“冰花现象”。


冰花 10-24-2021 09:33

冰花 , 本名鲁丽华。美籍华裔诗人。出版诗集《冰花诗选》(Selected Poems of Bing Hua) (汉英双语,徐英才译),《这就是爱》(This Is Love)(含藤蝉朗诵),《溪水边的玫瑰》 (Roses by the Stream) (2008出版,2019年以汉英双语再版,王大建译)等 。与徐英才共同主编《世界抗疫诗精选》(2020),《世界华人经典诗选》和《海外华人诗歌精选》(2021)等。

About Bing Hua

Bing Hua, born Lu Lihua, is a Chinese-American poet. Her poetry collections include Selected Poems of Bing Hua (2019, in English and Chinese, translated by Xu Yingcai), This Is Love (2013, with CD record of her poems read by Teng Chan), and Roses by the Stream (Chinese version first published in 2008; republished in both Chinese and English in 2019, translated by Wang Dajian). She co-edited World Pandemic Poetry (2020) ,Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry  , Best Overseas Chinese Poetry(2021)with Yingcai Xu.

冰花 10-30-2021 07:30
Bing Hua

       Bing Hua is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is an accountant in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall.  She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”. Her poems are so influential that they are considered “Bing Hua Phenomenon”.

       She began writing poetry during the 1980s. Her publications include Selected Poems of Bing Hua, a bilingual work in Chinese and English published in 2019/2020, This is Love (2013), and Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019. She co-edited World Pandemic Poetry (2020) ,Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry, and Best Overseas Chinese Poetry(2021)with Yingcai Xu. Her poems have been translated into English, German and Korean. Two of her poems, “A Hand Fan” and “Neither out of Flighty or Levity” won the Belief in Love Golden Award in the 31st World Congress Poets Contest. “The Lotus Obsession” won the Butterfly Golden Award in the 1st World Chinese Language Love Poems Contest. In 2016 she was judged an excellent poet by the Poetry Network. Bing Hua won the China New Regression Poets award in 2017.

       Bing Hua’s poetic philosophy is “to see the world with the eye of nature and to express the world with the poems of nature”.

冰花 11-06-2021 08:23

冰花 (Bing Hua),曾用英文笔名Rose Lu, 冰花被誉为“情诗皇后”、“诗坛玫瑰”等。冰花的诗被称为“冰花体”、“冰花现象”等等。冰花现为马里兰州私人会计事务所的会计师。为美国华人诗学会副会长。《诗殿堂》诗刊内容总监。80年代开始诗歌创作,出版主要著作有诗集February’s Rose(2022, in English translated by Xu Yingcai), 《冰花诗选》(Selected poems of Bing Hua, 2019) (汉英双语,徐英才译),《这就是爱》(This Is Love, 2013),《溪水边的玫瑰》 (Roses By The Stream,2008, 2019) (2008出版,2019年以汉英双语再版,王大建译)等。与翻译家诗人徐英才共同主编《世界华人经典诗选》(2021)、《海外华人诗歌精选》(2021)等。其诗歌被翻成英、德、日、韩等多国文字。2009年,获首届“梁祝杯”全球华语爱情诗文大赛金奖。 2011年,在第31届世界诗人大会获“相信爱情”/ Belief in Love金奖。2016年,其诗《一个女孩》做为美国诗人被收入《最佳诗百科全书》(Best Poems Encyclopedia)。2017年获“中国新归来诗人奖”等。


Bing Hua

       Bing Hua is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is an accountant in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall.  She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”. Her poems are so influential that they are considered “Bing Hua Phenomenon”.

       She began writing poetry during the 1980s. Her publications include Selected Poems of Bing Hua, a bilingual work in Chinese and English published in 2019/2020, This is Love (2013), and Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019. She co-edited Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry, Best Overseas Chinese Poetry(2021)with Yingcai Xu. Her poems have been translated into English, German, Japanese  and Korean. Two of her poems, “A Hand Fan” and “Neither out of Flighty or Levity” won the Belief in Love Golden Award in the 31st World Congress Poets Contest. “The Lotus Obsession” won the Butterfly Golden Award in the 1st World Chinese Language Love Poems Contest. In 2016 she was judged an excellent poet by the Poetry Network. Bing Hua won the China New Regression Poets award in 2017.

       Bing Hua’s poetic philosophy is “To see the world with the eye of nature and to express the world with the poems of nature”.

冰花 11-26-2021 17:59
About Bing Hua

Bing Hua, born Lu Lihua, is a Chinese-American poet. She is an accountant in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall.  She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”. Her poems are so influential that they are considered “Bing Hua Phenomenon”.  

