恭喜六,偶们国家每年能有人在《柳叶刀》发表文章的,不超过一巴掌吧。 z=
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下面这段是介绍六六的:高居前三甲的中国女性作家,作品影响力广泛并且拥有广大的读者群。尤其是小说《蜗居》,深刻描述了中国青年一代在社会城市化进程中的曲折生活。随后根据这部小说改编的电视剧,在较长时间内热播。电视剧《心术》也是由小说改变的,去年十一月开机,由于六六本人感觉剧本还不够尽善尽美,2周后暂停拍摄,今年电视剧改编版应该会与大家见面。(汗,意译啊,大家将就看,偶英翻中很水的,8过中翻英更水~~~) ^aZAw%K
Liuliu is now ranked as one of the top three female writers in Chinese history. Her books have all proved to be popular and have reached a wide audience, especially Wo Ju (Dwelling Narrowness), which exposed the tortuous lifestyle for China's younger generation under the current astronomical urban property expansion. Later, the novel was adapted into a television series and became a national hot topic for quite some time. Similarly, a television adaptation of Xin Shu started shooting last November, but was suddenly suspended by Liuliu after 2 weeks, because she was reported to be unsatisfied with the script.