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主题 : 一位网友写给CNN的信,关于CHO的....
茶杯 离线
级别: 军区司令员
楼主  发表于: 2007-04-20   


I think she made a point so clear !!!! Adrmiring.................................

Dear Editor:

I am deeply bothered and troubled by your reports on
Virginia Tech Rampage. Those reports are very useful
in detailing each development in the after mass of
this brutal massacre and sharing information with
readers around the world. However, the reports
certainly put too much attention on Cho's nationality.
The reports were full of an Asian face at the
beginning of this event and the Asian face later
became a 23-year-old South Korean Cho Seung-hui's. I
wonder why it is not just 23-year-old Cho Seung-hui
or 23-year-old student Cho Seung-hui just like many
college or high school shooters were described? Why,
in this deadly, or to be precise, the deadliest
college shooting case, is the nationality so critical
that you have to single it out and point it out
specifically, again and again, a resident alien from
South Korean, a boy who immigrated from South Korean
to US at age of 8, or mostly 23-year-old South Korean
Cho Seung-hui?

Have you ever seen any report about the Columbine
shooting which identified two 15-year-old Caucasian US
citizens Eric and Dylan?

Cho came to this country as an eight year old boy, and
he grew up in this country from a young boy to a young
man. He went to a US elementary school, graduated from
a US high school and then was educated at a US
college. Why is it so important in your reports to say
South Korean Cho? If his parents or he had chosen, he
would have been a US citizen. Would it have made any
difference in this case as a resident alien or a US

No! No! No!

Look at the list of bloody college shootings which is
hyperlinked below. Those merciless killers emerged
from different backgrounds and had different skin
colors. All those killers had one thing in common:
they were described as "loners". It doesn't matter if
they are white or black, Asian or American, born US
citizen or immigrant, or legally or illegally
immigrated. They all were mentally troubled people
(at least for those college shooters), they lost
control at some point of their lives, and they went
from somewhat educated people to brutal killers (many
of them took their own lives too).

How important is it to you, and to your audience,
that South Korean Cho went to kill, not American Cho
to kill? What's the motivation behind identifying "23-
year-old student Cho" as "23-year-old South Korean

I am so sorry that such a campus rampage happened and
so many innocent people died for nothing but a
mentally unstable young man. May all of them rest in
peace. As Virginia Tech professor Nikki Giovanni
said " We will prevail" and we should prevail, but
don't lose yourself in the shock, sorrow, and pain
when facing and reporting this most deadliest college
shooting massacre. Don't ever imply that South Korean
Cho is fundamentally different from Columbine killers
Caucasian US citizens Eric and Dylan. You know they
had one thing in common: "me" against the whole world.
Not "me" against US or South Korean. Or "a South
Korean" against US. Or "South Korean" against the

Best regards,







username 离线
级别: 军区司令员
沙发  发表于: 2007-04-20   
我感觉上韩国媒体希望Cho的父母自杀谢世, CNN这样的媒体我感觉还好啦
茶杯 离线
级别: 军区司令员
板凳  发表于: 2007-04-20   
其实他们也未必就是有意的想要歧视,但是这么强调种族确实是不太合适的. 我非常同意这个网友的观点.

其实当我听到说CHO的父母自杀时,我是能理解的.如果是我的孩子做下这种事,我只怕也只有一死以赎这万死也赎不回来的罪孽了. 因为我的孩子,让这么多无辜的父母失去了孩子,我觉得就算是不死,也良心难安了. 我说这话不是觉得他们该死,其实他们就算是自杀了也于事无补. 这其实是跟天灾差不多的. 如果被我摊上这种事, 我也没办法,只有认命,不会去怪他父母没教育好他,对他关心不够. 但如果是我的孩子做出这样的事,我肯定会比死还难受,还不如死了. 省得内疚一辈子.
jasmine 离线
级别: 论坛版主
地板  发表于: 2007-04-20   
I agree...   
很报歉, 我因为基本不用 “好友” 功能, 又不想引起误会, 所以把所有的 existing  好友都删了。 如果有事, 请短信我, 谢谢。
Ling1984 离线
级别: 论坛版主

地下室  发表于: 2007-04-20   
CHO 的父母自杀的消息是误传   相反的美国相关单位还加派人力保护他们的人身安全
一直以来就觉得在美国真正的种族融合是一项遥不可及的梦想   黑 美 印第安 在美国过了两百年
还是表面的融合  在关键时刻  隐性的隔阂还是会浮出水面   不过  在防制种族歧视的客题上
美国的确是有作过努力的   意识形态的对立向来就不容易消弭 这在任何国家都是一样的
CNN 在报导上是有修正的空间  但我不认为他们有挑唆亚裔的意念

另外  也许我在美国的时间久些  在工作过的公司从没有自己身为亚裔有任何被亏待歧视的感觉 
不过有一点我是知道的   美国人对于绿卡持有者和归化的美国公民观感还是不同的
已归化的美国人是权利义务综合体  是宣誓过要以对美国的效忠为首  不论是真心还是假意
我想这也是CNN会把CHO的原韩籍加在报导中  这只是我的观感分享  不论是非对错或动机

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