Her poetry collections include February’s Rose(2022,in English  translated by Xu Yingcai), Selected Poems of Bing Hua (2019, in English and Chinese, translated by Xu Yingcai), This Is Love (2013, with CD record of her poems read by Teng Chan), and Roses by the Stream (Chinese version first published in 2008; republished in both Chinese and English in 2019, translated by Wang Dajian) . She co-edited Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry  , Best Overseas Chinese Poetry(2021)with Yingcai Xu.

冰花 12-01-2021 09:31
Bing Hua

       Bing Hua is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is an accountant in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall.  She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”. Her poems are so influential that they are considered “Bing Hua Phenomenon”.

       She began writing poetry during the 1980s. Her publications include February’s Rose(2022, in English, translated by Xu Yingcai), Selected Poems of Bing Hua ( 2019, a bilingual work in Chinese and English, translated by Xu Yingcai), This is Love (2013, in Chinese), and Roses by the Stream ( with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019, translated by Wang Dajian). She co-edited Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry , and Best Overseas Chinese Poetry(2021)with Yingcai Xu. Her poems have been translated into English, German, Japanese and Korean.

      Two of her poems, “A Hand Fan” and “Neither out of Flighty or Levity” won the Belief in Love Golden Award in the 31st World Congress Poets Contest. “The Lotus Obsession” won the Butterfly Golden Award in the 1st World Chinese Language Love Poems Contest. In 2016 she was judged an excellent poet by the Poetry Network. Bing Hua won the China New Regression Poets award in 2017.

冰花 05-11-2022 05:52
       Bing Hua (冰花) is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is a Chinese-American poet. She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”.Her poems are so influential that they are considered “Bing Hua Phenomenon”.  She is an accountant in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall. 

       She began writing poetry during the 1980s. Her publications include February’s Rose(2022, in English, translated by Xu Yingcai), Selected Poems of Bing Hua ( 2019, a bilingual work in Chinese and English, translated by Xu Yingcai), This is Love (2013, in Chinese), and Roses by the Stream ( with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019, translated by Wang Dajian). She co-edited Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry , and Best Overseas Chinese Poetry(2021)with Yingcai Xu. Her poems have been translated into English, German, Japanese and Korean.

      Two of her poems, “A Hand Fan” and “Neither out of Flighty or Levity” won the Belief in Love Golden Award in the 31st World Congress Poets Contest. “The Lotus Obsession” won the Butterfly Golden Award in the 1st World Chinese Language Love Poems Contest. In 2016 she was judged an excellent poet by the Poetry Network. Bing Hua won the China New Regression Poets award in 2017.


Her poetry:

1. February’s Rose (Finishing Line Press ,2021/2022) in English , translator by Yingcai Xu.
2. Selected Poems of Bing Hua, a bilingual work in Chinese and English published in 2019 and 2020,translator by Yingcai Xu.
3. Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019,translator by Wang Dajian.
4. This is Love, in Chinese published in 2013.
5. Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008.

Co-edited poetry:

6. Penetrating Time and Space——A Poetry Group of William Marr,in Chinese published in 2022 (co-edited with Xiaohong).
7. Best Overseas Chinese Poetry,in Chinese published in 2021 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).
8. Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry,in Chinese published in 2021 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).
9. World Pandemic Poetry, in Chinese published in 2020 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).


February’s Rose (Finishing Line Press ,2021/2022) :https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/februarys-rose-by-bing-hua-translator-yingcai-xu/
Rose Lu, https://scarletzine.com/rose-lu/
Rose Lu – Three Poems, https://www.eastlit.com/eastlit-july-2013/eastlit-july-2013-content/rose-lu-three-poems/
The Price of a Word, https://guwahatian.guwahaticity.in/Vol3_Issue2/WordsinRhyme_article1
A Poem by Rose Lu, http://www.pyrokinection.com/2014/10/a-poem-by-rose-lu.html
The Hint Of June by Bing Hua Rose Lu, https://www.ilovepoems.net/poem/the-hint-of-june-by-bing-hua-rose-lu/
Rose Lu, http://www.poetrysky.com/quarterly/51/binghua.html

冰花 05-11-2022 06:45
Bing Hua's publications

1. February’s Rose (Finishing Line Press ,2021/2022) in English , translator by Yingcai Xu.
2. Selected Poems of Bing Hua, a bilingual work in Chinese and English published in 2019 and 2020,translator by Yingcai Xu.
3. Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019,translator by Wang Dajian.
4. This is Love, in Chinese published in 2013.

5. Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008.

6. Penetrating Time and Space——A Poetry Group of William Marr,in Chinese published in 2022 (co-edited with Xiaohong).
7. Best Overseas Chinese Poetry,in Chinese published in 2021 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).
8. Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry,in Chinese published in 2021 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).

