真不巧, 这几天新加坡有烟霾, 为2006年以来最严重的一次. MwAJ(
那天一看窗外, 灰蒙蒙的, 心想, 难道一夜之间回到了冬天的北京? 只可惜好几天了也没等来雪. `%=<R-/#7S
刚才看了一眼, 楼下的几个泳池似乎不像平时那么清澈碧蓝, 有点儿泛黄. ^C7C$TZS
据说马来西亚已有200多所学校停课. J{tVa(.
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Singapore h/K@IAd
Health concerns due to haze W5Zqgsy($F
Created: October 21, 2010 05:12 GMT }Eh*xOta
Updated: October 21, 2010 15:03 GMT #9:2s$O[x
A layer of smog is visible over parts of Singapore. Fires in Sumatra, Indonesia have caused air pollutants to rise to unhealthy levels. Singapore's Pollutions Standard Index (PSI) is at moderate levels, but they are the highest seen there since 2006. The air quality is expected to further decline if southwesterly winds persist. Kam]Mn'
Health officials are constantly monitoring the air quality. They have urged people, particularly those suffering from respiratory and heart conditions, to exercise caution. #wjH4DT
Singapore periodically experiences haze caused by land and forest fires in Indonesia. These usually occur between May and October. mxp Y&Y
Health Implications Ly>OLI0x_
Generally, haze causes minor, acute health problems such as eye and nasal irritation and cough. Other symptoms include headache, nausea and vomiting. Haze can also exacerbate chronic heart conditions and existing respiratory problems, like asthma and emphysema. Other respiratory problems, such as sinusitis and bronchitis, may increase. :u/mTZDi
Haze may have a greater impact on the health of children, pregnant women and elderly people. Certain people, for reasons as yet unknown, are particularly sensitive to ozone even without any underlying risk factors. Long-term exposure to pollution can result in reduced lung function, particularly in children. PS@ *qTin
International SOS Comment b#a@rh
Travel to Singapore can proceed. People in affected areas should take measures to reduce their exposure to the air pollution. This is particularly important for anyone with underlying heart or lung conditions. qfrNi1\9-
• Minimize time outdoors. 1
• Consider wearing a mask while outdoors. N95 respirators are more effective than other types of masks and will provide some protection against inhaling small particles, though they do not protect against noxious gases. People with underlying health problems should consult their doctor before using a mask. /2XW
• Reduce physical exertion. `WnQ
• Keep windows and doors closed. =9$mbn
• Use an air conditioner (in ‘recirculate’ mode) or an air purifier if available. .6m_>Y6
In addition: cDeZMsV
• Carry all medication needed on a routine or situational basis, such as inhalers. 9Ejyg*
• Use saline eye drops regularly to minimize irritation. They are available from pharmacies without a prescription. iSiDSeW8
• Consult your medical practitioner if you experience symptoms. ,E}$[mHyjz
For more information: /_*>d)
• Consult the Travel Advice article "Air Quality" on International SOS Country Guides. J +q|$K6
• See the Singapore National Environment Agency website. "hPCQp`Tj
• Contact any International SOS Alarm Center. :YNp8!?T?