9. World Pandemic Poetry, in Chinese published in 2020 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).


冰花 05-11-2022 09:28
Bing Hua's biography

       Bing Hua (冰花) is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is a Chinese-American poet. She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”. Her poems are so influential that they are considered “Bing Hua Phenomenon”.  She is an accountant in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall.

       She began writing poetry during the 1980s. Her publications include February’s Rose(2022, in English, translated by Xu Yingcai), Selected Poems of Bing Hua ( 2019, a bilingual work in Chinese and English, translated by Xu Yingcai), This is Love (2013, in Chinese), and Roses by the Stream ( with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019, translated by Wang Dajian). She co-edited Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry , and Best Overseas Chinese Poetry(2021)with Yingcai Xu. She co-edited Penetrating Time and Space——A Poetry Group of William Marr in Chinese published in 2022  with Xiaohong. Her poems have been translated into English, German, Japanese and Korean.

      Two of her poems, “A Hand Fan” and “Neither out of Flighty or Levity” won the Belief in Love Golden Award in the 31st World Congress Poets Contest. “The Lotus Obsession” won the Butterfly Golden Award in the 1st World Chinese Language Love Poems Contest. In 2016 she was judged an excellent poet by the Poetry Network. Bing Hua won the China New Regression Poets award in 2017, and won the International Chinese Poetry Exchange Award in 2022.

Her poetry:

1. February’s Rose (Finishing Line Press ,2021/2022) in English , translator by Yingcai Xu.
2. Selected Poems of Bing Hua, a bilingual work in Chinese and English published in 2019 and 2020,translator by Yingcai Xu.
3. Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019,translator by Wang Dajian.
4. This is Love, in Chinese published in 2013.
5. Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008.

Co-edited poetry:

6. Penetrating Time and Space——A Poetry Group of William Marr,in Chinese published in 2022 (co-edited with Xiaohong).
7. Best Overseas Chinese Poetry,in Chinese published in 2021 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).
8. Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry,in Chinese published in 2021 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).
9. World Pandemic Poetry, in Chinese published in 2020 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).


February’s Rose (Finishing Line Press ,2021/2022) :https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/februarys-rose-by-bing-hua-translator-yingcai-xu/
Rose Lu, https://scarletzine.com/rose-lu/
Rose Lu – Three Poems, https://www.eastlit.com/eastlit-july-2013/eastlit-july-2013-content/rose-lu-three-poems/
The Price of a Word, https://guwahatian.guwahaticity.in/Vol3_Issue2/WordsinRhyme_article1
A Poem by Rose Lu, http://www.pyrokinection.com/2014/10/a-poem-by-rose-lu.html
The Hint Of June by Bing Hua Rose Lu, https://www.ilovepoems.net/poem/the-hint-of-june-by-bing-hua-rose-lu/
Rose Lu, http://www.poetrysky.com/quarterly/51/binghua.html

Links of Bing Hua's publications

1. February’s Rose (Finishing Line Press ,2021/2022) in English , translator by Yingcai Xu.
2. Selected Poems of Bing Hua, a bilingual work in Chinese and English published in 2019 and 2020,translator by Yingcai Xu.
3. Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019,translator by Wang Dajian.
4. This is Love, in Chinese published in 2013.

5. Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008.

6. Penetrating Time and Space——A Poetry Group of William Marr,in Chinese published in 2022 (co-edited with Xiaohong).
7. Best Overseas Chinese Poetry,in Chinese published in 2021 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).
8. Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry,in Chinese published in 2021 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).

9. World Pandemic Poetry, in Chinese published in 2020 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).


冰花 05-11-2022 10:31

冰花 05-21-2022 10:33

冰花 06-11-2022 10:15


冰花 08-30-2022 09:11

冰花 09-07-2022 08:05

冰花 , 美籍华裔诗人。出版诗集February’s Rose (2022, in English , translated by Xu Yingcai),《冰花诗选》(Selected Poems of Bing Hua) (汉英双语,徐英才译),《这就是爱》(This Is Love)(含藤蝉朗诵),《溪水边的玫瑰》 (Roses by the Stream) (2008出版,2019年以汉英双语再版,王大建译)等 。与徐英才共同主编《世界抗疫诗精选》(2020),《世界华人经典诗选》和《海外华人诗歌精选》(2021)等。

About Bing Hua

Bing Hua, born Lu Lihua, is a Chinese-American poet. Her poetry collections include February’s Rose ( 2022, in English , translated by Xu Yingcai), Selected Poems of Bing Hua (2019, in English and Chinese, translated by Xu Yingcai), This Is Love (2013, with CD record of her poems read by Teng Chan), and Roses by the Stream (Chinese version first published in 2008; republished in both Chinese and English in 2019, translated by Wang Dajian). She co-edited World Pandemic Poetry (2020) ,Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry  , Best Overseas Chinese Poetry(2021)with Yingcai Xu.

冰花 11-14-2022 16:54

冰花 11-14-2022 17:26

1)    February’s Rose(2022, in English translated by Xu Yingcai)
2)    《冰花诗选》(Selected poems of Bing Hua, 2019) (汉英双语,徐英才译)
3)    《这就是爱》(This Is Love, 2013)
4)    《溪水边的玫瑰》(Roses By The Stream, 2008出版)
5)    《溪水边的玫瑰》(Roses By The Stream, 2019年以汉英双语再版,王大建译)
6)    《世界抗疫诗精选》(World Pandemic Poetry, 2020)与徐英才共同主编
7)    《世界华人经典诗选》(Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry, 2021)与徐英才共同主编
8)    《海外华人诗歌精选》(Best Overseas Chinese Poetry, 2021)与徐英才共同主编
9)    《穿越时空-非马师徒12诗家》(Penetrating Time and Space——A Poetry Group of William Marr, 2022) 与笑虹共同主编

冰花 02-07-2023 07:21

冰花 02-09-2023 07:00

冰花 09-07-2023 09:40
Best Poems Encyclopedia,
World Pandemic Poetry,
Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry,
Best Overseas Chinese Poetry, etc

冰花 10-10-2023 08:01
冰花, 美籍华语诗人。本名鲁丽华,被誉为“情诗皇后”等。


        年度      书名                                                                                                       出版社
1)  2022    February’s Rose, in English translated by Xu Yingcai,                          Finishing Line Press
2)    2019    《冰花诗选》(Selected poems of Bing Hua) (汉英双语,徐英才译) Chicago Academic Press
3)    2013    《这就是爱》(This Is Love, 2013) 含藤蝉朗诵CD)                           中国科学文化音像出版社有限公司
4)    2008    《溪水边的玫瑰》(Roses By The Stream)                                                     世界中文出版社
5)    2019    《溪水边的玫瑰》(Roses By The Stream, 汉英双语再版,王大建译)   Chicago Academic Press
6)    2020 《世界抗疫诗精选》(World Pandemic Poetry)与徐英才共同主编          Chicago Academic Press
7)    2021 《世界华人经典诗选》(Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry)与徐英才共同主编  Chicago Academic Press
8)    2021 《海外华人诗歌精选》(Best Overseas Chinese Poetry)与徐英才共同主编                     Chicago Academic Press
9)   2022《穿越时空-非马师徒12诗家》( Penetrating Time and Space——A Poetry Group of William Marr, 2022) 与笑虹共同主编  华盛顿作家出版社

冰花 10-10-2023 08:32
    冰花, 美籍华语诗人。本名鲁丽华,被誉为“情诗皇后”等。    
年度    专著书名         出版社
   2008       《溪水边的玫瑰》(Roses By The Stream)                                                  世界中文出版社
2013        《这就是爱》(This Is Love, 2013) 含藤蝉朗诵CD)     中国科学文化音像出版社有限公司
 2019    《溪水边的玫瑰》(Roses By The Stream, 汉英双语再版,王大建译)   Chicago Academic Press    《溪水边的玫瑰》(Roses By The Stream), 汉英双语再版,王大建译)     Chicago Academic Press
2019     《冰花诗选》(Selected poems of Bing Hua) (汉英双语,徐英才译)      Chicago Academic Press
   2022    February’s Rose, in English translated by Xu Yingcai     Finishing Line Press
年度    合著书名         出版社
2020    《世界抗疫诗精选》(World Pandemic Poetry)与徐英才共同主编          Chicago Academic Press
2021    《世界华人经典诗选》(Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry)与徐英才共同主编       Chicago Academic Press
2021    《海外华人诗歌精选》(Best Overseas Chinese Poetry)与徐英才共同主编          Chicago Academic Press
2022    《穿越时空-非马师徒12诗家》(Penetrating Time and Space——A Poetry Group of William Marr) 与笑虹共同主编     华盛顿作家出版社

冰花 04-06-2024 09:33
Bing Hua, born Lu Lihua, is a Chinese-American poet.  She has been called “The Queen of Love Poetry.”  Her poetry collections include February’s Rose (2022, in English translation by Xu Yingcai ), Selected Poems of Bing Hua (2019, in English and Chinese translation by Xu Yingcai), This Is Love (2013), and Roses by the Stream (Chinese version first published in 2008; republished in both Chinese and English in 2019 in translation by Wang Dajian).  As co-editor her volumes include Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry and Best Overseas Chinese Poetry.

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